Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Focus on Jerusalem Commentary on Current Events

Dynamics of the Israel and Iran Wars

FOJ: If Israel does indeed proceed to wipe out Iran’s nuclear capabilities, as payback for Iran’s recent missile attacks; the following scenarios could actually occur: 

(1) Israel could, at long last, find itself as a nation dwelling safely within its own secured borders. (Ezekiel 38:8)

(2) A Middle East peace & safety environment could be more easily fabricated; with the radical Iranian proxy threat checkmated. (IIThess. 5:3)  

(3) Israel and the Arab nations would then be easily inclined to enact the Abrahamic Accords, with UN backing; which thereby could qualify as the “Confirmation of the Land Covenant,” provided the volatile Temple Mount issue is resolved between them. (Daniel 9:27) 

4) A Global government could rapidly emerge under the authority of the Ten Kings, who then could finally exalt the Antichrist! (Revelation 17:12-13)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

How Can We Know We Are Living in the Last Days?

How Do We Know it is the Last Days?

FOJ: How do we know that we are not only living in the Last Days; but literally living on the threshold of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation?

(1) Israel is reconstituted as a nation after a 2000 year absence. Their return signals that God is bringing things to a climax!

(2) Israel has been recovered now for 76 years, a length of time which points to the maturing of the prophetic Fig Tree analogy, and the time of Jacobs Trouble. (Matt 24:32)

(3) The city of Jerusalem has become the epicenter of the worlds anxiety. (Zech 12:1-3)

(4) The worldly tension over Israel and Jerusalem has compelled the world to impose a Partitioning of the Promised Land in search of regional peace! (Joel 3:2)

(5) The political philosophy of Globalism is giving rise to a New Global Order of Unity under Ten Kings. (Rev 17:12-13) 

(6) The security distress of the nations over the threat posed by nuclear weapons has reached a point of non sustainability. (Luke 21:25)

(7) The ever expanding euphoria of the phenomena presented by the modern UFO / alien / AI 

technology post rapture “strong delusion” potential. (II Thess


(8) The rise of modernism within the Church conjoined with a departure from sound Biblical doctrine. (II Tim 4:3) 

(9) The exponential increase of social lawlessness, chaos and immorality; all of which are producing Perilous Days!

(II Tim 3:1) 

(10) The explosive threat that is presented by Iran and its terror proxies! (Ezek 38)

(11) The geopolitical motives of Russia with Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey as opposing the US and Israel. (Ezek 38)

(12) The rise of China as a superpower with ambitions to displace America’s status in the world economically and militarily!

(Rev 16:12)

(13) The rise of  the Islamic SWORD of terrorism. (Jer 25)

(14) The imminent Burden of the Damascus Judgment.

(Isa 17:1 and Jer 49:24-25)

(15) The pending Judgment of Gaza! (Zech 9)

(16) The Controversy of Zion.

(Isa 34:2-8)

(17) The coming Battle over Jerusalem! (Jer 25:29) 

(18) The Lords controversy with the Nations! (Jer 25:31)

(19) Americas possible involvement at Armageddon. (Jer 25:32-33)

(20) Antisemitism and The Hatred of Israel. (Mark 13:13)

Focus on Jerusalem 

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

Waiting is hard. It is never fun to have to wait. Yet the Bible often advises us to Wait upon the Lord. 

So, how am I supposed to WAIT upon the Lord; when I need help? 

(Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; and shall mount up with wings as eagles) 

If you follow the following steps, the Waiting Game will seemingly pass very quickly. Furthermore, these steps will strengthen you mightily while will you wait.

A-Slow your life down; be still;

B-Get yourself alone and quiet; 

C-Pray to God incessantly;

D-Dig very deeply into His Word! 

Place all your expectations in him, and, The Waiting will be Worth it!

Psalms 62:5 My soul, wait thou only upon God; for “my expectation is from him.”

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Greatest Question

The Greatest Question

If God knows everything, as the Bible indicates, then why does God ask questions in the Bible? 

God asks us questions, not because he lacks knowledge; but rather to see if we will respond to him honestly & truthfully with our answers!

Without the personal mutual understanding of the truth, there can be no hope for any resolutions!

When God asks us questions, be assured he already knows the truth! 

So when God asks questions, it is a test to see if we are going to admit and submit to the truth, or if we are going to practice personal falsehood and follow the Father of Lies.

It’s the greatest Question of Life!

Focus on the Bible

Darrell G. Young

Saturday, December 23, 2023

What Makes A Merry Christmas

What is a Merry Christmas?

Jesus was foreordained before the creation to be born into this world as a baby to become the Lamb of God and the Savior of man. 

God had instituted the sacrifice of lambs among mankind as a means of symbolizing the ultimate atonement of sin.

God promised Abraham that He would provide a lamb of his own 2,000 years before Jesus was actually born.

(Genesis 22:8 My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:) 

(Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem those under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.) 

Jesus, even before his crucifixion, unequivocally stated that it was for this purpose that he had come into the world. 

(John 12:37 for this cause came I unto this hour.) 

Jesus came to offer redemption to each of us! He overcame sin and the world. 

The word Redemption means to restore goodness; or to provide compensation for something that lies at the fault for the loss of our goodness! 

Jesus came as the Lamb of God: as a precious Gift from God, to offer him as the payment price of sin!

It’s the amazing free Gift of God! It is offered to You! 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

FOJ End Times Alert

The Signs of the Season of the Lords Return

FOJ Analysis: God has left us plenty of information about the “Season” of the Lord’s Coming & the Rapture! 

He has kept the exact time of his return a secret; for a reason; but he has pointed to a “Season of Signs”! 

What constitutes a Season of Time and how long might such a Season last?

The word “Season” in the Bible usually refers to an appointed time, or at the proper time, or even a Set Time! (See Psalms 102:13)

A “Season of Time” in Bible prophecy is a span of earthly years in which Almighty God transitions his providential plans from one purpose to another. 

A “Season of Time” in Bible prophecy is predetermined by God and can last for several centuries or as in the case for the Signs of the Last Days, (a span of time that is more concise as compared to a Dispensation of time) can transpire over several decades!

The “Signs of the Season” of the Lords return have been unfolding for 100 years or more now and are today exponentially quickening by with each passing year! These particular signs involve a “confluence” of worldly events that the Lord described as happening n the days culminating in his return!

In fact, there are now very few “Seasonal Signs” left in Bible prophecy today for them to process themselves out in our world. 

Most of the Seasonal Signs are already in place! And as usual; the nation of Israel is the key to the Seasonal Signs! 

Jesus is Coming; and He is coming very Soon! That is a provable Fact! 

(I usually provide a list of 25 Biblical supports for this analysis; in my FOJ speaking engagements)

My personal spiritual radar for the Rapture is already flashing a bright RED ALERT!

Are YOU ready?

(Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.)

Focus on Jerusalem

Darrell G. Young

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Ezekiel 38 Commentary

Ezekiel 38 Commentary

FOJ Analysis: Could it be that the Ezekiel 38 war involving Russia and Persia (Iran) is about to happen? 

Yes; It is becoming a very real possibility and now more than ever looms as a deadly concern! 

Prophecy Scholars differ as to the timing of the Russia/Magog invasion of Israel. Some tend to prefer a pre tribulation scenario and still others specify a post Rapture and late Tribulation scenario for the Ezekiel 37 war. 

Personally; I am convinced that Ezekiel’s Russian led invasion will occur after the mid Tribulation events; as Russia and Iran will invest themselves in an all out war on Israel; after the Antichrist confirms the land covenant with Israel and her many Arab neighbors! (Dan 9:27)

Ezekiel 38:18-19 holds the key as to my reasoning for placing the timing of Russia’s invasion on Israel during the Armageddon scenario.

“And it shall come to pass at the “same time” when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that “my fury” shall come up in my face.

19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

Russia is aligned very closely with Iran & the other nations noted in Ezekiel’s prophecy right now! So the time is near.

Russia is also very heavily involved in Syria, wherein the city of Damascus is involved in a cataclysmic prophecy! Russia has lately taken the side of Hamas against Israel in the current Gaza war!

I am convinced that the “last phase” of the Psalms 83 type wars against Israel are being played out right now; which in all likelihood will end with Damascus being destroyed.

The ancient prophecies of Ezekiel foretell that Russia will be instrumental as an enabling agent of Iran’s covert pursuit of nuclear technology and also in its terrorist adventures against Israel! 

Ezekiel 38:7 Be thou (Russia) prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company (Iran, Turkey, etc.) that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a GUARD unto them.

Focus on Jerusalem

by: Darrell G. Young

November 15, 2023