Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Reality of Hell
by: Darrell G. Young
Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry

   The belief in a literal Hell is totally out of vogue in today’s modern world, both philosophically and theologically. Recently, Pope Francis suggested that there is no such place as Hell. Also, a careful review of many Modern Bible translations reveal that the word Hell has been all but expunged, in favor of a more modest Purgatory type of holding place for the departed dead. We no longer hear the old fashioned “Hell fire” sermons either! Whatever happened to Hell? Is it a real place or not? This is after-all a very serious matter! Its more than just life and death; "its eternal life and eternal death"!

   Well, Jesus talked a lot about Hell during his brief ministry on this Earth. He was quite adamant and descriptive of the reality of that place too! But by far the most convincing detail, for me at least, of the evidence of a literal fire and burning brimstone torment place called Sheol / Hades / Hell is the following:

“If there really is no such place as Hell, then the Almighty & all-knowing God really bungled it when he sent his only begotten Son to this world to die a horrible an ignominious death to save people from perishing in Hell; if there was no such place as Hell to be saved from!” 

   As for me, I think that God knew best, when he sent Jesus on his first mission to this world! Therefore, I have chosen to bank on the Biblical fact that there is a Hell to be shunned, and also (thank God) a Heaven to be gained!
How can a Loving God Send anyone to Hell? 
by: Darrell G. Young
Focus On Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry

   How can a Loving God Send anyone to Hell? We hear this challenging question to God's very nature all the time. But in reality, this very question in and of itself is a subtle trick question, designed to challenge God's very nature and authority.

   A better question appropriately asked would be as follows, “If God is LOVE, then why do some people go to hell? Our modern pop culture defines a “loving God” as a completely non-confrontational being who tolerates anything we want to do. But that is not the biblical reality about God as revealed in the Bible. Logic would suggest that, If God is love, then He cannot be at the same time unloving.
The first fallacy in this question is, “Is the idea of allowing people to go to hell an unloving act on God’s part.” If we humans decide that God is wrong to allow unrepentant sinners to pay their penalty for sin, then we claim that we are more loving than God is.

  The 2nd fallacy presented by this trick question concerns the word “Send,” which denotes an action only on  the part of the sender. This understanding of the word send cannot be applied because God has given human beings freedom to make their own life choices. We all have a choice and each makes his own life decisions.

   The way this question is worded implies that, if anyone goes to hell, it is the result of God’s unilateral action alone, & the person being sent to hell is just a passive victim, with no options!
But God has given us options! It is called Grace! God gave us the freedom to choose how we respond to Him. To give us no option but obedience would be a violation of our free will. God loves everyone, but he will never force anyone to love him back. True Love is only love when it is totally voluntary, and freely returned. Therefore, we cannot love God unless we have the option of not loving Him. 

   God is not some bloodthirsty evil tyrant seeking to Send as many people as he possibly can to Hell. In fact, God loves us so much he has done everything in the world he can possibly do to prevent anyone from ever going to Hell. He became one of us, and paid the ultimate price of Love, by allowing evil to crucify him on a Cross in the greatest act of Love ever demonstrated in this world! And he did it, so that nobody need ever be SENT to Hell. 

   So, why would a Loving God Send anybody to Hell? The truth is; He doesn't; those who go to Hell reject his Love and Seal their own destination to that awful place!