There are Two Ways to Live and Two Ways to Die!
There are Two Ways to live! One way is to live a life that is fully pleasing and Right before the Lord!
The other way is to live a life that is seemingly right to man.
(Proverbs 16:25 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.)
There are also Two Ways to Die. One way is a way that offers Hope! The other way is a way that offers No Hope!
The Way of Hope is Jesus! He offers you the hope of Heaven & the Hope of Eternal Life! Faith in him turns your Hope into an absolute Assurance!
The Way of Man (your own way) offers you NO HOPE! No hope of heaven, no hope of eternal life, and with the risk that there really is a Hell to shun!
And if there is a Hell to shun; your choice in life and death is really a gamble that there is no Heaven to gain!
How do you want to live? How do you want to die? Do you want to live life possessing a lively Hope or do you really want to risk dying without Hope?
Romans 8:24 For we are saved by Hope: (faith in Jesus)
Author: Darrell G Young
Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry & Focus on the Bible