Saturday, March 23, 2024

How Can We Know We Are Living in the Last Days?

How Do We Know it is the Last Days?

FOJ: How do we know that we are not only living in the Last Days; but literally living on the threshold of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation?

(1) Israel is reconstituted as a nation after a 2000 year absence. Their return signals that God is bringing things to a climax!

(2) Israel has been recovered now for 76 years, a length of time which points to the maturing of the prophetic Fig Tree analogy, and the time of Jacobs Trouble. (Matt 24:32)

(3) The city of Jerusalem has become the epicenter of the worlds anxiety. (Zech 12:1-3)

(4) The worldly tension over Israel and Jerusalem has compelled the world to impose a Partitioning of the Promised Land in search of regional peace! (Joel 3:2)

(5) The political philosophy of Globalism is giving rise to a New Global Order of Unity under Ten Kings. (Rev 17:12-13) 

(6) The security distress of the nations over the threat posed by nuclear weapons has reached a point of non sustainability. (Luke 21:25)

(7) The ever expanding euphoria of the phenomena presented by the modern UFO / alien / AI 

technology post rapture “strong delusion” potential. (II Thess


(8) The rise of modernism within the Church conjoined with a departure from sound Biblical doctrine. (II Tim 4:3) 

(9) The exponential increase of social lawlessness, chaos and immorality; all of which are producing Perilous Days!

(II Tim 3:1) 

(10) The explosive threat that is presented by Iran and its terror proxies! (Ezek 38)

(11) The geopolitical motives of Russia with Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey as opposing the US and Israel. (Ezek 38)

(12) The rise of China as a superpower with ambitions to displace America’s status in the world economically and militarily!

(Rev 16:12)

(13) The rise of  the Islamic SWORD of terrorism. (Jer 25)

(14) The imminent Burden of the Damascus Judgment.

(Isa 17:1 and Jer 49:24-25)

(15) The pending Judgment of Gaza! (Zech 9)

(16) The Controversy of Zion.

(Isa 34:2-8)

(17) The coming Battle over Jerusalem! (Jer 25:29) 

(18) The Lords controversy with the Nations! (Jer 25:31)

(19) Americas possible involvement at Armageddon. (Jer 25:32-33)

(20) Antisemitism and The Hatred of Israel. (Mark 13:13)

Focus on Jerusalem