Friday, October 18, 2024

Be Not Terrified

When They Try to Terrify You; Be Not Terrified

In his speech to his Disciples before going to the Cross; Jesus delivered a lot of info about the troubles that Israel would face in the Last days. One particular item that Jesus mentioned concerned the issue of Terrorism! 

Luke 21:9 But when ye shall hear of wars & commotions, be not “TERRIFIED.”

Jesus was directly implying in this specific warning that “Terrorism” would be a major weapon that would be used against Israel, (in the later phase or stages of the various protracted Psalms 83 wars) just before the Tribulation! (Day of Vengeance / Isaiah 61:2)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Focus on Jerusalem Commentary on Current Events

Dynamics of the Israel and Iran Wars

FOJ: If Israel does indeed proceed to wipe out Iran’s nuclear capabilities, as payback for Iran’s recent missile attacks; the following scenarios could actually occur: 

(1) Israel could, at long last, find itself as a nation dwelling safely within its own secured borders. (Ezekiel 38:8)

(2) A Middle East peace & safety environment could be more easily fabricated; with the radical Iranian proxy threat checkmated. (IIThess. 5:3)  

(3) Israel and the Arab nations would then be easily inclined to enact the Abrahamic Accords, with UN backing; which thereby could qualify as the “Confirmation of the Land Covenant,” provided the volatile Temple Mount issue is resolved between them. (Daniel 9:27) 

4) A Global government could rapidly emerge under the authority of the Ten Kings, who then could finally exalt the Antichrist! (Revelation 17:12-13)