This week, (September 20-23, 2011) Palestinian Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to lobby the United Nations to accept the PA as the 194th member state of the UN. Previous to this week, the PA claims that 125-140 countries have promised to back the Palestinian statehood bid this week in New York City. The push at the world body is the first step to statehood for Palestinians who have for decades complained of being "occupied" by an oppressive foreign power. (Israel) Should the PA win the vote at the UN, and survive any veto action in the Security Council, the PA says it would work toward establishing a national unity government with Hamas and hold presidential and parliamentary elections.
UN protocol calls for Secretary General Ban (who favors PA statehood) to receive a letter from Abbas and then to give it approval before moving it forward in the arduous and complicated process for a new member state. Ban has"reiterated his support for the "two-state solution" and stressed his desire to ensure that the international community and the two parties can find a way forward for resuming negotiations within a legitimate and balanced framework. Any state-candidate for UN membership must submit a letter to the secretary-general stating it is a "peace-loving" (repudiates terrorism) state and accepts the UN Charter. Ban is expected to examine the Palestinian letter and then send it to the 15-member UN Security Council which must give its approval before a vote in the larger General Assembly. In the General Assembly, the PA enjoys overwhelming support.
Israel has lobbied dozens of UN members to oppose the effort, but it is widely held that the PA is in a position to get the two-thirds support from the UN General Assembly for the upgrade from its current status as “entity.” Russia, China, Spain and much of the EU, the 22 member Arab League, the IMF and the World Bank all support Palestinian statehood. Meanwhile, the USA, Canada, Britain and Israel oppose the statehood bid. The "Quartet of Mideast" mediators, the US, the UN, the EU and Russia, have been unable to resolve key issues between Israel and the Palestinians.
Israel has lobbied dozens of UN members to oppose the effort, but it is widely held that the PA is in a position to get the two-thirds support from the UN General Assembly for the upgrade from its current status as “entity.” Russia, China, Spain and much of the EU, the 22 member Arab League, the IMF and the World Bank all support Palestinian statehood. Meanwhile, the USA, Canada, Britain and Israel oppose the statehood bid. The "Quartet of Mideast" mediators, the US, the UN, the EU and Russia, have been unable to resolve key issues between Israel and the Palestinians.
Ironically, Hamas and Hezbollah, with Iranian support also oppose the statehood appeal to the UN by the PA. They oppose the Palestinian statehood request because they are emphatic in their zeal to simply deny Israel's right to exist.
World diplomacy surrounding Palestinian statehood will be a key component in the geo-political strategy of the Last Days Antichrist. As many prophecy enthusiasts realize, the Antichrist will coerce Israel into a "covenant of peace" with "many" (22 Arab/Muslim nations and the 10 king power-brokers) at the outset of the tribulation era. A key component of that "covenant of peace" will be the political dividing of the promised land," as evidenced by the following verse from Daniel. (Daniel 11:39 Thus shall he (AC) do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he (AC) shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.)
Eleven years ago at Camp David, then Fatah terrorist and PA leader Yasser Arafat refused to accept a negotiated political state for Palestine. Arafat refused statehood because Israel required the Palestinians to accept an "end of conflict" clause in the negotiated peace process. Arafat refused statehood for the Palestinians because he knew it would mean either, assassination for him, or it was not compatible with the strategy of the Trojan Horse mission to destroy Israel from within the territories around Jerusalem.
In the final analysis, God is causing all nations to be burdened down with the heavy weight of impending judgment that comes with the controversy over Jerusalem. The Palestinians desire Jerusalem as their state capital, as does Israel. The Vatican also desires to have Jerusalem reserved as an international religious city.
(Jeremiah 25:31 A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.)
(Isaiah 34:8 For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.)
(Isaiah 34:8 For it is the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.)
The nations of this world are willingly ignorant of the fact that the God of Israel has promised a kingdom to Israel, with Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Albeit, the gods of Islam and modern corrupt Christianity, and many other religions are working in league with the conspiracy of Satan to steal the heritage of God's only Son. Sadly, even Israel is blinded to this reality, and will be drawn into the quagmire of compromising the land.
The mere fact that the Palestinians are today in search of an international stage for the legal sanction for "dividing the land" is evidence that the Antichrist can quickly emerge, for he will be the one to sustain the "dividing of the land."
Darrell G. Young
Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry
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