Bind Up The Nations Wounds
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
June 30, 2020
On March 4, 1865, upon winning a second term as president, Abraham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address. In his remarks, President Lincoln stated the following as he anticipated the soon end of America’s long nightmare of a Civil War.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives to see the right, let us strive to finish the fight we are in; to Bind Up the Nations Wounds,” (a mere 41 days after encouraging people to help bind up the nations wounds, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated)
With the conclusion of the fight Lincoln mentioned in his address; slavery was defeated forever across America! Over 700,000 soldiers died in that awful struggle. The nation was indeed severely “Wounded” over the fight to abolish slavery. But while America suffered a grievous Wound; its soul was saved.
On January 1, 1863 Lincoln had plainly spelled out the goal of Union victory. It was Emancipation for America’s 1,500,000 Black people, many of whom had been enslaved for many years before the United States was even formed.
Today; although there has been no slaves in America for 155 years; many people are only too anxious to reopen those Old Wounds, and wreak devastating harm to our national Body!
America doesn’t need to re-fight the Civil War. Re-fighting the Civil War will only Wound our nation more, and perhaps even lead to its death. And make no mistake about it, there are many forces that are salivating over that prospect.
Freedom still rings loud and true for anyone who dreams the American Dream. America is still the shining light set on a hill. Though there be gathered many dark forces today that would put it out, it still shines out through countless proud Americans!
And Americans don’t need to take a knee for any football players or any singular race of people; or any politician. America’s Declaration of Independence, it’s Constitution and it’s flag recognizes the value of all life, and stands for the liberty of all mankind and provides for the social sanctuary that all men can be availed the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness!
The only knee we as a nation and as a people need to be taking is a “Knee in Prayer” before Almighty God, to ask God to help us to see the Godly Right, President Lincoln cited; and to ask God, once again to “Bind Up Our Nations Wounds.”
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