Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
July 6, 2020
Recently, New York City Black Lives Matter chapter president, Hawk Newsome stated in a Fox News interview "that if BLM is not given what they are demanding, they will burn down the whole system and replace it."
Across the country anarchists are rioting, protesting, and destroying the statues of many of America’s most historic figures. Statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, US Grant, Christopher Columbus and countless others have been defaced or toppled.
Even our glorious American flag has been a target of constant attacks. These America hating thugs are burning the flag, stomping on it and condemning America’s Founding Fathers as racists and enablers of White Supremacy. The current mantra is that our founders, Washington and Jefferson were slave owners and therefore America, as conceived in its Constitution is an illegitimate nation!
On June 3, 2020, former President Barack Obama went before television cameras to urge mayors, governors and congress to stamp out “systemic racism” in America, and in particular within its governing institutions. Two weeks later, Time Magazine ran a feature cover story about “systemic racism” in the institutions of America. Suddenly, 2020 has has become a referendum on America’s founding and its founding fathers! Suddenly, the media and the BLM movement has turned the 2020 presidential campaign into a slanderous attack on the sitting President, Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again supporters!
It should be noted that the Trump supporters have been called “a basket of irredeemable deplorables,” “the dregs of society,” “ignorant Bible thumpers,”’and “fanatical gun clingers” by his political opponents. It seems to me these libelous statements by Democratic politicians would amount to a sort of systemic discrimination!
Just what is “systemic racism?” Systemic racism, by definition is the incorporated normal practice of racism in a country’s government, educational system and economic procedure. Proponents of systemic racism are demanding that America’s privileged white citizenry be required to pay reparations to its black citizens; because of the evil founding of the United States!
In light of these outlandish subversive charges against our United States, a quick review of facts about America’s founding and its founders seems to be in order. What is America’s defense against the divisive forces working overtime this year to debilitate our country. Let’s explore some basics:
For starters, it should be noted that the United States of America was the absolute first Constitutional Republic ever conceived and birthed into existence in world history. The whole concept of nation-states only commenced after the Peace of Westphalia Treaty in 1648, that essentially broke apart the ancient kingdoms in Europe and established nation-states with defined borders.
The Westphalia Treaty came 30 years after the British Empire incorporated slavery into North America. The British brought 20 African slaves to America in 1619, and thus slavery was spread in the Western Hemisphere by the Colonial Empires! I would note that this social order preceded the birth of the American Republic by 157 years, so it was not only a gigantic struggle for the USA to win its independence from Britain, but an even bigger struggle to destroy the practice of slavery in our new nation.
Secondly, the concept of a Constitutional Republic is based upon a code of laws that are deemed to be so excellent, that they are declared essential for the Republics survival. Our Founding Fathers chose to build the American Republic upon the unchanging laws of the Creator of nature. This system of law is known as Natural Law. It was referenced by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Thus our Constitution was based upon the fundamental precepts of Biblical Law as proscribed by Almighty God! It is commonly known as “Divine Law.”
Thirdly, Founder and Constitution writer James Madison further applied the concept of the “Balance of Powers” into America’s governmental systems. The founders agreed that power could not be entrusted solely to any one individual, and thus created three branches of governance. They became the Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Executive Branch. This innovative idea was also derived from the Bible! The following two verses lie at the heart of Madison and Jefferson’s foresight.
Isaiah 33:22 For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
The founding fathers knew very well that absolute power would corrupt any man absolutely altogether. They foresaw the possibility that power invested in any man only invites greed, temptation, compromise, and the potential for the subversion of the Republic.
Moreover, James Madison unequivocally stated: “We have staked the future of our Republic, not on kings, but upon the Ten Commandments of God! George Washington added that our Constitutional Republic rested upon the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the nations welfare is built upon the idea that the gospel taught men that their ultimate accountability was to God.
The short story of America’s founding and its founders is that they modeled the American Republic on the Judea-Christian principles of Almighty God and his Word.
But did that glorious ideal and auspicious founding produce a paradise right away in America? The answer is: No it did not; but it did provide the foundation for the best experience of human governance the world has ever yet seen!
Whereas both Washington and Jefferson had inherited slaves from the previous social order; they each in turn later freed all their slaves. Yet the forces of dark profits still lurked in America’s underbelly, a fatal flaw that would exact a heavy price on our young Republic 84 years later in a war that would pit brother against brother; when Abraham Lincoln and US Grant reconciled the soul of America to its founding precepts that all men are created equal.
Unfortunately, like Satan, the forces of divisiveness, hatred of liberty and freedom, despisers of critical thinking and the mockers of the gospel of Jesus Christ never cease in their demonic conspiracy to enslave all mankind; by destroying the Divine Law of God, and those rare exceptional nations that attempt to live up to its principles!
America was and is still the most exceptional nation among the long roll call of kingdoms, empires, sheikdoms, caliphates, tribes, and social structures in history! No other nation has been so blessed by its Divine Creator, or done so much for his creatures!
To those who would burn down America, pervert its history, change its laws, and mock its flag and anthem, I challenge you; “You will kneel before God someday and wish that you could Bless a place like America.”
The founding fathers knew very well that absolute power would corrupt any man absolutely altogether. They foresaw the possibility that power invested in any man only invites greed, temptation, compromise, and the potential for the subversion of the Republic.
Moreover, James Madison unequivocally stated: “We have staked the future of our Republic, not on kings, but upon the Ten Commandments of God! George Washington added that our Constitutional Republic rested upon the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the nations welfare is built upon the idea that the gospel taught men that their ultimate accountability was to God.
The short story of America’s founding and its founders is that they modeled the American Republic on the Judea-Christian principles of Almighty God and his Word.
But did that glorious ideal and auspicious founding produce a paradise right away in America? The answer is: No it did not; but it did provide the foundation for the best experience of human governance the world has ever yet seen!
Whereas both Washington and Jefferson had inherited slaves from the previous social order; they each in turn later freed all their slaves. Yet the forces of dark profits still lurked in America’s underbelly, a fatal flaw that would exact a heavy price on our young Republic 84 years later in a war that would pit brother against brother; when Abraham Lincoln and US Grant reconciled the soul of America to its founding precepts that all men are created equal.
Unfortunately, like Satan, the forces of divisiveness, hatred of liberty and freedom, despisers of critical thinking and the mockers of the gospel of Jesus Christ never cease in their demonic conspiracy to enslave all mankind; by destroying the Divine Law of God, and those rare exceptional nations that attempt to live up to its principles!
America was and is still the most exceptional nation among the long roll call of kingdoms, empires, sheikdoms, caliphates, tribes, and social structures in history! No other nation has been so blessed by its Divine Creator, or done so much for his creatures!
To those who would burn down America, pervert its history, change its laws, and mock its flag and anthem, I challenge you; “You will kneel before God someday and wish that you could Bless a place like America.”
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