Fake News is A Weapon of War
We hear a lot about Fake News today! Of course, Anything that is fake, is nothing short of a lie! And when anyone resorts to a systemic program of lying, you can bet that the Truth truly hurts!
When dispensers (journalists, news broadcasters, writers) of the news continually lie to the public consumers of news; about the details of the news, it must be realized that their primary intent is outright deception!
When the intent of disseminating Fake News is practiced by news organizations, they are actually involved in the industry of Propaganda! Propagandists are never concerned about the Truth; but are entirely invested in a programmed agenda.
The deception of a society, regarding the Truth of news events, (especially political news) ultimately leads to the loss of freedom in a society!
It is often said that “the first casualty in any war is the Truth!”
Let me repeat that line again, so that you don’t miss out on it’s impact. “The first casualty in any war, whether it be a militaristic, political or cultural war is the Truth!”
So, if we can assume that analogy is factual, and history shows absolutely that it is, then we as Americans need to wake up and realize that the reason for “Fake News” today, is simply to wage war on the traditional values of our Judea-Christian American Republic!
If we allow ourselves to be constantly lied to, and entrust power to the distributors of Fake News, then we will become the blind followers of the Blind.
So then, as the Bible so richly instructs, wise men always diligently seek and search to know the Truth!
Remember this: “A society that condones the lying of persistent self promoting liars within its society and culture, without retribution, will eventually become an all out enemy of the Truth themselves.
Psalms 52:3 Thou lovest evil more than good and lying more than righteousness!
It is Only the Truth that can deliver any society from the Masters of Deception! (And I note from II Thessalonians chapter 2:9-10; a principle Master of Deception is seeking in these Last Days to deceive many!) (And the spirit of the Antichrist is already at work)
So beware of the Fake News. Also Beware of Liars and the purveyors of lies! They are corrupt and only seek to ensnare us and our nation in their web of deceit!
The Truth is a mightier weapon than a lie! And the Truth in News is mightier than Fake News! Seek ye the Truth and be Free!
Darrell G. Young
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