Questions About The Antichrist
I am often asked by Bible enthusiasts who I think might be the Antichrist. Of course, theologians have long made numerous suggestions about the possible identity of the Antichrist.
Most of that speculation has always centered around the familiar verse that is recorded in Revelation chapter 13 relative to the Beast.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Since this verse begins with an explicit challenge about “wisdom” and a deep understanding of scripture, it compels most Bible scholars to radically attempt to demonstrate their personal knowledge about this great mystery.
Sadly, for the sake of serious prophecy study, most all of the endeavors of these zealous prognosticators have only served to frustrate the purpose of Bible prophecy.
Satan, in his cosmic conspiracy to displace Jesus Christ, and exalt a candidate of his own choosing; has throughout much of history always had to cultivate a prospect to become the Antichrist.
Satan knows the prophetic word of God as well any Bible scholar; but he does not know precisely when or how God is going to bring the supernatural cosmic war to a climax.
The time that Satan will finally realize that he needs his Antichrist; is when he realizes that “his time is short.” (Revelation 12:12)
In the interim, as Satan observes many other landmark prophecies of God coming to pass: he uses his rebel forces to foster into place events among the nations to prepare the logistics for the emergence of the Antichrist!
Most notable of prophetic world events that Satan has noted; and reacted to; is the regathering of Israel into their ancient Promised Land.
Since 1948, (when Israel was returned) Satan has been working overtime to formulate amongst the nations of this world; his grand plot to exalt his Antichrist, present himself as God; and finally to destroy Israel.
In the meantime, Satan is relying on the Last Days Global ideology of mankind to unite logistically to establish “Ten Kings” to enforce a Global Empire. (Revelation 17 & Daniel 7)
These “Ten Kings” may emerge before the Rapture. The world stage is being manipulated right now for their rise to power.
Ultimately, these Ten Kings will give their combined power over to the one who shall become the Antichrist. (Revelation 17:12-13)
The False Prophet, which may be a combined force of two religious figures (2-horns on earth beast) shall promote the Antichrist as the almighty!
So, who is this Antichrist? Is he alive right now at the present time? Can we possibly identify him? What will the Antichrist be like? When will the Antichrist appear? What will the Antichrist do? What will happen to the Antichrist?
Answer: I do not know who will eventually be the Antichrist. I can speculate on a few candidates; but I do not know.
Answer: The future Antichrist is very likely alive right now and awaiting an opportunity to advance himself.
Answer: To be able to positively identify the Antichrist, one will need to be present on the earth after the Rapture.
Answer: Whomever the Antichrist turns out to be; as yet; even he does not know he will be the Antichrist.
Answer: The Antichrist cannot emerge or even be revealed, until the Rapture ocurrs!
Answer: The Antichrist will be a proud, vain, crafty, conniving, self absorbed and evil minded man that is a master of diplomacy and deception.
Answer: Satan himself will manifest himself within the person of the Antichrist, (after the rapture) demanding the world worship him!
Answer: The Antichrist will proclaim himself God, in a new temple in Jerusalem, an act known in the Bible as the Abomination of Desolation.
Answer: The Antichrist will use his massive armies to encircle Jerusalem in an attempt to destroy Israel; and deny Jesus Christ his rightful throne.
Answer: The brief empire of the Antichrist will be destroyed by Jesus Christ, upon the occasion of his literal 2nd coming to this world.
Answer: The Antichrist will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire. (Rev. 19:20)
by: Darrell G. Young
Focus on the Bible & Focus on Jerusalem
December 17, 2020
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