Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Word of Wisdom

A Word of Wisdom:

Sometimes; when things in our life seems to go all wrong, it is easy to become discouraged; even depressed. It’s only natural. 

It is a normal thing for us as human beings to ponder about why such bad things happen to us. Sometimes, after a hardship, or crisis, we might even blame it all on God. 

And that is exactly what Satan wants: He wants us to find fault with God. He wants us to turn away from God! (Incidentally, when have you ever heard anyone blame Satan for anything? Or use his name as a curse word?) There is a reason for these things. 

Yes, It can be terribly frustrating trying to understand the continual crisis that we have in this evil world. It wears on ones mind, and causes worry, anxiety and fear.

But; even so, we must come to a point where we develop an “understanding” that “this world” by its very nature is evil, it’s infected, crisis laden and utterly chaotic. These facts should tell us that we simply do not live in “Paradise!” We all live in a fallen world!

And as long as we all live in a cursed world, we will all face trouble, sooner or later. It’s just the nature of this old world. 

But the wise man knows, that even though we are living in this “Bad World,” God can and will enable us to endure every crisis and that He will work all things to our eventual Good; if we are joined unto his love and are wholly submitted to his purpose! (Romans 8:28) 

Sometimes, in a life crisis we; just have to Trust God! For it is a fact, that without God, we can accomplish nothing in this world.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

And be thankful for the Good things and the good people that come your way, whenever they come!

Darrell G. Young

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The War on Christian Civilization

The War on Christian Civilization

Many Americans today are rightfully worried about the future of America. Count me among those who are greatly concerned; especially given the political power coup that has ravaged our nation in recent years.

The recent election chaos, coupled with its pandemic was nothing short of a political coup; waged by a powerful cadre of New World Order forces against the Republic of the United States.

When I was a little boy, I was thankful to God that I was born in America, a Christian based nation. But, our culture today is anything but Christian based.

But, although America has provided all of us a fortress of spiritual protection from evil, I have always been aware of Satans scheme to destroy Christian civilizations, and in particular our beloved nation. 

Satan hates America because America has always stood as a bulwark against Satans long standing plot to destroy Israel.

At the outset of WWII in 1940, Sir Winston Churchill stated: “I expect that the battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of the whole Christian civilization."

While America survived WWII, Satan never gave up on his plot to destroy the Christian civilizations of our world! Today, Satan’s strategy is to divide and conquer America. The NWO power brokers have long conspired to weaken America’s Christian roots and to dissolve our spirit of national sovereignty! 

A favorite tactic of those dark anti-Christian powers that would destroy America is the old “divide and conquer” strategy. This is the reason that America has become easy prey to conservative vs liberal debate, charges of systemic racism, sexism, bigotry, intolerance and separation of church and state. 

As a Christian American today, one holding fervently to the fundamental principles of the Bible; I cannot help but get angry when I hear politicians label my stand on issues as being emblematic of a basket of deplorables, called a drag of society, an irredeemable, and an old fashioned Bible thumper. 

The war on Christian civilizations has progressed s far that politicians may soon categorize Christians as needing to be “reprogrammed” or else be listed as domestic terrorists! 

Today, our leaders, both political and religious are blinded to the real needs of the people; and the cosmic warfare going on in the unseen world. Jesus warned us about submitting to such leaders.

(Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.)

Whereas many Americans are duly worried about America’s future, this question must be considered:

“Why would God allow such overtly debased leaders, often complicit with the NWO conspiracy to rule over America?” 

Perhaps it is because America has abandoned God & the people of our nation have turned their back on his Law! 

Remember; Judgment begins with Gods own people! 

I have often stated; “American politics could never have become so toxic and anti-Christian; unless the Shepherds of the Church hadn’t first compromised their duties to enlighten their flocks to the wiles of the enemy. 

America was planted as “a city, or spiritual light set upon a hill.” Unfortunately, that light has been darkened by false shepherds and thereby become hidden by the forces of agonisticism, atheism, secularism, socialism and humanism. 

Matthew 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 

America needs to repent & return to its roots; and do so quickly; for judgment shocks for our nation began a long time ago. (9/11) America is perhaps the last standing fortress of Christian civilization in our world. Anti-Christian forces, via Communism, Socialism, Totalitarianism, and Religious theocracies have overrun the rest of the world.  

Matthew 15:13 Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

When a nation abandons God, what will be the result of that rebellion? Like the plant plucked up in the preceding verse, God could well allow America to be gobbled up by Satan’s Last Days conspiracy to unite the world under the AC.

Daniel 4:17 The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men & giveth it to whomsoever he will & setteth up over it the basest of men.) 

It is a fact that such anti-God rebelling nations become easy prey for the most basest of rulers!

Make no mistake, America is suffering from an intense cultural hatred for God. As a nation, we do not regard any imparted knowledge from God! 

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; meaning not natural. 

On President Joe Biden’s very first day in office; he issued a mandate on gender identity and sexual orientation. His executive order is a mockery to our nations Christian founding; and amounts to spitting in Gods face! 

We have changed our nation’s moral code to fit our behavior instead of changing our behavior to harmonize with God's moral code.

When a society can’t understand the difference between boys & girls, that society has crossed over a red line and likely been given over by God to a reprobate mindset! 

Furthermore, a President that is that dumb and complicit with the dark powers of this world will surely be a disaster for America! 

The following verse detailed an ominous warning to ancient Israel about following foolish power hungry leaders:

(Isaiah 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.) 

Isaiah’s counsel, sadly, today, could be directly applied to America’s leaders! 

Then consider this; It is within the Providential power of the righteousness and power of Almighty God to warn a nation of their evil, before he imposes justice & exacts judgment upon that nation. 

God wants to save, but in the end analysis, the goodness of God will and must destroy all the evil of mankind!

Any hope for America does not reside in the Democratic Party. Our hope does not reside in the Republican Party. And what blessing can these United States ever expect to receive from God when those who govern us are in their actions, openly his declared enemies, and therefore enemies of Christian civilization?

Our hope does not depend on any leaders political parties might promote! The ONLY hope for America resides in a national repentance of sins & a whole-scale return to God, his law & Word!

And time is running out! The conspiracy of Satan is coming to a head; right now, before our very eyes! Satan has always hated Christian based civilizations! If America falls victim to Satans war against God; it foretells only one thing! The end of the “time of the Gentile” nations is near. (Luke 21:24)

The globalist elite; prophesied by the prophets Daniel and John, to appear on the world stage and prepare the world for Antichrist, are right now feverishly working overtime to erect their base for the ten regional powers of that terminal world kingdom. 

These ten kings will eventually exalt the Antichrist. (Rev. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings: They have one mind & shall give their power & strength unto the beast.)

Soon, and very soon, God is going to allow the Ten Kings to form their Global Government. Today, as this New World Order emerges; America will either fall, be destroyed, or be totally amalgamated into one of the ten regional power blocs under a dictatorial puppet of the future Antichrist! 

Yes! We really are that close to the second coming of Jesus! It’s time to get ready! Soon and very soon, We are going to see the King! 

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Darrell G. Young

Focus on Jerusalem

Focus on the Bible

January 24, 2020

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The First Consciousness of Love

The First Consciousness of Love

Now that I am old and well experienced in years lived, I find myself often thinking back over time about many things in this journey called life. 

One of the things I often think about is how lucky I was to have two loving Christian parents. Simply by being born into such a blessed home, I was the unwitting, but fortunate beneficiary of a lot of love. 

The seeming “natural presence of love” extended towards me upon my birth, caused me to consider the deeper aspects of “the nature of love,” and the origin of love itself.

Why does love exist? Where does love emanate from? What causes love to ever develop? Is love a basic component of the human genetic code? Is it our nature to love? What exactly is this thing called love?

The famous poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote of Love with these eloquent words:

There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of love, the first fluttering of its silken wings.

What a fundamental and powerfully penetrating line that is: “there is nothing holier than the first consciousness of Love.

Surely to goodness, there must be evidence that love is not only a wonderful emotion, but is indeed a most holy thing! In fact, this is exactly the instruction of the Bible. 

I John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

As verse six indicates in this chapter, the human species came about because of God, and verse eight shared the fact that God is love, and proved it by the very manifestation of Love!

Thus, from a Biblical point of view, it is explicitly affirmed that love is a fundamental part of the nature of God. Apart from God the Creator as the source of all consciousness of Love, there is truly no explanation for Natural Love.

When we are born into this world, we come as tiny, fragile defenseless beings with no awareness of love. It is only by the expressed affection and personal attention that we receive by our parents that we gradually begin to become sensitized to even the slightest intimation of love.

The first requirement of the consciousness of love is, of course that it has to be natural and eternally anchored in a presence much bigger and deeper than ourselves.

Philosophers tell us that the sign of a mature consciousness of love is only attained when we learn to cease from soaking up all the love we can, and begin to share and give love to others as much as we can.

Psychologists suggest that infants usually cannot have a conscious feeling of love until the age of 5-15 months. Even at such a early low level stage of consciousness, the essence of love primarily has only to do with the basics of self love.

This condition begs the following two questions: 

1- Is it a natural human instinct to want to be loved?

2- Is it a natural human instinct to give love?

The answer to these two questions can only be yes; if there is a Holy God, who would by his own nature, have created and designed human beings not only in his own image, but also with the natural capacity for knowing Conscious Love!

If humanistic evolution were true, then where does the consciousness of love come from? Would it simply evolve? 

Of course that would be an absolutely preposterous proposition. Only a fool would believe that Love is a product of evolutionary progression. The First Consciousness of Love would of necessity require a very Holy beginning.

And then for Love to be a good and wonderful thing, as it is, in our naturally Evil world; would be impossible. 

John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

In this discourse of Jesus in the book of John, we find that in the Eternal realm of Heaven, God the Father and God the Son possessed and shared the First Consciousness of Love! 

Furthermore, it was providential that from their Divine Consciousness of Love, that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit embarked upon their Creation project for the primary purpose of sharing their love with others, and imparting to them a plan of the progressive consciousness of Love!

It is said that were it not for the Fall of Man, and Gods plan of loving redemption, mankind would never have known how much God loves us; 

By the same token, we’re it not for the Fall of Man, and each mans free will and conscious choice of loving Gods plan of redemption; God might never have known if we truly and consciously loved him or not!

Since love is of God, then His Love is the truth from which all of life originates. Ever since God breathed the breath of life into the first man, it is in this truth that we not only can find our purpose in life, but can experience within our Conscience, the reality of the Love of God.

The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring. Who then; being loved, is poor? ”

Who then, consciously knowing the Love of God, can ever be hopeless? 

There is an oldies song entitled, “A World Without Love,” sang by Peter and Gordon way back in 1964. It’s lyrics went like this:

Please lock me away

And don't allow the day

Here inside where I hide

With my loneliness

I don't care what they say 

I won't stay In a world without love

Well, thanks to God; we do not live in a world without love. His love has transcended the evil nature of our world, and offers us the sublime holiness of his love.  

Still, Why is it that Love, the thing that is most needed in our world, so hard to find today? It seems that everyone is searching for love, but just cannot find it.

Even the Natural Love of mother’s for their newborn child is becoming more and more non-existent. And beyond that the Natural Affection between male and female is being destroyed by popular culture. 

If it can be dogmatically asserted that God is Love and Love is Of God; then it can also be firmly established that Satan is Hate, and the abatement of Natural Affection, and the dissolution of the First Consciousness of Love is a strategy of Satan.

The First Consciousness of Love has always existed, because God is conscious, God is Love, Love is Of God and God is eternal. 

There is another oldies song I like a lot, and it reminds me of another point regarding the First Consciousness of Love. It was popular way back in 1958 and was entitled:

“For your love, I would do anything!”

I like that line because it perfectly expresses the fact that God has done absolutely everything to impart his love unto our conscience! 

In fact, everything that God has done to win our love, to share his love, is due to the fact the very First Consciousness of Love emanated from him!

Truly, Longfellow was right, “there is nothing in this world that is Holier than the First Consciousness of Love! 

by: Darrell G. Young

January 2021

Focus on the Bible