A Word of Wisdom:
Sometimes; when things in our life seems to go all wrong, it is easy to become discouraged; even depressed. It’s only natural.
It is a normal thing for us as human beings to ponder about why such bad things happen to us. Sometimes, after a hardship, or crisis, we might even blame it all on God.
And that is exactly what Satan wants: He wants us to find fault with God. He wants us to turn away from God! (Incidentally, when have you ever heard anyone blame Satan for anything? Or use his name as a curse word?) There is a reason for these things.
Yes, It can be terribly frustrating trying to understand the continual crisis that we have in this evil world. It wears on ones mind, and causes worry, anxiety and fear.
But; even so, we must come to a point where we develop an “understanding” that “this world” by its very nature is evil, it’s infected, crisis laden and utterly chaotic. These facts should tell us that we simply do not live in “Paradise!” We all live in a fallen world!
And as long as we all live in a cursed world, we will all face trouble, sooner or later. It’s just the nature of this old world.
But the wise man knows, that even though we are living in this “Bad World,” God can and will enable us to endure every crisis and that He will work all things to our eventual Good; if we are joined unto his love and are wholly submitted to his purpose! (Romans 8:28)
Sometimes, in a life crisis we; just have to Trust God! For it is a fact, that without God, we can accomplish nothing in this world.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
And be thankful for the Good things and the good people that come your way, whenever they come!
Darrell G. Young
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