Helpful Hints About Hell
Hint # 1 Does Hell really exist?
Answer / Yes, hell really exists! In fact, Hell is mentioned 167 times in the Bible. Although Hell is sometimes called Gehenna, Hades, the pit, the Abyss, or everlasting punishment, the Bible clearly and explicitly teaches that hell is a real place to which the wicked/unbelieving are sent after death.
Hint # 2 Is Hell really as terrible a place as the stories that we hear about it?
Answer / According to Jesus, it is far worse than anybody dares to think. Jesus spent more time warning people about the danger and horror of hell than he spent on any other subject. In fact, Jesus said it was much easier to suffer physical trauma in this world than to risk suffering the atrocities of Hell.
Hint # 3 Why does Hell exist?
Answer / Jesus said that hell was “prepared” for Satan and the demons; who initiated a War in Heaven. Hell was not created for mankind! Thus the intense tortures of Hell were designed for the punishment of celestial beings, or fallen angels. (Matthew 25:41)
Hint # 4 Who created Hell?
Answer / Everything that has ever existed in the past or presently exists or will ever exist was all created by God, including Hell itself. Colossians 1:16 and John 1:3 each indicate “All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” So, God created Hell.
Hint # 5 Can actual human beings go to Hell, even though Hell was created by God for the Devil and his rebellious angels?
Answer / Yes! Although Hell was not created or designed for the punishment of human beings, people can still be condemned to Hell along with Satan.
Hint # 6 Why are human beings condemned to Hell?
Answer / The whole human race fell into the spiritual classification of “condemnation” since Satan enticed the first created man into joining his cosmic rebellion against God! Therefore, man is subject to the same punishment as Satan!
Hint # 7 How can human beings be freed from this “spiritual condemnation” and punishment in Hell?
Answer / Almighty God, the creator of all that exists, and pre-determined to win back that which was lost to him (mankind) sent his own Son to effect a “plan of restitution” through the sacrifice of himself. Thus Jesus came to earth, not to condemn humans to Hell; but to offer all human beings a pardon, or the special loving status of becoming “uncondemned” by accepting Jesus as their benefactor of freedom from Hell.
Hint # 8 Are Satan and his demons already in Hell?
Answer / Satan is not presently in Hell. In fact, Satan is intensely active right here in our world! But he knows his allotted time to wage his war is winding down to its conclusion. Some of his fallen comrades are incarcerated in chains in a dark holding place; but most are still active in harassing mankind for the sake of defeating God and avoiding their consignment in Hell. (I Peter 5:8; Jude 1:6; II Peter 2:4; Matthew 8:29)
Hint # 9 Will there be more people that go to Hell than the number of those who accept Jesus and thereby make it into Heaven?
Answer / In Luke 13:23; Someone asked Jesus, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” He replied, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able” Again in Matthew chapter seven, Jesus seems to indicate unfortunately that the way to enter into Heaven is made difficult in people’s minds because the Devil makes sin so appealing! These responses of Jesus seem to indicate that Hell is enlarging itself because so many people are ignoring God’s unique offer of a way to escape Hell!
Hint # 10 Is Satan the master of Hell? Do Satan’s demons torture people in Hell?
Answer / Satan is not in charge of Hell! Far from it. And he, nor any of his demons will ever be in charge of Hell, or be the tormentors in Hell. Hell is Torment!
Hint # 11 If Satan is not in charge of Hell, then who is?
Answer / Almighty God is in charge of Hell! In fact, Jesus Christ possesses the actual keys to Hell. (Revelation 1:18)
Hint # 12 Who makes the final decision as to who goes to Hell?
Answer / There are only three decision makers involved in deciding a persons destiny! These three are God, Satan; and YOU! God has fixed a plan for you to miss Hell. Satan is plotting to cause you to be condemned to Hell. In the final analysis; YOU choose for yourself whether you will choose the narrow way to Heaven, or choose to follow the appealing broad way to Hell! In the final review; God will judge everyone’s choices in life; and consign them to Heaven or Hell! (II Peter 2:9; 3;7; Matthew 12:36; Revelation 20; John 3:18-21)
Focus on the Bible
by: Darrell G. Young