Be of Good Cheer!
As Jesus neared the time of his departure from this world, and knowing in advance all the things that were building towards the conclusion of his visit to our world; he assembled his Disciples together and offered them a summation of things to come.
Beginning in John chapter 13 and continuing on through John chapter 16, Jesus elaborated upon a panoramic review of the world that the Disciples, and all Christians would essentially experience in this world after his pending departure.
Then, towards the end of his Passover Discourse, Jesus offered the following perplexing statement:
“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
This quotation of Jesus is very famous and it is often repeated within Christian circles. But upon closer analysis, one must wonder how in the world we can possibly “Be of Good Cheer,” when Jesus says we shall have to endure tribulation!
In fact, within his Passover Discourse, Jesus highlighted several troublesome points about life for his Servants in this world.
Ye Shall Have Tribulations
Point # 1. The word “Tribulation” referenced by Jesus herein conjures up dual concerns! This word “tribulation” would be troubling enough by itself, if it weren’t for raising even more concerns about the “Great Tribulation.”
The word “tribulation” as it is utilized here is derived from the Greek word, “thlipsis” and refers to troubles, persecution, anguish and afflictions brought about by the worlds hatred for Christ. It is not meant to refer to the “time of Jacobs Trouble” only; but is more directly related to the time period immediately after our Lords departure, or the Church age.
Point # 2 Satan, the architect of the old War in Heaven; will descend to Earth to intensify his evil strategies against the servants of the Lord and against his Church! (John 14:30)
Point # 3 The world, under the dominion of Satan, will exercise and project his intense hatred towards the servants of the Lord. (John 15:18-23)
Point # 4 Certain portions of the servants of God would become scattered and perhaps even divided because of him! This fact was especially true for Israel, as is evidenced by the Diaspora; but is also true for the Church which became splintered over theological matters. (John 16:32)
Whereas Jesus has just announced to his followers that he would be betrayed, killed and is about to depart from this world and would no longer be with them or even talk with them; one would think that would be “plenty of reason to not be of good cheer.”
Now, here in conclusion, in John 16:33, He adds the prospect of the many dangers that all of his servants would become subjected to.
It begs the obvious question: “How could we possibly Be of Good Cheer?”
Being of Good Cheer
The key point enabling us into being able to be of “Good Cheer” in this present evil world, with all of its demonic hatred vented towards Jesus Christ, towards his Gospel and at his Servants; is the fact that Jesus, “overcame the World!”
The reasons that we all can and should be of “Good Cheer,” despite the tribulations of this world; are spelled out by Jesus himself in his own summary about his mission to this world as itemized in John chapter 17.
Item # 1 Jesus was about to glorify God the Father by submitting to himself to his hour of sacrifice, in order to offer man salvation and eternal life. (John 17:1-2) Without Christ’s sacrifice, mankind would remain without any hope beyond the grave! This is something to be Cheerful about!
Item # 2 We can now actually know Almighty God through Jesus Christ, who was sent by God to to execute his “Mystery” and “Finish” the purpose of the Sacrifice; as was planned before the world was made! (John 17:3-5)
Item # 3 As Jesus was manifest into this old world to redeem mankind, now we might be manifested out of this world because we now belong to him! (John 17:5-6) This world will be destroyed, but we are going to an eternal home! That’s something else to be cheerful about!
Item #4 We have the “Words” that God gave unto his Son, and we also that know these Words of Jesus came from Almighty God! (John 17:7-8) We should be all cheered up because we know the Truth!
Item # 5 We should be “Cheered” because “Jesus” prayed for us; to secure us as one with his Father, and that all that he Secures; he will never lose any! (John 17:9-12) We can be Cheerful because when Jesus saves us; he never un-saves us! The Devil cannot have any claims on us!
Item # 6 When Jesus finished Securing us in his Prayers; He imparted his “inner Joy” into our Souls! (John 17:13) We can be cheerful because Gods Spirit dwells within us!
Item # 7 Jesus included within his personal prayer to His Father; that while we must by needs remain in this world for His purposes; he beseeched his Father to protect us from Evil. (John 17:15) We can also be cheerful because God is our refuge!
Item # 8 Jesus also beseeched his Father to “Sanctify us through His Truth!” (John 17:17-23) We can be excitedly cheerful because God loves us and plans for us to be with him!
Item # 9 Jesus confirmed in his prayers that the “Mystery” of salvation programmed by his Father before the foundation of the world now affirms that through his sacrifice; we who believe on him and his Word; are now entitled to be where Jesus is now - Heaven!(John17:24)
So Cheer Up! The word Cheer in the Bible is derived from the Greek word, “Tharseo,” and it’s meaning is: (have courage, be content, put on a happy face, showing an appealing facial expression, and having full confidence)
As Jesus told the sick man of palsy; “Be of Good Cheer, Thy sins are forgiven thee! (Matthew 9:2)
Then again, (Matthew 14:27) Jesus walking on the violent waves on a stormy sea, said to his worried and frightened Disciples; “Be of Good Cheer, it is I, be not afraid!
For these reasons, and many, many more, it stands to reason that Christians should be the most Cheerful people in the World! We can be Cheerful because we have the most reasons of any people in the world to be Optimistic about the Future!
This world is not our Home! We are simply passing through for a short time, and then, afterwards, we will join Jesus in Heaven!
Item # 10. Meanwhile, we can “Be of Good Cheer” simply because; as Jesus said: “He has overcome the world!”
Focus on the Bible
by: Darrell G. Young
November 9, 2021
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