Why Would Anybody Reject Jesus as their Savior?
The decision to accept or to reject Jesus as ones Savior is the most important decision one will ever make in their entire lifetime.
Why then do people reject God’s wonderful offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? You would think that everyone would eagerly grab the “life preserver” that God has thrown out to them through the gospel!
So why do so many people choose to reject Jesus Chris as their Savior? It seems to me that it would simply be the most obvious and pragmatic choice to choose him as Savior!
Unfortunately, statistics will show that many more people will choose to reject Jesus than accept Jesus as their Savior. Surveys even show that 83% of contemporary Christians made the choice to accept Jesus as their Savior between the ages of 4 and 14.
No wonder then it is that the Bible counsels:
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
And why Jesus himself said: (Matthew 19:14 Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.)
And on top of all of these reasons is the fact that the worlds enslaving Dictators and other benign atheist ideologues follow the mantra, “give us a generation and we will control the whole world.”
So then, these statistics show that after age 14, people aren’t very likely to ever accept Jesus as their Savior! The reasons for this “societal age barrier” for people to be open minded to their own salvation are many.
The Process of Living in a Secular World
Reason #1 As young people begin entering into their teenage and young adult years, they gradually discover their independence and develop a stronger sensitivity to gaining the approval of their peers.
Reason #2 Our modern educational system teaches our youth an anti-Biblical worldview! The concept of a Divine Creator in schools has been replaced by Evolutionary Theory! A parallel circumstance of this secularistic view is that mankind holds is not accountable to any supposed Creator God, nor has need of any repentance!
Reason #3 Once, Having reached the age of independence and self expression, human nature; being at enmity with God, tends to lead people off into the carnival of worldly enticements and pleasure seeking!
Reason #4 After arriving into adulthood, and outfitting themselves for work, family and or careers, most people invest themselves completely into their own preferred status identities and just ignore spiritual matters!
Reason #5 After having lived out ones life solely active within the process of living in a Secular World, older people, when coming to the end of life suddenly discover there is nothing more to live for! They simply turn to their “Bucket List” for their final flings at life!
Reason #6 Finally, and sadly, many people suddenly discover that the Holy Spirit has quit knocking at their hearts door! They have for so long ignored the pleading of God that they no longer even feel an unction to know the Truth about God or his Grace!
The Reasons Behind Our Choices
There are many good reasons to “accept” Jesus, namely eternal life, a purpose in life, a personal relationship with God, a home in Heaven, a new immortal body, not to even mention a “clean conscience” before a Holy God!
Recognizing all the “Good Reasons” for one to Accept Jesus as their Savior; why in the world would anybody “Reject” Jesus as their Savior?
Reason #1 People don’t want a “restrictive” God interfering with “their pleasures” in this world. (Hebrews 11:25, Luke 8:14, Titus 3:3)
Reason #2 People simply don’t believe the warnings of Scripture; that they are under God’s judgment now and will face it eternally when they die. (Hebrews 9:27)
Reason #3 Most People think that they’re basically good and that God will overlook their faults and give them “good credit” for their good deeds on judgment day. (John 3:19-21)
Reason #4 Many people do not think they even need a savior. These people consider themselves to be "basically good" and do not realize that they, like all people, are sinners who cannot come to God on their own terms. But Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Those who reject Christ don’t realize that a favorable judgment from God requires absolute Perfection!
Reason #5 The fear of social rejection or persecution deters some people from receiving Christ as Savior. (John 12:43 "for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.")
Reason #6 For some people, the things that this present world has to offer them are more appealing than eternal things; so they don’t want to risk losing what they already have!
Reason #7 Some people Reject Jesus to be their Savior, because they see “Hypocrisy” in some Christian people!
Reason #8 Some people simply Reject any Savior because they observe “profiteering” within the ministry!
Reason #9 Many people Reject Jesus as a “Savior” because they have been taught to accept Science over some mysterious Faith!
Reason #10 Most people Reject Jesus for their Savior because the god of this world has blinded them to the truth, and defames the Gospel with a vain human philosophy!
Acceptance vs. Rejection
Whatever the reasons why people reject Jesus Christ as their Savior, their rejection has disastrous eternal consequences for them, as there is simply no other way for men to ever be saved!” By Rejecting Gods mercy, and offer of Grace, one is foolishly hating his own Soul!
Proverbs 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
Focus on the Bible
January 16, 2021
by: Darrell G. Young
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