What does the Biblical Record Convey to us concerning today’s UFO (UAP’s) phenomenon? (Part 1)
In any subject concerning mankind; the Bible is the absolute truth in any area that it offers information.
The Bible is Gods word; and of course he is the master planner, architect and creating engineer of all things!
John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
So if UFO’s do indeed exist; and are originating from beyond our world, still God had to have been involved in the process someway, somehow, either directly, or indirectly by beings that he created.
Genesis 1 teaches that God created the heavens and the earth before He even created the sun, the moon, or the stars.
Then, in Genesis 2:1-4 God concludes the creation project by adding that the “host” of the heavens (plural) were also brought into being. Then in verse 4, God imparts something very important; “these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth.”
The word “host” here refers to celestial servants, or angels. The word “generations” utilized here refers to the descending order or history of the overall finished creation project.
Thus, if UFO’s are a real technological creation, they must have as their designer one of the following:
However, there is one other very notable possibility. A hybrid race of humanoids that descended from the cohabitation of fallen angels with human women.
In Biblical and secular history, these beings are known as Nephilim, or giants, or Titans.
The history of the Nephilim is recorded in Genesis chapter six, and their renown wickedness and legendary technological exploits in our world was the reason for Gods judgment upon the world in the days of Noah’s flood.
So, it is only from one of these four sources that UFO’s, or other hyper-dimensional travelers in flying craft could possibly emanate.
Albeit, Our modern world today is preoccupied with the tantalizing prospects of yet another possibility for UFO’s; extra-terrestrials.”
But in I Corinthians 15:39-40, the great Creator of mankind, the heavens, angels and all things specifically states that there are only two types of created beings: “celestial and terrestrial.”
That proclamation from God does not allow for the existence of extra-terrestrials!
An extra-terrestrial is defined as a physical human-like being from outside the earth and perhaps even beyond our galaxy.
The whole UFOology subject coupled with the various theories of evolution, transpermia, reincarnation, ancient aliens and celestial gods; lends much excitement to those who simply cannot accept the word of God as the truth.
So, back to our original question: Do UFO’s actually exist? Are there visitations to our planet by technologically advanced civilizations?
The Bible is actually replete with documentation about ultra-dimensional visitors to earth. It also records a few instances of “out of this world flying craft of a supernatural technology.”
For instance, the prophet Ezekiel conveys his firsthand impression of a flying craft. Poor Ezekiel had never even seen an airplane, let alone a UFO!
He described a great whirlwind burning with fire that could move about in any direction at tremendous speeds. He further described its shiny exterior as having Omni-dimensional wheels within its structural design.
He concluded his narrative by identifying the flying craft with its accompanying Hosts: “it had the appearance and likeness of almighty God.”
So, yes, there is Biblical evidence supporting the idea that God sometimes utilizes a inter-dimensional flying technology unknown to mankind.
God probably doesn’t have to use technological flying craft, since he is omnipresent, but there is every indication that God often accords Omni-dimensional, hyper-dimensional heavenly craft technology to his angels!
by: Darrell G. Young
Part 2 follows
What Does the Biblical Record Convey to us Concerning Today’s UFO (UAP) phenomena? (Part 2)
In part one of this essay, I reviewed the fact the UFO’s; if they truly exist, can only have 4 potential sources of utilization.
2-Angelic Beings
3-Human Beings
4-Nephilim Hybrids
Another point was that the prospect of UFO type hyper-dimensional flying craft could not be the inventions of extra-terrestrials.
In this part, I shall review what the Biblical Record reveals concerning the Celestial beings that inhabit the heavens.
First, we need to recognize that the Bible conveys the fact that there are three levels of the Heavens.
A-The first Heaven is simply the sky, or expanse of the arch of space around the Earth itself.
B-The second degree level of Heaven is the vast, stretched out expanse of the cosmos; which we commonly call outer space.
C-The third realm of Heaven is the place of Gods throne, which is beyond and outside of the total creation. Isaiah 14:3 describes this heavenly place as far above the stars in the sides of the ultimate north.
The subject of UFO’s and ultra-dimensional travel ultimately comes down to (if not extra-terrestrial) the prospect of Angelic transportation systems.
Could it be possible that celestial beings are involved in the phenomena of UFO’s?
To answer this question, we must again look into the Biblical record for clues. Therein, we readily find that Angels have often visited our world.
This research however must delve deeply into the nature and purposes of the Angels; the holy ones and particularly the Fallen ones!
While the Bible clearly denotes the Divine visits of the angels Gabriel and Michael to the earth, the Bible also records the visitation of “Fallen Angels” to the Earth.
The first intervention of a Fallen Angel centers on Lucifer; who came into Eden and stole away the terrestrial dominion-ship of mankind over the earth and also the second level of Heaven.
Jesus even alluded to the fall of the great Rebel in Luke 10:18, where he describes Satan as falling like lightning from Heaven.
This epic account undoubtedly resulted from the hyper-dimensional War that he ignited in Heaven. (Rev. 12:7-8) That war involves a contingent of 1/3 of the created angels of Heaven joining Satan in his campaign against the God of Heaven.
So then, we must ascertain what is the power of Satan these fallen comrades, not only on a spiritual level; but also in regards to their tactics in warfare and the technology they might have in carrying forth that war.
Ephesians 6:12 reveals that the “fallen enemy” has exceptional powers in the “high places,” a reference to the first and second levels of Heaven.
Ephesians 2:2 describes Satan, the old dominion usurper, as being the “prince of the power of the air.”
The word for prince of the air utilized here is the word “aero,archon” which denotes that he has “mastery” over aeronautical space.
Furthermore, Isaiah 24:21 depicts Satan and his angelic-demon rebels as the “high ones” that occupy the area that we know as our cosmos.
In II Kings 6:16-17 Elisha was permitted a rare opportunity to visibly look upon the angels (both good & bad) in the unseen world. Elisha had seen “chariots of fire” before and knew that the angels of the Lord traveled about in ultra-supernatural aircraft.
Therefore, we can easily find support in the Bible for the prospect of angels, or celestial beings (good and bad) having the capability of flying!
Next; the question becomes; do angels utilize a much higher technology than is known to mankind for traversing our universe and even penetrating more realms than just our earthly dimension?
by: Darrell G. Young
Part 3 follows
What Does the Biblical Record Convey to us Concerning Today’s UFO (UAP) phenomena? (Part 3)
Is it just a coincidence that 20 and 21st century mankind is heavily invested into reconnecting to the gods of the past; or what some philosophers prefer to call a reconnection to our heavenly ancestors?
Our Modern “anti-Biblical God” society is desperately searching the heavens for ET’s and hopefully achieving a cosmic quantum leap into a New World Order.
The modern UFO phenomena began, interestingly enough, in 1947. That was the year that the UN mandated that a place for a Jewish homeland be established in ancient Israel.
This epic turn of worldly events seemed to cause an explosion in UFO sightings. It has further mystified the military powers around the world, causing each nation to be cautious in their public analysis of these unexplainable flying super-high tech other world craft.
Recently, one by one, nations around the world are divulging what they know or don’t know about UFO’s, or UAP’s as they are now described.
It’s almost as if they are preparing the public and the whole world for an extraordinary event.
The Bible may actually record just such a dramatic event of supernatural proportions that the leaders of the world in the Last Days will cooperate in bringing to pass.
II Thessalonians 2: 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
As he always has in his epic warfare against God, Satan is plotting how to counter Gods plans for this world.
Since God has miraculously returned a remnant of Jews to the ancient Promised Land, Satan realizes that he must logistically prepare to use all the forces under his control to upstage Gods plans to return his Son, Jesus Christ to the world.
Included in Satan’s warfare tactics is a strategy to “deceive the whole world” into aligning with him by causing the world to accept his Anti-Christ, otherwise known as the “seed of the serpent.”
Numerous Bible proclamations depict the fascinating powers and miracles that Satan will succeed in foisting upon an unsuspecting world.
It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that Satan and his angels are using “other worldly” technology, not only to travel to earth, but also to redeploy for the same tactics he utilized in the Days of Noah!
Matthew 24:37 specifically compares the world in the time of Noah to be repeated in the Last Days of this age.
This strategy is similar to the tactics employed to produce the ancient Nephilim, significantly using his angels and demons, and perhaps their aeronautical and biological exploits to seduce the world into welcoming a Cosmic Christ; as God!
The “Great Delusion” could well involve the “high ones” preparing the way and perpetrating the actual event of the arrival of Antichrist.
by: Darrell G. Young
Focus on the Bible Ministry
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