Thursday, December 14, 2023

FOJ End Times Alert

The Signs of the Season of the Lords Return

FOJ Analysis: God has left us plenty of information about the “Season” of the Lord’s Coming & the Rapture! 

He has kept the exact time of his return a secret; for a reason; but he has pointed to a “Season of Signs”! 

What constitutes a Season of Time and how long might such a Season last?

The word “Season” in the Bible usually refers to an appointed time, or at the proper time, or even a Set Time! (See Psalms 102:13)

A “Season of Time” in Bible prophecy is a span of earthly years in which Almighty God transitions his providential plans from one purpose to another. 

A “Season of Time” in Bible prophecy is predetermined by God and can last for several centuries or as in the case for the Signs of the Last Days, (a span of time that is more concise as compared to a Dispensation of time) can transpire over several decades!

The “Signs of the Season” of the Lords return have been unfolding for 100 years or more now and are today exponentially quickening by with each passing year! These particular signs involve a “confluence” of worldly events that the Lord described as happening n the days culminating in his return!

In fact, there are now very few “Seasonal Signs” left in Bible prophecy today for them to process themselves out in our world. 

Most of the Seasonal Signs are already in place! And as usual; the nation of Israel is the key to the Seasonal Signs! 

Jesus is Coming; and He is coming very Soon! That is a provable Fact! 

(I usually provide a list of 25 Biblical supports for this analysis; in my FOJ speaking engagements)

My personal spiritual radar for the Rapture is already flashing a bright RED ALERT!

Are YOU ready?

(Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.)

Focus on Jerusalem

Darrell G. Young

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