Friday, February 25, 2022

The Urgency in Ukraine

The Urgency of Ukraine

The Urgency of Ukraine

The current situation ongoing in Ukraine is causing a seismic shift in the power structure of the world order. What will the results be? Where might it lead? 

These are all good questions; and with these dynamics, all of a sudden more people have a slightly higher interest in the subject of the Second Coming of Jesus! Albeit, the world has been on an events countdown watch of the Lord’s 2nd coming since 1948. We are literally living in the days of His imminent return!

Oddly enough, Ukraine has the fifth largest Jewish population in the world, and even has in President Zelensky a Jewish leader.

For weeks, we kept hearing of “rumors of war” concerning an imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Then, as of February 24, the rumors became a living reality. These highly publicized “Rumors” are the natural byproduct of a world filled with competing polarizing powers that are empowered with nuclear weapons!

Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

This phenomena of the “rumor of war” has prevailed in our world ever since the splitting of the atom in 1945. The prevalence of Atomic and nuclear weapons is the primary cause of world wide “distress” when powerful nations resort to warfare; such as now exists with Russia in Ukraine! 

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Geopolitically speaking, Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader has long been intent upon rebuilding the structure of the former Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1989, enabling Eastern European republics to declare their independence from Russia.

These newly formed independent republics became collectively known as the “CIS,” or Commonwealth of Independent States. Most of them maintained a limited relationship with Russia; and many also chose to join the US backed NATO as a defensive measure of security against any further future Russian aggression. 

I would note that Russia has already taken over three out of the twelve independent CIS republics, all situated near the Black Sea.

Further complicating the dynamics of these polarizing spheres of the existing World Order, has been Ukraine’s desire not only to join NATO; but their desire to join the EU for free trade zone inclusion. 

The peoples of the former Soviet republics know full well the downsides of Communism and Socialism. That is something political progressives in the West could learn a big lesson about.

Mr. Putin is viciously opposed to any such arrangements, as he opposes any Western influence, military or economic in the former domain of the Soviet sphere of power. 

Ukraine is a large nation, larger than any of the other European countries. Strategically it is located on the Black Sea, which offers Russia an easy access southward into the Mediterranean Sea via the Straits of the Dardanelles between Turkey and Greece. 

This is a very important point. By controlling Ukraine and Crimea; Russia essentially can control the Black Sea and with the backing of Turkey could easily control all of Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea since it has already established vital bases in Latakia, Syria!

The logistics accorded to Russia by these geographical conditions would provide it a clear corridor of air and naval operations all the way South to the shores and mountains of tiny Israel!

Why is this important, you may ask? Well, the OT prophet Ezekiel foretold of the world conditions of the Latter Days! In chapters 38 and 39 he revealed some important details about Russia after Israel has miraculously been regathered from the world and restored back into its ancient homeland!  

Ezekiel 38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.

Herein, Ezekiel reveals that Russia in the Latter Days, will ultimately lead a coalition of nations “Southward” in an all out assault to take the “Mountains region” of Israel! This coalition of nations will include the nations of Iran and Turkey

These “high mountains” have been a unique area of very serious conflict and international contention between the nations of Israel and Syria ever since 1973! 

Not coincidentally, Syria has been embroiled in a terrible civil war since 2010. The internal dynamics of the Syrian civil war involves the religious strife between the varying sects of Islam, with Iran and Saudi Arabia heavily involved; and with the prestige and power of both the United States and Russia hanging in the balance!

Latter Days Bible prophecy indicates there is a looming Divine Judgment upon Syria. It is known as the “Burden of Damascus!” 

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Ezekiel 38:4 further indicates that it will be God himself that will implicate Russia into this “Southward” military thrust against Israel in the Latter Days. Verse four portrays how God will enforce a “Hook in Russia’s jaws” to entangle Russia and her Allies in a decisive battle upon the Mountains of Israel!

Bible prophecy scholars have debated about what this “Hook in the Jaws” might literally be. Only time can answer that question, but I have a sneaky suspicion that it could involve the circumstances that materialize in Syria. 

As I keep abreast of these situations, I can’t help but highlight a fact that is emanating out of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Whereas, NATO and the present political leadership in the United Stated has proven itself to be weak and inept to interrupt any Russian actions against Ukraine, Russia has shown itself so emboldened as to threaten the West (US-NATO) with nuclear attacks!

Russia, not withstanding, China is forging an alliance with Russia to oppose any Western obstacles to their individual nations designs for super power status. In that vision, they aspire for the demise of US influence around the world. Added to this volatile situation for a change in the World Order, the UN and other Globalist ideologues are hell-bent on restructuring the world into a New World Ten Regional Union that also necessitates great design changes for America’s future status.

So not only has Russia threatened the world with a nuclear WWIII, it has also threatened Israel about claiming any sovereignty on the contested Golan Heights, which frames the border between Israel and Syria! 

Russia’s ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy, speaking before the UN Security Council not only defended Russia’s right to invade Ukraine; but also insisted that Israel is illegally occupying the Golan Heights, which directly contradicts the provisions of the 1949 Geneva Convention. 

He emphatically stated that Russia doesn’t recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and that they are a part of Syria; and Russia will hold Israel responsible for relinquishing that territory back to Syria!

And with that note of warning; we all should be spiritually sensitive to the Urgency of the situation in Ukraine; for it is portending a dramatic change in the present World Order!

And it is also portending something else! It highlights the fact that the long anticipated Rapture of the Church…….is nigh at hand!  

Be ye Ready! The times are Urgent!

Focus on Jerusalem 

Focus on the Bible

February 25, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ancient Aliens and Extraterrestrials

Ancient Aliens and Extraterrestrials 

I often watch programs on the History channel. I love studying History and always have, especially as it pertains to Biblical history. After all, the Bible is the Bible when it comes to the history of mankind and this old world!

So if you have ever watched the History channel much, then you probably know something about the program called “Ancient Aliens.” This program has aired since 2010 and focuses on the prospect of past extraterrestrial influences and visitations in our world. 

The program even theorizes that aliens may have been involved in the planting of life on Earth, and that the modern UFO phenomena signifies an imminent return of these Aliens to Earth, perhaps having an agenda of propelling mankind into a Cosmic Leap towards an era of technological advancement and world peace.

The writers and producers of this program present a lot of location dynamics that they suggest supports an alien history on our planet. 

While the program is certainly interesting and raises a lot of questions, it’s worldview is in reality simply a critical challenge to the Biblical Worldview. 

In fact, it’s many suppositions to explain the mysteries of our universe; in my humble opinion play right into Satan’s master plan to present his Great Delusion in the Latter Days!

The Ancient Aliens theories, coupled with many recent “Disclosures” in the political, the military and scientific communities are likely preparing the worlds population for just exactly what the Bible describes as the “Strong Delusion!”

What is the Strong Delusion?

My absolute contention is that the “Strong Delusion” is that the piecemeal “Disclosure” process by government and news media will eventually disseminate evidence that our world has been visited by extraterrestrials for thousands of years!

If you think I have completely lost my mind; please consider the following facts:

1. Our government has for over 75 years maintained a special department for UFO research and experimental engineering. 

2. The 2013 Obama Administration created a high tech special operations department “Brain Initiative” center to advance Artificial Intelligence neurotechnology to incorporate methods of managing the brains capacity for learning and enhanced receptivity of information.

3. The recent explosion of the  “follow the science” slogan was developed by Transhumanist ideologues who are virulently anti-Christian; and believe that human beings have just reached a phase in our human Evolutionary stage whereby we are now ready for the enlightenment of our Ancient Alien benefactors!

Transhumanists believe that the human brain, as well as the rest of the human body can be advanced to stages of efficiency that only extraterrestrials now possess! 

Transhumanists also believe, as most atheists believe, that the human species was planted on Earth millions of years ago; and that we need the vital assistance of our Alien parents to make the giant leap forward to a “Post Human” era in our Earthly history!

4. The new “Post Human” era would propel mankind into a new reality of god-like status, as so promised by our Alien ancestors!

5. These Transhumanists, atheist “New Age” theorists inaugurated the “SETI Institute” in 1984. Their mission was to search for Extraterrestrial intelligences in our universe for the sole cause of advancing knowledge and understandings of “our, and the worlds Beginning!”

* They do not believe in the Genesis creation account which was given by God!

6. Then on top of all of these, our own government in cooperation with the United Nations formed “ECETI”, a global organization designed to establish contact with Extraterrestrials, for the purpose of seeking advanced technologies and to usher the world into a New Global Order of World Peace!

7. ECETI has announced: “we on the earth now possess all the technologies necessary for communicating with other civilizations in the depths of space. Indeed, we may now be standing on the threshold of taking the momentous step a planetary society takes but once: our first ever contact with our Alien ancestors!”

8. The US Government and the Pentagon are now proceeding with a series of gradual Disclosures on the phenomena of UAV’s. There is a special office for disclosing updates to the public on the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena! The first report of Disclosure simply stated that UFO,s are real and not of this world! 

9. Why would the governments only slowly reveal “Disclosures about Extraterrestrial and or Alien” visitations to Earth? God, as he has been now all throughout this Dispensation, is still yet prohibiting any such activity until the appointed time, and the Rapture event. 

What is the Biblical Strong Delusion?

The Bible is our ultimate source for all truth, even the truth concerning Extraterrestrials and Aliens!

Question # 1. Has the Earth ever been visited by extraterrestrials or Aliens from outer Space or elsewhere?

Biblical Answer: Yes! The Earth has been visited by beings in the past, but they were all “Celestial” beings! There are no Extraterrestrials from other planets as the Transhumanists, the atheists and the Evolutionists all believe!

Question # 2. Have any non-Earth bound beings ever interacted with human beings in the past?

Answer: Yes! These interactions would include God the Creator himself of course! But there have been other “Celestial” beings that have interacted with human beings in the past; namely Mr. Satan himself, also the angels of God, and also the rebel angels aligned with Satan in his rebellion!

Question # 3. What were some of the significant interactions of Celestial type beings with human beings?

Answer: Genesis chapter six records the fact that Celestial beings propagated a Nephillim race of Giants, half human and half celestial; in the pre-flood world and again also briefly after the flood! 

Question # 4. What does any of this have to do with todays modern UFO, Alien or extraterrestrial phenomena?

Answer: Jesus gave as one of the primary signs of his Second Coming as follows:  

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

The “Days of Noah” were such it resulted in the cataclysmic worldwide flood. God judged the world by a flood because the “Seed of Mankind” had been infiltrated and perverted by the biological warfare of the Fallen Angels who were then incarcerated in everlasting chains until the Second occasion when the Antichrist of Satan is exalted by mankind!

The Bible refers to these “Celestial” beings throughout the scriptures! They are usually identified by the phrase, “Host of Heaven.”

* When the Bible mentions the “hosts of Heaven;” it is always referring to the Celestial armies or luminaries of Heaven. (Gen. 2:1, lDeut. 4:19, 17:3; II Chron. 18:18, 33:3-5, Nehemiah 9:6, Isaiah 24:21, 34:4, 40:26, 45:11, Jere. 33:22, Daniel 8:10-11, Luke 2:13, Acts 7:42, Jude 1:6)

* In other places, the Bible refers to these rebel “Celestials” as the “High Ones!” These beings are the so-called Ancient Aliens or Extraterrestrials that our world today is going crazy over; just as it did in Noah’s day! (Isaiah 24:21 and Daniel 4:17)

Isaiah 24:21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

* These “High Ones” dwell throughout our universe and routinely pass in between the multiple dimensions of the heavens. As I have stated; and as the Bible asserts, these alien visitors to Earth are working overtime to accomplish the dethronement of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

* God has historically; since the flood halted Alien capabilities for earthly visitation until the Last Days; when he will permit Satan and his Celestial misfits to perpetrate the “Strong Delusion” upon the Last Days Christ rejecting world!

* Celestial-(epouranios) those dwelling in high places relating to the sky or heaven or divinity beings. (Eph. 6:12)


The Strong Delusion Scenario in the Bible 

The following verse from Paul establish the scenarios of the approaching Day when the Christ rejecting world, who hates the truth of God; will finally be permitted to “Disclose” fully to the world that our Alien ancestors have returned to this world. 

The unbelieving world is presently being “set up” to believe the Greatest Lie since Satan told Eve, “you shall not surely die, but will become as the gods!”

II Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Of course, these verses have been debated and scrutinized for centuries, as to what is being presented here. 

To briefly summarize, these verses speak of a “withholding” power that shall diminish in its capacity to allow the Antichrist to emerge! 

This “withholding” force is the residing power of the Holy Spirit within the body of the Lords church. 

It, or He, the church is then removed from the world, thereby within the mighty wisdom of Almighty Gods providence makes things possible for the escape of the Last Days Christian’s from the developing empire of the Antichrist; as He becomes empowered by his associates, on earth and also from the High Host in the heavens! 

In fact, I honestly believe that Satan will seek to deceive the whole world that a “seed” of his has come from Heaven and deserves to be worshipped as God!

Can you imagine the following scenario: A massive high tech space ship lands on the Earth, preceded by amazing Signs in the Heavens. A full “Disclosure” is announced by the news media, “this is the Son of God.” 

Sound unbelievable? Well, only time will tell, but the “Strong Delusion” will be the absolute masterpiece of Satan’s master plan to take over this world! 

Refer back to verse twelve: God “allows” the Strong Delusion to be “Sent” to this world in order for all those who deny the truth, reject God as the Creator, reject His Son as their Savior; but accept the DELUSION as the only hope of the world! 

Focus on the Bible

February 10, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Letter to Todays Churches

A Letter to Today’s Churches

Recorded in The Revelation in chapters two and three, are letters that John received from Jesus Christ himself concerning seven churches in Asia Minor. 

These seven churches all existed in the first century, but they each represent “seven church types” down through the centuries of the entire Church Age! 

Though those seven churches were indeed literal churches back in that time, the letters to every single church still carries spiritual significance for churches and believers in today’s church. 

To many, the Letters to the Seven Churches only correlate to those early churches; and do not necessarily affect any of us today. But, in reality, these letters demonstrate the following five points for all churches!

Point # 1 Jesus Christ personally analyzes and evaluates each and every single church!

Point #  2 There is nothing about any church anywhere or anytime that Jesus is not totally aware of all of its activities! 

Point # 3 Jesus is the Sovereign Head of all Churches and therefore it’s supreme judge!

Point # 4 Jesus will hold all church leaders accountable for any misdoings in His church!

Point # 5 Jesus will also reward his faithful churches and its loyal diligent body!

So, I can’t help but wonder; what if we got a personal letter today from Jesus listing His evaluation of us and our Church! I wonder just what he might include about me, having been a pastor as well as a church member.

That’s quite a sobering thought, isn’t it? And what if Jesus suddenly walked right into our church today. But then again; his Word says where two or 3 are gathered together in His name; He is literally in their midst! 

Unto the Angel of Todays Church, Write:

The letters to the 7 churches of Revelation were directed to the “Angel” of each church. This “Angel” stems from the word “Aggelos” and can be classified as the messenger or overseer of that particular church. This may be an actual Angel overseer of a Pastor. But as these letters were dictated for delivery to each church, the evaluations were meant to gain the attention of the Pastors!

With that headline in mind, we do well to be warned that Jesus has, through Paul as well as John written us an Analytical letter about the Church of our time, the Last Days!

The condition of the church of today has not caught Jesus by surprise! In fact, Jesus via Paul has forewarned us that as God moves to regather Israel, and bring world history to a climax; we should expect the Church of our time to be struggling against the very threshold of Apostasy!

In fact, just as church history reveals, we are the spiritual contemporaries of the Church of Laodicea! Jesus letter to us today might read as follows:

The Letter to Todays Church States:

Point 1. I know your deeds and your works, and that thou art conforming yourselves to the ways of this world! (Romans 12:2)

Point 2. You are lukewarm, and quench the Holy Spirit by your elitist selfish attitudes! (I Thess. 5:19)

Point 3. You have joined yourselves unto the teaching of fables! (II Timothy 4:4)

Point 4. You not endure sound doctrine but prefer teachers that please your ears; such as prosperity preaching and vain humanistic philosophy! (II Timothy 4:3

Point 5. You prefer to “entertain yourselves” with the appellations of seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils! (I Timothy 4:1

Point 6. You do not unashamedly defend the blessed gospel, but due to popular trends in theology constrict Biblical fundamentals! (Philippians chapter 1)

Point 7. You are preoccupied with formality, riches, buildings, societal status and popular celebrityhood! (II Timothy 2:1-5) (I Peter 5:2)

Point 8. You have all individually defiled your spiritual garments; by bringing shame and bad repute upon your Lord! (Revelation 3:4, Hebrews 12:15)

Point 9. You have left your First Love! You do not posses a passion for the precious souls of the lost that Jesus came to save! (Revelation 2:4) (James 5:7

Point 10. You are spiritually dead, and of the Spirit, totally undiscerning! (1 Corinthians 2:14)

Point 11. You pretend that you have need of nothing; including “Me!” Therefore I stand on the outside, pleading with you to allow me in! (Revelation 3:17)

Point 12. You have a “form of godliness” but your heart is far from me! (II Timothy 3:5

Point 13. You have an Ear; but you are deaf when it comes to listening to my Word! (Revelation chapters 2 & 3)

Point 14. You have a little power! Hold fast to that which you have! Encourage and exhort one another; and do not forsake assembling yourselves together! 

Point 15. Behold, I am at the Door! Watch for Me; lest ye be caught unaware! (Mark 13:33-37)

This is in essence a letter from Jesus Christ to the Church of Today! 

Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Focus on the Bible

February 7, 2021

by: Darrell G. Young

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Losing Your First Love

Losing Your First Love

When you were young and head over heels in love, for the very first time, you probably experienced a conundrum of emotions that simply transformed your life from the way it had been beforehand. 

Many songs have been written about young love. Can you remember your “First Love?” I sure can! I was absolutely consumed by the totality of that very “first love!” 

I couldn’t even eat or concentrate on things I should have been doing. It seems that every conscious moment was swept up in thoughts of that all consuming love.

You’ve probably heard the worn out phrase: “it was love at first sight.” A “First Love” at “First Sight” sounds ridiculous now, but when you are young; ones eyes can lead one into believing that love just naturally comes along simply by ones physical attraction!

Well, of course that isn’t exactly how the love bug works. And when you discover that your “First feelings of Love” aren’t reciprocated, it can be very heartbreaking!

It can cause anyone to experience all sorts of emotions; from depression to bitterness, or from low self esteem to revenge. 

Moreover, losing one’s first love can cause one to turn to outright hate, even so far as to hate everything that you previously thought you had loved!

The truth of the matter is simply this: There is a real battle going on inside every human being! It is a struggle between “loving ones own self” versus “loving others more than loving yourself!”

This epic battle is best pictured in the life of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that God is love and that his love was demonstrated towards us even though we were not attractive at all!

I John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

I John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

You see, God loved me and you, even when we were so “unlovely” for him to look upon! As a consequence of that “inexplicable love,” God arranged a “test case” to prove his Love for us and to avail to each of us the option of choosing his love or rejecting it.

Now then, reflecting back to our first feelings of love; and having it rejected; can you begin to imagine how heartbreaking it must be to God when people abandon him or reject his love?

I can remember old love songs that relayed the sad events of a lover giving up his own life to save the one he loved from harm. One old song entitled: “Teen Angel” told the tale of a car stalled upon a railroad track. The driver got out, but his dear sweetheart went running back into the car to get a ring that her true lover had given her. 

The driver ran to rescue his sweetheart, but it was too late. She could not be saved! The young man lost his “First Love.” How sad!

On a much higher plane, on a more Spiritual level; God sent a “Rescuer” into our world to extract us from the danger that lies before us. 

I John 4:9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

This “manifestation” of “Gods Love” is better described in the Bible as the “Greatest Love” that can ever be demonstrated to man; and particularly so since we are all like a stalled car sitting precariously upon a railroad track.  

(John 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Now, if after having received the love of one so very loving, how could anyone abandon or betray the debt of love of a love like that? 

Nevertheless, it is human nature in this old world to court other potential lovers! It takes an Abiding Love to remain true and loyal to a True Love! 

Any such diversions away from ones true love can only cause harm to the relationship. Such is the case with every Christian. Even though we know the Love of God, we still have a tempter, trying constantly to seduce us into leaving our First Love!

In his evaluation of the church at Ephesus, Jesus critiqued his servants there for having “Left their First Love.” This is a sad review! 

Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

How could they “Leave the Love of the One who First Loved them?” It’s reprehensible! How awful it must be to realize that God, who First Loved us, might have “somewhat” against us! We should always remember the graciousness of him First Loving us!

I hearken back to the stalled car upon the railroad track. Imagine if the young man had actually saved the young girl from the fierce impact of the oncoming train, and then after saving his True Love” life; she abandoned him and went running to another! 

He would be Heartbroken, would he not? Yes, nothing hurts worse than a Lost First Love! 

There is an old saying: “it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” The Lords heart breaks over those he loves, but refuses his love. 

Truer words were never spoken! Although it hurts to love and lose; just the very nature of love begats love. Imagine if God had never “Loved us First!” We could never ever have known his Love! Don’t lose the Love of the one who First Loved You! And you can show his love by loving others.

Focus on the Bible

February 6, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young

Thursday, February 3, 2022

How Can We Know that the God of the Bible is the Real God

How Can We Know for Sure that the God of the Bible is the One and Only Real God?

We can know for sure that the God of the Bible is the real God, because He has revealed Himself to us in several ways. For instance, He has revealed himself in his creation, in His Word, in prophecy, in history and most significantly in His Son, Jesus Christ.

In Creation

The most basic essential proof of the God of the Bible’s existence is simply by what He has made. 

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

This verse alludes to the fact that although God may not be visually visible to us, there is ample evidence of his existence through the things that he has made. The intricate design of all that exists points specifically to an intelligent designer and creator.

Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Yes, even the heavens above us portray the fact that the God of the Bible has to be the one and only true God. In fact, the God of Genesis is the only claimant to actually be the Beginning of all things! Not only is God the beginning, he is also the creator of the dimension of time itself! 

We mere human beings, use Gods heavenly creations to track time. 

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

If I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not assume that it just "appeared" out of nowhere or that it had always existed. Based on the watch's design, I should assume that it had a designer. 

Our knowledge of the measurement of time is not based on wristwatches, but rather it is based upon “God's heavenly handiwork,” the regular rotation of the earth and the circuits of the universe. The universe displays great design, and this design points to an Almighty, all knowing Designer, that is outside of all that he created, including Time itself. In fact he would by fact reside altogether in a dimension that is Eternal! 

In Moral Codes

Not only has God made an intricate and finely tuned physical world; He has also instilled a sense of eternity in the heart of every single person. Mankind possesses an innate perception that there is more to life than just this evil world; and that there must be a higher authority, else we would not seek to institute laws of morality. 

In fact, the God of the Bible long ago informed us of this very condition: 

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

This common worldwide morality, or universal understanding of “right and wrong” points to a Supreme Moral Being who implanted in us such scruples. Romans 2:14-15 references the fact that all mankind’s attempts to establish a standard of moral laws is evidence of an internal conscience as designed by an ultimate lawgiver that is far superior and higher than ourselves!

Therefore; if the God of the Bible is not the one and only true God; then all the things in the Bible that he has shared with mankind would be just mere fabrications. But then, if he really is the Creator of mankind, and his law is inherent, then he would certainly instill into all of mankind’s conscience a sensitivity to laws related not only to morality, but he would also convey a warning of justice and accountability to his maker!

Only the God of the Bible has met all of these criterion, ………..and then some!

In His Word

God has also revealed Himself to us through His Word, the Holy Bible. Throughout Scripture, the existence of God is treated as a self-evident fact.

In fact, when reintroducing himself to mankind, through Moses, the Law transcriber; God simply referred to himself as I AM. 

God, who is so much holier and righteous than any created being, does not need to register his resume with Anyone. When Moses asked of his name, God simply asserted that “He” existed and that He was the God of Creation; and the giver of the Law!

The Divine conveyance of Divine Law, known as the Mosaic Law of Israel was designed to convey to the whole world the holy character and nature of Almighty God! 

The life-changing nature of the Bible, its eternal integrity, and the miracles which accompanied its writing by 40 different writers should be enough to reflect that it’s spiritual author is beyond this temporal world! 

In His Proclamations About the Future

Any God that created all things that exists, and also invented the dimension of time, should also be able to accurately relate something about the history of mankind in the world, and even more so, what the future holds for the world, since He is outside the domain of the process of time.

And to this point, the God of the Bible has both historically been accurate and prophetically been very forthcoming! Any pretender god would never offer to submit himself to such a “time test!” But the God of the Bible foretells of things that will come to pass before they are ever on the horizon of world history! 

Isaiah 42:8-9am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. 
9. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

In fact, the God of the Bible has shared the phrase, pertaining to futuristic things, “it shall come to pass” in his prophetic word over 200 times; and through over ten different writers!

In addition, the God of the Bible challenged Israel in Isaiah chapter 41:22-26 to bring forth the gods of their neighbors, whom they had gone whoring after, to show Israel the “end from the beginning,” and to deliver her from her enemies.

This is one of the most exciting things about the God of the Holy Bible. If his Creation, his word and his law were not sufficient enough to convince you of his Invincible Sovereignty as the Almighty, and his proclamations about the future don’t convince you; I don’t know of anything that ever would. 

In fact Jesus himself responded to the rich man in Hell who requested someone to warn his brothers of Hell and the reality of God:

Luke 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

In His Son

Finally, another great way in which God revealed Himself is through His Son, Jesus Christ.

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from God the Father, full of grace and truth.”

In Jesus' amazing earthly life, He kept the entire Old Testament law perfectly and also fulfilled the prophecies concerning the Messiah. 

He performed countless acts of compassion and public miracles to authenticate His message and bear witness to His deity; and that he came from his Father! 

Then, three days after His crucifixion, He rose from the dead, a fact affirmed by hundreds of eyewitnesses. The historical record abounds with "proof" of who Jesus is. 

As the Apostle Paul said, this thing (life and death of Jesus) "was not done in a corner,” it was all foretold beforehand, and it was all enacted out in plain view before the whole world!


I realize that there will always be skeptics who have their own ideas concerning God and will never accept that the God of the Bible is the one and only true God; no matter the amount of proof that he has made available. 

Of Earth’s creation and it’s laws, only man has a conscious recognition of God’s existence. The Divine work and behavior of God form a written history, and recorded by the Spirit of God in the pages of Holy Scripture; in an effort to redeem lost mankind. Truly it is that the God of the Bible is a God of Love!

The Bible is the only dependable and time tested record of the history of early man, his trials, and of course his destiny. 

Names, dates and places in history are recorded for inclusion in Gods Word on the basis of their significance in the fall and redemption of a lost mankind. 

Finally, the nation of Israel has been, and will continue to be Gods instrumental vehicle in the climax of the battle of the “false gods” against the “one true God of the Bible!” It is therefore no coincidence that Israel, Gods’ chosen vessel to reveal himself to this world; through his law, his Word and through His Son is today; more and more becoming the staging ground for the ultimate revelation of God!

Focus on the Bible
February 3, 2022
by: Darrell G. Young