How Can We Know for Sure that the God of the Bible is the One and Only Real God?
We can know for sure that the God of the Bible is the real God, because He has revealed Himself to us in several ways. For instance, He has revealed himself in his creation, in His Word, in prophecy, in history and most significantly in His Son, Jesus Christ.
In Creation
The most basic essential proof of the God of the Bible’s existence is simply by what He has made.
Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
This verse alludes to the fact that although God may not be visually visible to us, there is ample evidence of his existence through the things that he has made. The intricate design of all that exists points specifically to an intelligent designer and creator.
Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Yes, even the heavens above us portray the fact that the God of the Bible has to be the one and only true God. In fact, the God of Genesis is the only claimant to actually be the Beginning of all things! Not only is God the beginning, he is also the creator of the dimension of time itself!
We mere human beings, use Gods heavenly creations to track time.
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
If I found a wristwatch in the middle of a field, I would not assume that it just "appeared" out of nowhere or that it had always existed. Based on the watch's design, I should assume that it had a designer.
Our knowledge of the measurement of time is not based on wristwatches, but rather it is based upon “God's heavenly handiwork,” the regular rotation of the earth and the circuits of the universe. The universe displays great design, and this design points to an Almighty, all knowing Designer, that is outside of all that he created, including Time itself. In fact he would by fact reside altogether in a dimension that is Eternal!
In Moral Codes
Not only has God made an intricate and finely tuned physical world; He has also instilled a sense of eternity in the heart of every single person. Mankind possesses an innate perception that there is more to life than just this evil world; and that there must be a higher authority, else we would not seek to institute laws of morality.
In fact, the God of the Bible long ago informed us of this very condition:
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
This common worldwide morality, or universal understanding of “right and wrong” points to a Supreme Moral Being who implanted in us such scruples. Romans 2:14-15 references the fact that all mankind’s attempts to establish a standard of moral laws is evidence of an internal conscience as designed by an ultimate lawgiver that is far superior and higher than ourselves!
Therefore; if the God of the Bible is not the one and only true God; then all the things in the Bible that he has shared with mankind would be just mere fabrications. But then, if he really is the Creator of mankind, and his law is inherent, then he would certainly instill into all of mankind’s conscience a sensitivity to laws related not only to morality, but he would also convey a warning of justice and accountability to his maker!
Only the God of the Bible has met all of these criterion, ………..and then some!
In His Word
God has also revealed Himself to us through His Word, the Holy Bible. Throughout Scripture, the existence of God is treated as a self-evident fact.
In fact, when reintroducing himself to mankind, through Moses, the Law transcriber; God simply referred to himself as I AM.
God, who is so much holier and righteous than any created being, does not need to register his resume with Anyone. When Moses asked of his name, God simply asserted that “He” existed and that He was the God of Creation; and the giver of the Law!
The Divine conveyance of Divine Law, known as the Mosaic Law of Israel was designed to convey to the whole world the holy character and nature of Almighty God!
The life-changing nature of the Bible, its eternal integrity, and the miracles which accompanied its writing by 40 different writers should be enough to reflect that it’s spiritual author is beyond this temporal world!
In His Proclamations About the Future
Any God that created all things that exists, and also invented the dimension of time, should also be able to accurately relate something about the history of mankind in the world, and even more so, what the future holds for the world, since He is outside the domain of the process of time.
And to this point, the God of the Bible has both historically been accurate and prophetically been very forthcoming! Any pretender god would never offer to submit himself to such a “time test!” But the God of the Bible foretells of things that will come to pass before they are ever on the horizon of world history!
Isaiah 42:8-9 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
9. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
In fact, the God of the Bible has shared the phrase, pertaining to futuristic things, “it shall come to pass” in his prophetic word over 200 times; and through over ten different writers!
In addition, the God of the Bible challenged Israel in Isaiah chapter 41:22-26 to bring forth the gods of their neighbors, whom they had gone whoring after, to show Israel the “end from the beginning,” and to deliver her from her enemies.
This is one of the most exciting things about the God of the Holy Bible. If his Creation, his word and his law were not sufficient enough to convince you of his Invincible Sovereignty as the Almighty, and his proclamations about the future don’t convince you; I don’t know of anything that ever would.
In fact Jesus himself responded to the rich man in Hell who requested someone to warn his brothers of Hell and the reality of God:
Luke 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
In His Son
Finally, another great way in which God revealed Himself is through His Son, Jesus Christ.
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from God the Father, full of grace and truth.”
In Jesus' amazing earthly life, He kept the entire Old Testament law perfectly and also fulfilled the prophecies concerning the Messiah.
He performed countless acts of compassion and public miracles to authenticate His message and bear witness to His deity; and that he came from his Father!
Then, three days after His crucifixion, He rose from the dead, a fact affirmed by hundreds of eyewitnesses. The historical record abounds with "proof" of who Jesus is.
As the Apostle Paul said, this thing (life and death of Jesus) "was not done in a corner,” it was all foretold beforehand, and it was all enacted out in plain view before the whole world!
I realize that there will always be skeptics who have their own ideas concerning God and will never accept that the God of the Bible is the one and only true God; no matter the amount of proof that he has made available.
Of Earth’s creation and it’s laws, only man has a conscious recognition of God’s existence. The Divine work and behavior of God form a written history, and recorded by the Spirit of God in the pages of Holy Scripture; in an effort to redeem lost mankind. Truly it is that the God of the Bible is a God of Love!
The Bible is the only dependable and time tested record of the history of early man, his trials, and of course his destiny.
Names, dates and places in history are recorded for inclusion in Gods Word on the basis of their significance in the fall and redemption of a lost mankind.
Finally, the nation of Israel has been, and will continue to be Gods instrumental vehicle in the climax of the battle of the “false gods” against the “one true God of the Bible!” It is therefore no coincidence that Israel, Gods’ chosen vessel to reveal himself to this world; through his law, his Word and through His Son is today; more and more becoming the staging ground for the ultimate revelation of God!
Focus on the Bible
February 3, 2022
by: Darrell G. Young
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