A Letter to Today’s Churches
Recorded in The Revelation in chapters two and three, are letters that John received from Jesus Christ himself concerning seven churches in Asia Minor.
These seven churches all existed in the first century, but they each represent “seven church types” down through the centuries of the entire Church Age!
Though those seven churches were indeed literal churches back in that time, the letters to every single church still carries spiritual significance for churches and believers in today’s church.
To many, the Letters to the Seven Churches only correlate to those early churches; and do not necessarily affect any of us today. But, in reality, these letters demonstrate the following five points for all churches!
Point # 1 Jesus Christ personally analyzes and evaluates each and every single church!
Point # 2 There is nothing about any church anywhere or anytime that Jesus is not totally aware of all of its activities!
Point # 3 Jesus is the Sovereign Head of all Churches and therefore it’s supreme judge!
Point # 4 Jesus will hold all church leaders accountable for any misdoings in His church!
Point # 5 Jesus will also reward his faithful churches and its loyal diligent body!
So, I can’t help but wonder; what if we got a personal letter today from Jesus listing His evaluation of us and our Church! I wonder just what he might include about me, having been a pastor as well as a church member.
That’s quite a sobering thought, isn’t it? And what if Jesus suddenly walked right into our church today. But then again; his Word says where two or 3 are gathered together in His name; He is literally in their midst!
Unto the Angel of Todays Church, Write:
The letters to the 7 churches of Revelation were directed to the “Angel” of each church. This “Angel” stems from the word “Aggelos” and can be classified as the messenger or overseer of that particular church. This may be an actual Angel overseer of a Pastor. But as these letters were dictated for delivery to each church, the evaluations were meant to gain the attention of the Pastors!
With that headline in mind, we do well to be warned that Jesus has, through Paul as well as John written us an Analytical letter about the Church of our time, the Last Days!
The condition of the church of today has not caught Jesus by surprise! In fact, Jesus via Paul has forewarned us that as God moves to regather Israel, and bring world history to a climax; we should expect the Church of our time to be struggling against the very threshold of Apostasy!
In fact, just as church history reveals, we are the spiritual contemporaries of the Church of Laodicea! Jesus letter to us today might read as follows:
The Letter to Todays Church States:
Point 1. I know your deeds and your works, and that thou art conforming yourselves to the ways of this world! (Romans 12:2)
Point 2. You are lukewarm, and quench the Holy Spirit by your elitist selfish attitudes! (I Thess. 5:19)
Point 3. You have joined yourselves unto the teaching of fables! (II Timothy 4:4)
Point 4. You not endure sound doctrine but prefer teachers that please your ears; such as prosperity preaching and vain humanistic philosophy! (II Timothy 4:3)
Point 5. You prefer to “entertain yourselves” with the appellations of seducing spirits and the doctrines of devils! (I Timothy 4:1)
Point 6. You do not unashamedly defend the blessed gospel, but due to popular trends in theology constrict Biblical fundamentals! (Philippians chapter 1)
Point 7. You are preoccupied with formality, riches, buildings, societal status and popular celebrityhood! (II Timothy 2:1-5) (I Peter 5:2)
Point 8. You have all individually defiled your spiritual garments; by bringing shame and bad repute upon your Lord! (Revelation 3:4, Hebrews 12:15)
Point 9. You have left your First Love! You do not posses a passion for the precious souls of the lost that Jesus came to save! (Revelation 2:4) (James 5:7)
Point 10. You are spiritually dead, and of the Spirit, totally undiscerning! (1 Corinthians 2:14)
Point 11. You pretend that you have need of nothing; including “Me!” Therefore I stand on the outside, pleading with you to allow me in! (Revelation 3:17)
Point 12. You have a “form of godliness” but your heart is far from me! (II Timothy 3:5)
Point 13. You have an Ear; but you are deaf when it comes to listening to my Word! (Revelation chapters 2 & 3)
Point 14. You have a little power! Hold fast to that which you have! Encourage and exhort one another; and do not forsake assembling yourselves together!
Point 15. Behold, I am at the Door! Watch for Me; lest ye be caught unaware! (Mark 13:33-37)
This is in essence a letter from Jesus Christ to the Church of Today!
Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Focus on the Bible
February 7, 2021
by: Darrell G. Young
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