Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Special Note to FOJ Readers

Note to FOJ Readers

I have for several weeks now pondered over the Russian war on Ukraine; and how it might fit into Last Days Bible prophecy.

I have also noted that many other prophecy ministries are researching the same topic; as all of us are very curious about the present global implications. 

I think it is easy to attach the Ezekiel 38 scenario to the present war. 

Personally, I do not think,  yet at least, as it has developed thus far, that we are witnessing that particular prophetic event. But it does reflect the intense motivation of Russia for their eventual campaign southward, towards Syria and Israel.

At this point in the Ukraine theatre of war, the Allies of Russia depicted in Ezekiel 38 are not engaged, unless we consider the network of Russia with Iran.

Nevertheless, one thing the current nightmare in Ukraine has exposed is the vacuum of any “strong leadership” in the US, EU, NATO, or the West in general. 

Even President Zelensky today, (March 16) in his speech to the US Congress, quite literally challenged the President of the United States to grow a spine, and stand up as the “Leader of the Free World” that all America’s Presidents have duly represented themselves as since the end of WWII. 

Four things are apparent:

1-The Presidency of the US, especially under the Biden Administration is no longer the “leader of the Free World.”

2-The “Free World” no longer has any leader, strong or otherwise! (*Has this “weakness” in leadership been purposely created?) 

3-This vacuum of strong leadership in the West begs for a Strong, Savy, crafty, charismatic and diplomatic genius to rise to the occasion! 

4-The present geopolitical situation is perfectly ripe for someone like the future Antichrist to begin his miraculous rise to Global prominence! 

Daniel 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Every Christian should already know that we are living on borrowed time, within the “Last Days.” We should all be alert to the serious nature of the times in which we live. 

I do not know when Jesus is coming; but I KNOW he is coming Soon; because I see all the Signs of the Times that his Word told us to Watch for.

Keep Focusing on Jerusalem! 

by: Darrell G. Young

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