Sunday, March 13, 2022

Understanding Ukraine

Understanding Ukraine

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine! This nation is central to the news today. The war now currently being waged (2022) by Russia against Ukraine runs all the risks of exploding into a multi-national scene for World War III.

I must admit, only three months ago, I knew very little about the country of Ukraine. I knew it was located in Eastern Europe and up until 1991 had been occupied by the old Soviet Union. 

But a few years back, I worked with a Ukrainian immigrant who enlightened me to the reality that the Ukrainian people cherish their freedom and possess a fierce disdain for socialism and its ever ruling companion, Communism.

In our discussions about Ukraine, it didn’t occur to me that Ukraine could ever be a component in Last Days Bible Prophecy. But now, in retrospect and learning more about the history of Ukraine, I see why Ukraine is so important geopolitically!

Cold War Climax 1989-1994

In 1989, the Soviet Union disintegrated, resulting supposedly in the end of the “Cold War” between Communist Russia and the United States. The Berlin wall came down in November of 1989, as a result of President Ronald Reagen’s resolve to oppose Communism. 

Ukraine, after 75 years of the Soviet Communist occupation, declared itself an independent state in 1991. It joined the (CIS) Commonwealth of Independent States. This “independence” was a revolution against continued Russian occupation.

Unlike most other member CIS states, Ukraine declared themselves to be “neutral” in so far as choosing sides between the competing powers of the Russian Federation and the Western allied NATO nations, choosing instead to maintain a level of “limited” relations with both Russia and NATO. 

* Coincidentally, former President US George Bush, in 1994 advised Ukraine to remain a part of Russia, and not to become an independent democracy.

Unfortunately for Ukraine, their political position has placed them squarely in the crosshairs of both Russia and the West. Thus by being so unaligned, they have found themselves highly susceptible to political intrigue and corruption.

Independence isn’t Easy

In 1991 when Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviet-Russian empire, Ukraine found itself suddenly in possession of the third largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world! 

This fact quickly became the focus of the whole world, especially Russia, Europe and the United States. 

Thus, in 1994, the United States, Russia, and Britain met in Budapest, Hungary and committed themselves  “to respect the independence, sovereignty and borders of Ukraine” and “to refrain from threatening or using force” against Ukraine. These pledges became known as the “Memorandum of Budapest!” 

This “memorandum of understanding” about Ukraine played a key role in persuading the newly formed independent and democratic Ukrainian government in Kyiv to give up the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal, which consisted of some 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads.

Kazakhstan and Belarus returned all nuclear weapons to Russia voluntarily; but Ukraine sought security guarantees from all sides for dismantling their nuclear stockpiles, financial aid in depleting the uranium in warheads and finally for signing to the UN nuclear (NNPT) nonproliferation treaty. This was agreed to in 1994 by all parties; (US, Britain, Russia and Ukraine) with the United States footing all the costs for the dismantlement. 

Eliminating the strategic nuclear warheads, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and strategic bombers in Ukraine was a big deal for the United States. 

The ICBMs and bombers carried warheads of tremendous size, all designed, built and deployed by the Soviet Union to attack and destroy America.

Establishing Independence & Democracy

After declaring independence and structuring security agreements between the “Cold War” antagonists, Ukraine finally got down in the 1990’s to establishing their experiment with democracy. Although over 90% of Ukrainians fully supported a democratic government to a Socialist Communist system, corruption by politicians became a continual problem.

Russia continued to wreak havoc within the political system of Ukraine. Ukraine was also totally dependent upon Russia for its energy needs. This fact served to allow Russia to easily influence Ukrainian politics as well as to incite anti-democratic fervor in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, where many Russian peoples live. 

Well, over the course of a decade, Ukraine implemented its form of a representative democracy. They structured a constitution and framed elections to elect leaders. In the aftermath of the implementation of national elections, came outside influences as to who might get elected into office. 

The central issues in Ukrainian politics rests upon concerns about security, energy needs,  freedom and economic opportunity. Towards these ends, Ukraine has looked westward; for its ultimate acceptance and inclusion into the European Economic Association. 

On the security front, Ukraine has sought to maintain a limited relationship with Russia while also seeking a substantial reliance on NATO for deterrence from Russia. Because of this security stance, Russia has sought to overtly control the foreign policy of Ukraine. 

These factors and others have led to many contested elections and insidious corruption within the Ukrainian sphere of governance.

Most notably is the election of 2004. In that presidential election, Vladimir Putin backed a puppet candidate named Victor Yanukovych, who was declared the winner. It was later discovered that Russia had been involved in rigging the election on behalf of Yanukovych. 

The Ukrainian Supreme Court found heavy cheating in the election and called for a run off election; primarily because of a nation wide revolt against the Russian usurpation, In the ensuing election, Ukraine voted by a margin of 52%-44% against Putin’s puppet Yanukovych and elected as their President a man named Viktor Yushchenko. 

As events developed, it was discovered that Russia attempted an assassination attempt on Mr. Yushchenko and in 2015 Putin’s man was replaced. 

In short, these events form the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014; while Barack Obama was the American President, and also the eastern provinces of Donbas and Luhansk, where Putin militias operate as Russian orchestrated separatist cells from a democratic Ukraine. 

Ukraine Today

Russia under Pres. Vladimir Putin undertook to take Crimea and Donetsk whereupon he saw that President Obama backtracked from his so-called “Red Lines” drawn in Syria! 

He has been planning his covert campaign to retake and annex Ukraine again under Russian dominance for many years. It may represent the last piece in the puzzle for him to reconfigure his dreams of a rebuilt Soviet Empire!

In retrospect, Russia has broken all of its previous commitments to Ukraine under the Budapest Accords. Not so well known is the fact that the United States and Europe have also failed to keep their commitments for the security arrangements for Ukraine! 

* Once again, sensing extreme weakness in an American leader, Mr. Putin has chosen to roll the nuclear dice and take what he wants. This time he wants all of Ukraine and it’s vital Black Sea ports, which reach southward into the East Mediterranean Sea and Syria! 

* Secondly, his war on Ukraine would enable him to control all of the gas and oil exports from Central Asia, with its immense profits, since all the transport pipelines course from the Caspian Sea basin; and his client in Iran; through the country of Ukraine. 

* Thirdly, corrupt politicians from both Russia “and the United States” have been absorbing huge financial benefits from the contest over Ukraine and its geopolitical status! 

Putin is Planning For the Future

Just today, I have noted in the headline news that Vladimir Putin is recruiting proxy Iranian Hezbollah soldiers to relocate from Syria into the Ukraine theatre (16,000) to terrorize the Ukrainian people into surrender!

And yet, US President Biden does nothing to make Putin tone it down. In fact, the actions of Mr. Biden only serves to further impose “Sanctions” on the American free enterprise system and the American people! 

Somewhere in the dark wings of the still yet emerging New World Order, I sense that the situation in Ukraine is serving as a “Reset” to reconfigure the present 77 year old world order that is presently functioning under the post WWII Pax Americana! 

Bible prophecy is trending towards the great Time of Jacobs trouble! I know this for a fact! In the interim, whatever comes to pass with the present Ukraine nightmare, I know that a Global Superstructure Order is in the plans of international diplomats for the aftermath. 

The “Distress of the nations” is paramount at this time. It has reached a boiling point! The King of the North; Russia, and perhaps Putin himself (Daniel 11:40, Jeremiah 25:9-26) is already preparing for the Day of Decision! 

And think about this: President Biden, while enforcing “Energy Sanctions” on America is entrusting Russia and Mr. Putin to act as our chief go between negotiator with Iran to work a renewed deal (JCPOA) with Iran to cease its nuclear weapons ambitions; which are being developed by Iran for the sole purpose of wiping Israel off the map! 

Think about that: Russia has just threatened to “use nuclear weapons upon America” over Ukraine; yet America’s socialist politicians trust Russia and Mr. Putin to compel Iran to comply with nuclear nonproliferation goals! 

This is total lunacy! I believe that America is being “set-up” for a surprise total downfall. The world is changing fast! We are living in Perilous times! In every place I look in the world today, I foresee trouble on the horizon! 

I do not know what role Ukraine might play in future Bible prophecy. Only time will divulge more about that, but I suspect it may fall into the category of the “many people and bands” with Russia as depicted in Ezekiel 38:6. 

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine! I don’t know what will happen with Ukraine. I wish I did, but yet again, I’m not sure I want to know! I know this though, we are deep, deep into the very last of the last days, and the Rapture is very imminent! 

Jesus alerted us to the alarming signs of the times and how perilous things will get, even going so far as to offer the following words:

Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The last instructions of Jesus to his servants of the Last Days were to “Watch,” hold fast to the faith and his promises, and never ever doubt his Soon Coming! 

Focus on the Bible

March 13, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young

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