Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Bind Up The Nations Wounds

Bind Up The Nations Wounds
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
June 30, 2020
  On March 4, 1865, upon winning a second term as president, Abraham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address. In his remarks, President Lincoln stated the following as he anticipated the soon end of America’s long nightmare of a Civil War.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives to see the right, let us strive to finish the fight we are in; to Bind Up the Nations Wounds,” (a mere 41 days after encouraging people to help bind up the nations wounds, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated)
  With the conclusion of the fight Lincoln mentioned in his address; slavery was defeated forever across America! Over 700,000 soldiers died in that awful struggle. The nation was indeed severely “Wounded” over the fight to abolish slavery. But while America suffered a grievous Wound; its soul was saved.
  On January 1, 1863 Lincoln had plainly spelled out the goal of Union victory. It was Emancipation for America’s 1,500,000 Black people, many of whom had been enslaved for many years before the United States was even formed.
  Today; although there has been no slaves in America for 155 years; many people are only too anxious to reopen those Old Wounds, and wreak devastating harm to our national Body!
  America doesn’t need to re-fight the Civil War. Re-fighting the Civil War will only Wound our nation more, and perhaps even lead to its death. And make no mistake about it, there are many forces that are salivating over that prospect.
  Freedom still rings loud and true for anyone who dreams the American Dream. America is still the shining light set on a hill. Though there be gathered many dark forces today that would put it out, it still shines out through countless proud Americans!
  And Americans don’t need to take a knee for any football players or any singular race of people; or any politician. America’s Declaration of Independence, it’s Constitution and it’s flag recognizes the value of all life, and stands for the liberty of all mankind and provides for the social sanctuary that all men can be availed the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness!
  The only knee we as a nation and as a people need to be taking is a “Knee in Prayer” before Almighty God, to ask God to help us to see the Godly Right, President Lincoln cited; and to ask God, once again to “Bind Up Our Nations Wounds.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Politics of Hate and Envy

The Politics of Hate and Envy
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
June 25, 2020
  The poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow penned these famous words: “There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of Love; the first fluttering of its silken wings.”
  Truly it is that there is nothing holier than love. Love is of God. Apart from God, love in any form among human beings would not even exist. The evidence for the existence of God is love, and the fact that love ultimately overcomes hate!
  The architect of hate and envy is none other than Gods arch enemy, Satan. Satan pleasures himself in sowing seeds of conflict amongst the human race. His whole ambition is to cause people to hate one another, and to be envious of what others are blessed with.
   Sadly, the political stage is a prime venue for Satan's craftsmanship at inciting hate and envy. Unfortunately, today in America, we have too many politicians willing to assist and profit from the facilitation of the satanic system of hatred and envy.
   Divide and Conquer! It has always been the modus operandi of covert dark forces seeking to overcome the forces of love, the rule of law, peace and harmony.
   Such is the case today across America! The forces of Hatred and Envy are on the march. They march and protest because they are insecure. They march because they possess hate! They march because they hate the rule of law! They march because they know not the essence of love, nor the fluttering wings of the First Consciousness of Love! 
   But mostly, they march and act out in lawlessness and Hate because they hate the God that Loves everyone, and know not the inner peace he can bring into any environment.
  1 John 4:18-21 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19. We love him, because he first loved us. 20. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 21. And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.
Longfellow was right: “There is nothing holier in this life of ours than the first consciousness of Love;

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Real Roots of Racism and Slavery

The Real Roots of Racism and Slavery
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
June 24, 2020
  Racism and slavery are subjects of trending news today. The plague of slavery has always been a curse on humanity wherever it has been implemented by the powers of this world. It has always caused hatred, envy, strife, and chaos!
  Can you list the number of nations in world history that have engaged in Slavery? The answer is ALL of them! A few nations (very few) finally dissolved their practice of slavery by legislation, as soon the Gospel Christ began to influence their culture. Great Britain, for example, after using slavery to build their empire, finally in 1807 rejected slavery.
  Can you list the nations in world history that actually fought a civil war (brother against brother) to absolve their nation from the evil practice of slavery? The answer is only one nation!
  That nation was the United States of America! (About 400,000 white Union soldiers and about 30,000 black Union soldiers died fighting to abolish slavery “nationwide” in America’s horrible civil war)
Slavery was institutionalized in America’s southland, not by the United States; but by European Colonial powers; 150 years before the United States was even conceived. It was the United States Declaration of Independence (based upon Christian beliefs) that stated that “all men are created equal” that ultimately led to the American revolt against racism and slavery!
  The practice of slavery is as old as the world. Ever since God pronounced his sentence on sinful man for his disobedience, mankind of all nations and races has sought to escape Gods sentence of hard labor for his earthly sustenance! (Genesis 3:17-19 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.)
  The easiest way for sinful man to avoid sweat and backbreaking toil was to force servitude on his fellow man; an effort thereby to circumvent Gods sentence for his Sin. Such has been the practice of nations, kingdoms, empires, state and tribal powers as humanity increased and spread.
  America is not a racist country, as many are trying to imply today. America has fought long and hard against the plague of slavery and racism. It paid a terrible price to halt the spread of slavery! (700,000 lives lost....1/20th of the entire population of the US in the 1860"s) There are racists in America, as there are in every nation of the world.
  Racism and slavery is simply the byproduct of the evil emanating from the heart of man; and not from his skin!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Has God Removed America's Hedge of Protection?

Why is "God Allowing" America to be Rocked by Civil & Political Chaos?
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young 
June 15, 2020
Our beloved country, the United States of America is undergoing a Satanic inspired insurrection. There is chaos in the streets. There is division everywhere. The decades long "culture war" that has rocked our society for 60 years is seemingly reaching a climax! The politicians have no real solutions. In fact, they are a big part of the national ailment. The nations police forces are being slandered and marked for defunding; which can only lead to tyranny!
It has all the earmarks of another outright Civil War! It could even lead to the destruction of the United States for all time. And make no mistake about it, there are many forces at work inside and outside our borders that desire the United States to decay and fall.
But why is this really happening? Is it planned? Is it about political power? Is it because this year is a particularly contentious election season? Is America really such an evil country? If so; why are people beating down our borders to get into our country?
As Christians, we are all worried about the traumatizing things going on right now in our beloved country? Many are asking what can be done to stem the wrecking ball of darkness beleaguering our nation right now.
Most Christians readily accept the idea that Almighty God is in control of everything. So the question is prompted: “Why is God allowing evil and chaos to overwhelm our institutions and threaten the very existence of America.”
Perhaps, as a nation, and as a people, our institutions are flailing because America has abandoned God. We have kicked God out of every single bastion of influence in our land. We have shook our fist in Gods face and told him point blank; LEAVE, get out; we will run things to our own satisfaction and we don’t want or need you for anything!
Maybe as a nation we are reaping what we have sown for the past 60 years! Maybe God is letting us enjoy the “error of our ways” to see if we will repent and beg his forgiveness! Maybe as a result of chasing God out of our government, schools, courts, and culture, God has removed our once vaunted "Hedge of Protection."
Maybe instead of blindly singing God bless America; we as a nation and society should in truth and practice start blessing and honoring God; so that He would be pleased to bless America again!

Defund The Politicians, Not the Police

Defund the Politicians, Not the Police
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young
June 16, 2020
In the aftermath of the tragic Minneapolis George Floyd incident, there is suddenly a lot of hoopla in our country to Defund the Police! The mayors of Los Angeles, New York City and Seattle are each proceeding to slice the budgeting for their police departments. Many other large cities are considering similar defunding.
This knee jerk reaction by municipal and state politicians in the face of rioting, looting and protesting is absolutely insane. It reveals that our politicians are a bigger problem in this country than any rogue cop could ever be.
The average yearly salary for Policemen across the United States is about $55,000. They put their lives at risk every single day and night to present the American public with a sense of security and protection. They and their families are harassed, slandered, and threatened daily.
The average yearly salary for a major metropolitan city mayor in the United States averages about $300,000. Yet in the cities recently in the news for criminal level violence; these mayors and governors have failed to do their most fundamental job.
They have not protected their cities. They have not protected tax paying businesses. They have not protected their citizenry. And they have not supported the cornerstones of their communities, their police! Quite the contrary, they are only too quick to vilify and defame their entire police forces!
The police of America are on the frontlines of our civilization. Defund, Destroy or Devalue the police units in our country and you essentially destroy the most fundamental presence of order in our society. Any semblance of peace will disappear altogether. There would be anarchy!
Defunding and destroying civil police structures in a society has always been a trademark tactic of Socialistic engineers and always lead to extreme Totalitarian styled dictatorships.
Instead of “Defunding Police Departments” across America, “WE the PEOPLE” should move to Defund and Defeat these corrupt, idiotic Socialistic, appeasing Politicians! (Defund the Politicians) They have created most of the problems! They are a stumbling block to professional police enforcement.
America can no longer afford the liberal policies of secular humanism and irresponsibility in its so-called leaders. They are blind guides leading our country into oblivion!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

What Should be Considered “Essential” Today?

What Should Be Considered “Essential” Today?
June 6, 2020
Commentary by: Darrell G. Young

What exactly is “Essential” today? We have just endured 3 months of an economic shutdown due to a world wide health scare. It has destroyed many businesses and upended many peoples lives.
   Frightened to death, most people have conceded that the lockdown was necessary. Meanwhile, the powers that be in our world dictated to us what services were Essential, and mandated that most other services were simply, “non-Essential.”

   Foremost on their non-Essential list were the Churches across America! While liquor stores and abortion clinics were allowed to operate; Church services, out of concern for their people were forced to go “underground.” Put simply; Church in America was deemed “Non-Essential.”
    It is my absolute conviction that Church in America is the most Essential venue in the entire country. The spiritual health of our people is just as important as physical health, maybe even more important!

   It is now more Essential than ever before! We in America are facing perilous times; unlike any enemy in the past. The enemy today is not Nazism, or Communism. The enemy we face today is a sinister Satanic assault, in which Satan is targeting our nation for a fall. Satan knows in his great last stand in this world; that as He targets Israel for his wrath, He must debilitate the United States.

   Satans strategy involves manipulating the political sphere of our own country! In this critical “election season,” the forces of Hell are being arrayed against our country like never before.
   Churches and Christianity in America are clearly the intended targets of Satan, as he moves in these days to present his Antichrist as the savior of our planet! (Do not be deceived)
   It is absolutely Essential in this particular year for Christians, Preachers and Churches to stand up against the wiles of the Devil. The time for boldness is Now! The time for plain Truth is Now!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Lawlessness And The Last Days

Lawlessness and The Last Days
June 5, 2020
Commentary by Darrell G Young

 In the Last Days; perilous times shall come! We’ve heard this Biblical phrase before, but what enables the peril to come to the forefront in those times?
   Jesus said in Matthew 24:12 that the prevailing condition in society that leads to the perilous days is the “Lawlessness” that will pervade the culture of the last days!
   Jesus adds that “Lawlessness” will not only abound, but will exponentially increase as people turn away from God. Jesus goes on to say that “the love of many will grow cold.”
   This is a picture of the violent liberal progressive American anti-Christian society of today. It is why police departments across America have been caught in the crosshairs of a sinister conspiracy to destroy the fundamental fabric of our government.
   The “defund police” movement now emerging in American cities is a serious destabilizing force that could lead our nation into absolute anarchy! It can only lead to Lawlessness!
   II Thessalonians serves as a vivid reminder to all Christians in these days that a great “mystery of lawlessness” working in the world of the Last Days will only result in the rapid emergence of the “Lawless One!” (The Antichrist)
   Pray for America! Pray for our President! Pray especially for our Police! These are the early pangs of the Perilous Last Times!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Let America “Breathe Again?”

Let America Breathe Again!
(Can We All Just Breathe Again?)
June 1,  2020
Commentary by Darrell G. Young

As our nation just endured yet another chaotic week; I have sat here before my television and watched the constant churning of bad news. First it was the incessant frightening predictions about Covid 19. Now, the news is all about riots, protests, hate, looting, burning, racism, burning the American flag and killings.

The latest turmoil comes on the heels of the death of George Floyd, at the hands of a incompetent police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I didn’t know Mr. Floyd or Mr. Chauvin, the police officer now arrested in incident. But like most Americans I have seen the replays of the infamous video of Mr. Floyd lying down on the pavement, while Mr. Chauvin kept his knee placed firmly on his neck. Then comes the audio of George, pleading, “I Can’t Breathe.”

Why couldn’t Officer Chauvin have just removed his knee from George’s neck? It was the right thing to have done. Simple! There was No need for the excessive Pressure on applied to the neck. This policeman was simply in the wrong, le moo gally, morally, and humanely. Now Officer Chauvin will have to pay the price for some degree of murder. It may cost him his own Breathe!

As I watched the news, I felt immense sorrow at George’s unruly death. Then, I wondered what in the world George had done to warrant the police questioning him and finally arresting him. Apparently George had passed a $20 bill to a clerk to pay for cigarettes. The clerk of the store charged to police that it was a counterfeit bill. This was George’s big crime!

But apparently, some people feel like George’s big crime was simply being Black! This point of view is especially tightly held by those that are black; and whose ancestors of 155 years ago in America endured the atrocity of slavery. Therefore when a black person is killed by a white policeman; the tendency in some places is to blame America, and use the event to denounce the whole country as being racist, and established by bigots.

Even our former President, Barack Obama has stated on more than one occasion that “America has racism embedded in its DNA.” But is America’s struggle between races as simple as black and white!  It seems to be lost on many Americans alive today that America is the least racist country in the whole world. Americans fought a great Civil War 160 years ago over the issue of slavery and racism. Seemingly lost in the modern narrative is that over 400,000 White Americans gave their lives to rid our country of slavery! Try finding that idealistic morality in any other country!

And before that; at the founding of the United States in 1776,  our founders stated unequivocally that “all men are created equal.” At the very least, that declaration conveyed the noble cause of freedom for all future Americans as our society endeavored to perfect a system suitable for all mankind to live in harmony. Now, I know that history doesn’t record perfection in America’s journey towards its promises; but realize this: America is not Heaven on earth! But it is the noblest attempt ever attempted in the history of civilization to erect a system of laws, morality, freedom, respect for personal property, and liberty of conscience to be cultivated.

America was established whereby laws were established by the governed, to be enforced by the governing body for the mutual welfare of all. When our laws are disrespected, and our law enforcement officers slandered and assaulted, our entire society is at great risk. We have all heard the phrase, “the thin blue line.” It is a reference to our nations police forces! They work on the daily frontlines of lawlessness! They are an essential element of our nations ideals! They have the heavy burden of acting and judging instantaneously to protect, defend, and above all honor the nations ideal of freedom and justice for all. When just one officer, errs and acts irresponsibly, it harms the whole team of law protectors.

As we all watch the protesting, the looting, the rioting, the stealing, and yes, even the murder of policeman around the country; we all need to realize one thing. We are either a nation of laws; or we will become a nation of lawlessness! One crime does not necessitate the committing of more crime. Our laws will work, if we all follow the law!

My assessment of the looters and rioters running roughshod over the cities in our land is that they have their knees clamped down on the soul of America, and are attempting to squeeze the last breathes out of our nation! We rely on the law and law enforcement to stop them. Beyond that, we need politicians to stand up for the Constitution and defend our liberty, or they, the tools of Fascists will win.

I am also mindful of the nefarious fact, that there are sinister forces in play in these times that don’t want our laws to work. They want our “thin blue line” to dissolve. They want the Great American experiment of freedom and justice to fail, because they simply want to Change America.

Most people are blinded to the fact that a system of Slavery comes about in stages! Slavery is the byproduct of a culture that despises work and desires to use others to do their work. In ages past, slavery came about through conquest. Today, a modern form of slavery is being brandished upon American society through the means of Systematic Democratic Socialism. In this form of Slavery, the people are blindly enslaved because they allow a government to become the overseer of their total means of living. It is known as the welfare state.

The rioters in the wake of George Floyd’s death, are disrespectful of private property, free enterprise, and the hard Work of others trying to improve their lives. They don’t respect a Work Ethic! They embody a class of people who expect the government to give them whatever they want, or believe they deserve. They would destroy America!

I remember the eloquent words of one Rodney King, echoing across the decades from 1991, when he was accosted by an undisciplined policeman: “Can we all just get along?” His words are still reverberating within our society today. Why can’t we all just get along? The answer to this question has nothing to do with skin color, with DNA, with money, or with our nations history. It has only to do with the problems of the whole Human Race—an evil Heart!

So, in closing; let me say to all Americans, rich or poor, black or white, police and civilian; take a pause, refresh your mind, and get to Work! Go to work on yourselves. Heed the advice of Dr. Martin Luther King; when he encouraged us all, black and white, to improve the personal Content of our own Character! Perhaps, if we all work on the Content of our Character; then maybe we could all get along! Then maybe America can Breathe Again! Maybe We Can all just Breath Again!