Friday, November 26, 2021

Loving The Unlovely

Love For the Unlovely

It is easy to love someone who possesses a lovable appeal, or is physically attractive. Our Modern humanistic society glamorizes the personas of various cultural types of idols, thus presenting our minds with a plethora of images supposedly worthy of being loved by us.

From beauty contests to bodybuilding, and rock stars to movie stars, we are constantly bombarded with visages to love and emulate. We tend to love all these icons whom we admire and adore. 

On the flip side, we are conditioned by society to dismiss and frown on those who don’t measure up to the cultures love-image model. 

The Unconditional Love of God

Whereas the world has a conditional standard of who should be worthy to be loved, Almighty God possesses a much different type of Love. 

God’s love for mankind, as described in the Bible, is clearly unconditional in that His love is expressed toward the objects of His love despite their disposition toward Him.

God loves because it is His nature to love; and his love moved Him into taking the most benevolent action of love on the behalf of those he loved, the sacrifice of his only begotten Son! 

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, (unlovely) Christ died for us.

I John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

As Unlovable as We Were

Despite the hostility and enmity we have toward God (for which God would be perfectly just to utterly destroy us), God revealed His love toward us in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ, as the propitiation (the appeasement of God’s righteous wrath) for our sins. God did not wait for us to better ourselves, or try to make ourselves more lovable, as a precondition of atoning for our sin.

God’s divine rescue, based on his unconditional love, resulted in a gracious act of self-sacrifice. As Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for those that he loves.” (John 15:13) 

It is important to note that God’s love is a love that God himself has initiated! That is precisely what makes it unconditional. If God’s love were conditional, then we would have to do something to earn or merit it. 

In other words, apart from God “initiating” his unconditional act of Love towards us, we would of necessity have to “improve our loveliness” to ever merit the Love of God! 

But that is not the biblical message. The biblical message of the gospel is that God, motivated only by his great love, acted unconditionally to save sinful men from their “unlovable status.”

From Unlovable to Lovable

Ephesians chapter two documents how unlovable sinful men can be renewed by the “transforming” power of the love of God into “lovable” creatures, only made possible by the workmanship of God, that he creates through the quickening spirit of Jesus Christ! 

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, who is rich in his mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved usEven when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Oh What a wonderful thought, to realize that God Loved me, even when I was Unlovable!

God’s Message to the Unlovely 

Point # 1 The Gospel message tells us that no matter how “unlovable” or “unlovely” we may be, or think we are, God still loves us! 

Point # 2 God is the original initiator of Love! Before we ever even existed, God loved us!

Point # 3 To love the world and the things of this world is tantamount to never realizing the love of God. (I John 2:15

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 26, 2021

Seven Amazing Things About Gods Amazing Grace

Seven Amazing Things About God’s Amazing Grace

Grace is referenced by name over 159 times in the English Bible. Grace is one of the principle themes of the Bible. The word “Grace” stems from the Hebrew word “charis” and refers to the “acceptable benefit” that Almighty God offers to a sinful and hopeless mankind. 

Perhaps the most popular hymn of the Christian world is a song about God’s Amazing Grace.” It is a Christian hymn first published in 1779, with words written in 1772 by the English poet and Anglican clergyman John Newton. The song expresses the wondrous benefit of a pardon from sin that God has extended to mankind. 

Grace is a gift of God! He is the author of Grace! He offers his Grace to us through the wondrous act of love demonstrated by his Son, Jesus Christ who paid the penalty of all sin.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Seven Amazing Things About Grace

Amazing Point # 1 The most amazing thing about Grace is that God would even offer to sinful man the gift of Grace! We’re it not for the fact that God is the very essence of love, he might not have even ordained the plan of his Amazing Grace.

Amazing Point # 2 The next amazing thing about the Grace of God, is that it is availed to all mankind absolutely for free! Romans chapter five informs us that Grace, being a gift of God, offers us a release from sin via Christ, and that it is a “free gift” to all that will simply accept it.

Amazing Point # 3 The next amazing thing about Grace is that it is exactly the very thing that we as fallen, sinful, condemned, and mortal creatures need more than anything else in the world. We all need Gods free gift of Grace because we are all dying and are destined to spend eternity in Hell if we reject Gods Amazing Grace!

Amazing Point # 4 The next amazing thing about Grace is the fact that it can spiritually cleanse us up enough to satisfy Gods high standards of righteousness! As the hymn of Amazing Grace implies, we are all wretches, dead in our trespasses and sins, until Grace steps in to free us from sin. (Romans 6-8)

Amazing Point # 5 The next amazing thing about Grace is how it opens our eyes to the truth and enables us to be freed from the natural blindness prevalent in this world. As the hymn also implies, “I once was blind, but now I see.” II Corinthians 4:4 says the god of this world blinds the eyes and minds of those who know not the Amazing Grace of God!

Amazing Point # 6 The next amazing thing about Grace is the fact that once God grants it to a believer in Christ, it can never be lost or stolen away. Romans 8:35-39 informs us that nothing can ever “separate” any Grace recipient from the favor of God! John chapter 17 documents Jesus himself beseeching his Father to honor his promise to “keep” all that were saved, and all that were revived by His  word, he has lost none! 

Amazing Point # 7 The next amazing thing about the Amazing Grace of God, is the fact that so few people seem to want it. This may be because the god of this world pollutes the minds of men, and causes them to esteem and prefer the vain philosophies of this world more than anything else. It is amazing that “Gods Amazing gift of Grace” should not be regarded by mankind as the most valuable thing in the whole world! 

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound; 

that saved a wretch like me;

I once was lost, but now I’m found; 

Was blind, but now I see:

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 26, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Things I’m Thankful For

Things I Am Thankful For This Thanksgiving

On this day of Thanksgiving, it is well to pause and ponder upon the things that we can be thankful for. We really have a lot to be thankful for, in spite of all the turmoil of this world. Here is my short list.

Psalms 100:3-4 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, andbless his name.

1-I am thankful for the love of God. Were it not for the fact that God is love, I’d stand without any hope of anything good.

2-I am thankful for Gods act of love towards me by sending his Son to offer me mercy!

3-I am thankful for God’s holy word, for it is the truth and gives me light for living.

4-I am thankful for the inner peace and contentment that God provides to me.

5-I am thankful for God’s hedges of protection, for he has surrounded me with his security.

6-I am thankful for Gods abiding presence, as I need him everyday.

7-I am thankful for Gods precious promises, knowing that he is truthful and faithful.

8-I am thankful for God’s constant watch-care which has been there throughout my life.

9-I am thankful for my Dad, who was the greatest father a kid could ever have.

10-I am thankful for my Mom, who always showered me with unconditional love!

11-I am thankful for Gods churches, who have provided my sustenance in life.

12-I am thankful for my many mentors and teachers that have imparted knowledge to me.

13-I am thankful for good health, well being and good fortunes.

14-I am thankful for the Christian heritage of my country, and the precious liberty that it has accorded me.

15-I am thankful for my many friends and their valuable companionship. 

16-I am thankful for my home and my family.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes to us from our Heavenly Father!

Thanks be unto God!

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 25, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Resisting The Devil

Resisting The Devil

We all will have to endure the wiles of the Devil in our lives. The Bible describes the Devil as our adversary, stalking us like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour. And if the Devil is anything, he is persistent!

With a vicious enemy like the Devil, what can a person do to escape his wrath? How can a mere human being resist or even hope to compete against this supernatural Angel of evil? Ephesians 6:11 informs us that the Devil is a “wily enemy” and that we need special armor if we ever hope to resist him. 

As we struggle to stand firm in our faith, we must realize that the enemies we are up against are not merely human ideas, but real sinister forces that come from the powers of darkness. 

What is the Devils Ability?

As an angelic being, he has more power than any human being. Satans power both in the heavenly realm and here on earth is great and should not be underestimated.

In fact, I John 5:19 says that “the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” Since he began his instigation of evil on earth, Satan has been labeled as the “prince,” or “god,” or “ruler” of this present world. 

The Bible says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12)

Well, the Bible does in fact offer us some valuable info on how to resist the Devil. However, most readers only focus on one aspect of the Bible’s counsel for resisting the Devil. That focus stems from the following verse from the book of James:

Our Fundamental Spiritual Resistance Formula

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. 

There are three dynamics involved in this verse that we need to analyze very closely. They include Resistance, submittance and abidance

“Resist the Devil, and He will flee from you.” This is the line that most people focus upon when contemplating how to contend with the Devil. 

Offering Resistance to an enemy is almost always a defensive measure! And much too often, that is the case with the Devil. Satan is always on the offensive against us! He is constantly accusing us of things before God, he continually seduces us with temptations, and he strategically plots all kinds of chaos in our lives.  

Resist / Greek anthistemi means to withstand, or the ability to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat an enemy and or stand against temptation.

While Resistance can be a defensive maneuver on our part, there are other actions we can take to use the only offensive weapon we have against the Devil, and that is in the utilization of the full armor of God, namely the Word of God itself!

The Devil is a Primarily Offensive Adversary

But this single specific point about “resisting” the Devil is of itself insufficient in our combat with our adversary. 

As a matter of fact, we as individual human beings possess no capability whatsoever to “resist the Devil.” The Devil is vastly more powerful than us! He is far more intelligent than us! And he is much more experienced in the affairs of this world than we are; as he has been operating in our world for several thousands of years.

In fact, the Devil is capable of “sifting” any of us like wheat as he planned to do with Peter, we’re it not for the effectual prayers of Jesus himself on his behalf. So thus it is that prayer is an essential tool in resisting the Devil.

Since Satan is such an overwhelming and powerful offensive force; we cannot simply “resist” him, since we as human beings were created a “little lower” than the angels, and cannot contend with him in any combative type situations. (Hebrews 2)

Resisting the devil must first be accompanied by ones total submittance to God. An unsubmissive believer will never see victory. Furthermore, an non-submissive believer is nothing more than easy cannon fodder for the Devil. 

Submittance to a Higher Power

The verse from James 4:7 informs Christians that in our struggle against our powerful foe, our efforts to “resist” the Devil’s wiles; lies in our faith and persistent submittance to God!

The very first step in our formula to resist the Devil requires our personal “Submittance” to God, to his Word, to his Will, and also to the  purposes for which we are called. 

Almighty God, the creator of Heaven and earth, the creator of mankind and the angels alike is by far the mightiest power that exists. 

Ephesians 1:21 expresses that our advocate with God, Jesus Christ, our Savior, wields immensely much more power than any other power in this world, or in the world to come, and that God has placed all things under his feet. 

Therefore, for this reason, it should always be expressly repeated from James, that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man, praying incessantly to Christ will avail much; including the powers to resist the Devil! 

Jesus Set the Example of Resistance and Submittance

In the books of Matthew 4 and Luke 4, Jesus set an explicit example for all of us on how to resist the Devil.

And please make sure to take note from this story, if the Devil has the brass to tempt the Lord, he will surely never be reluctant at any point to approach us with his schemes.

In this situation, known as “the temptation” of Christ, the Devil tried three different tactics to entice Jesus into temptation. Satan utilized his most effective inducements to seduce Jesus into succumbing to his highly offensive campaign! 

In fact, the Devil offered Jesus a deal that is probably the grandest deal that he can offer to anyone; namely the glory and authority of the kingdoms of this world!

In each instance of the Devil’s devious tricks, Jesus responded by emphatically quoting the Word of God! Our Lords ability to “quote” immediately his Fathers Word were in reality the sharpest rebuke of Satan that could also be utilized as an offensive weapon against the Devil! 

After Jesus repeated quotations of the Word, and his total rejection of Satan’s big deal; the Devil Fled! Satan cannot stand to keep on hearing Gods Word quoted at him. Gods Word tossed back in his direction absolutely infuriates him. 

Using the Scriptures to expose Satan’s lies and temptations is the most effective way to strive against him and resist him. 

Abidance in God

In his sovereignty, God considered it wise, as part of the curse that fell on the world after the fall of Adam and Eve, to allow Satan to retain much of the power he usurped within our fallen world. But thankfully, God has placed temporary limits upon the powers that the Devil acquired in his rebellious cosmic struggle against God. 

All the power that Satan has is predicated upon the permissive purposes of Almighty God. The Devil has no autonomy to do anything God that does not permit for his infinitely Divine and wise purposes. 

That is just one more reason to “abide” with, yea even fellowship with Almighty God! The word “abide” is derived from the Greek word “meno” and refers to “tarrying” with or dwelling within the relationship that we can have with God! 

The way that we “abide with God” is by being continually soaking up his Word, studying it and researching its depth. Also we “abide with God” by talking to him daily via prayer, and simply maintaining a clear conscience before him.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

James concluded his formula for resisting the Devil with the following statement: “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”

Thus to “abide in God” is to “draw yourself near to him” and ground yourself in his Word! This will assure you that the Lord God will always be “near to you” when the Devil comes calling. 

Forcing the Devil to Flee!

The promise in James 4:7 that Satan will flee; assures us that we are not totally defenseless against Satan’s devices. Through our personal Submittance to God and by Abiding in him, we can forcefully Resist him

Why will resistance cause the devil to flee? Because he knows he cannot have victory over us if we are prepared to do battle against him. As mentioned before, the Bible assures us that we need only put on the full armor of God to be fully protected from evil and to actively resist it. 

There is nothing more frightening to Satan than a believer who is fully and uniquely equipped with Almighty God’s spiritual armor! 

One last thought though: while Satan will tire of contending with a fervent spiritually equipped Christian, and Flee; he will still make it a point to keep track of you in the future, seeking for a more subtle and opportune occasion to test your spiritual discipline! 

Remember the last state of our Lords Temptation in Luke 4:13? And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.”

Oh but what a joy it is to abide with God, yet see the Devil return for yet another round of testing, and then “watch him flee” when God steps in again to defend us! 

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 24, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Overcoming The World

Overcoming The World

In the last line of John 16:33, Jesus emphatically states that He has overcome the world! We, as Christians very often take this statement for granted. Most just casually assume that it must refer to Jesus personal triumph over the natural temptations and troubles of this world.

But Jesus statement of “Overcoming the World” entails far more than merely prevailing over temptations and worldly troubles! Jesus announcement that He has “Overcome the World” is a claim of absolute victory over the nature of this world and the god of this world!

First, let’s define what is meant by the term “World” as utilized here by Jesus, and indeed throughout the entire Bible. The Bible depicts the “World” as being under the dominion of Satan, as being under a natural curse, and possessing a natural enmity towards the Creator God!

The Nature of the World

Several verses highlight the Biblical perspective of the benign nature of this World; as opposed to the ways of Almighty God!

 I Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.

James 4:4 know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what isthat good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God;

And so, it should be readily apparent, even to the novice reader of scripture that “the present world system” and the powers that dominate the world are totally contrary to the righteous character of God. 

Thus, when God sent his Son into our fallen, evil world, Jesus was in effect, existent within the domain of enemy territory! No wonder then that Jesus proclaimed that “the World hated him!” (John 15:18, 24)

The Lost Dominionship 

In the Beginning, yea, even from the very outset of creation, God granted an earthly “Dominion” over his creation to mankind. Unfortunately, this “Dominion” was lost by mankind, and usurped away from him by our great adversary, Satan. 

Dominionship is defined as the “subjugation” of a people or place, and maintaining a position of rulership over. Therefore, ever since the fall of man; Satan has exercised “dominionship” over the whole world! In fact, the Bible portrays Satan as the “Prince of this present World.” (John 12:31, 16:11)

Notwithstanding, when we read of the "world" in the New Testament, we are reading of the Greek word cosmosCosmos most often refers to the inhabited earth and the people who live on the earth, and which functions apart from God. And Satan is even a ruler of the "cosmos,” (space) and directing the course of this World, as depicted in the book of Ephesians. 

Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

The Worldly Powers that Jesus Overcame

Now, upon rereading the wonderful words of Jesus Christ, within the complete context of his farewell address to his Disciples, it is incumbent upon us to analyze exactly what and how he “Overcame the World.”

The Greek word “nikao” translated “overcome” means “to defeat, to win a victory over, as in a contest or military conflict.” And when Jesus said that he had “overcome the world,” it was in fact in the truest sense, a total and complete victory in a “War instigated in Heaven” by Satan ages ago.

Point # 1 Jesus “overcame” the God / ruler of this present world. (Satan) By finishing the ordained plan of restitution and payment for sin, Jesus sacrificial death upon the Cross made it spiritually possible for mankind to overcome our “subjugated” status to Satan’s dominion. Christ’s victory over Satan is total, and when Jesus returns to this world, Satan will be cast out and lose his dominion. (John 12:31

Point # 2 Jesus Overcame the Curses upon the World! Jesus is now entitled the “rights to reign” in this world and to bring about an era of restoration. By the spiritual fact that Jesus overcame the world, so too can we, if we let the spirit of God reign in our hearts and lives. (Acts 3:21Titus 2:11-13; I John 2:14)

Point # 3 Jesus, via the power of his own death and resurrection “overcame the finality of worldly death;” and made it possible that mortal men in this world, might put on the immortality of the next world. (John 11:25, Philippians 3:10; I Corinthians 15:54; II Corinthians 5:1-4)

Point # 4 Jesus “Overcame” the hatred and the enmity of the world, through the Love of his Father! For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life! The world nature that hates God, ignorantly loves death. (John 16:27, I John 4:9-10,16) 

Point # 5 Jesus, by bringing a witness of the truth of God to this evil world, “Overcame the lies and the evil” nature of this present world. Jesus came as a light into a dark world, yet the natural world loves the darkness. (John 3:19-20, Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 2:2-7)

Point # 6 Jesus, being one with his Father, and in unity from a foreordained plan before the world was made, has “overcome the present evil world” and thereby become the righteous Judge of the World. (Psalms 96:13, 98:8, Acts 27:31)

Point # 7 There is a New World Coming! Yes, a world without evil, a world under the Dominion of Jesus Christ and a world without Satan! (Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, II Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1) Without question, A new world is needed! This present world and its nature are corrupted. To inherit a life in that new world, we must needs become a new creature. (II Corinthians 5:17-18)

Benefits of Christ Overcoming the World

Christ’s victorious life and his  “Overcoming of the World” is multifaceted. Whereas Jesus overcame the world; so too can we, via the words and examples that he left unto us. 

First, He gives His followers peace to overcome their troubled hearts: Those who believe in Jesus Christ don’t have to live with anxious hearts but can experience the gift of His heavenly peace. He offers us hope and contentment in the power of his truth! (John 14:7)

Secondly, We, like Jesus can use the means of prayer to confide in God our deepest concerns and passions, while we struggle in this present world. (John 14:16

Thirdly, again by example of Jesus overcoming the world, we can overcome sin and temptation that this world entices us with. (Matthew 4:1-11)

“You” Can Overcome the World

By the simplest definition that the word world refers to a world system ruled by Satan, we as Christians can more readily appreciate Christ’s claims that believers are no longer of the world, and we are no longer ruled by sin, nor are we bound by the principles of this world, nor bound to the god of this present world! 

I John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

5. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 21, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021

Be of Good Cheer!

Be of Good Cheer!

As Jesus neared the time of his departure from this world, and knowing in advance all the things that were building towards the conclusion of his visit to our world; he assembled his Disciples together and offered them a summation of things to come.

Beginning in John chapter 13 and continuing on through John chapter 16, Jesus elaborated upon a panoramic review of the world that the Disciples, and all Christians would essentially experience in this world after his pending departure. 

Then, towards the end of his Passover Discourse, Jesus offered the following perplexing statement:

“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

This quotation of Jesus is very famous and it is often repeated within Christian circles. But upon closer analysis, one must wonder how in the world we can possibly “Be of Good Cheer,” when Jesus says we shall have to endure tribulation! 

In fact, within his Passover Discourse, Jesus highlighted several troublesome points about life for his Servants in this world.

Ye Shall Have Tribulations

Point # 1. The word “Tribulation” referenced by Jesus herein conjures up dual concerns! This word “tribulation” would be troubling enough by itself, if it weren’t for raising even more concerns about the “Great Tribulation.”

The word “tribulation” as it is utilized here is derived from the Greek word, “thlipsis” and refers to troubles, persecution, anguish and afflictions brought about by the worlds hatred for Christ. It is not meant to refer to the “time of Jacobs Trouble” only; but is more directly related to the time period immediately after our Lords departure, or the Church age.

Point # 2 Satan, the architect of the old War in Heaven; will descend to Earth to intensify his evil strategies against the servants of the Lord and against his Church! (John 14:30)

Point # 3 The world, under the dominion of Satan, will exercise and project his intense hatred towards the servants of the Lord. (John 15:18-23

Point # 4 Certain portions of the servants of God would become scattered and perhaps even divided because of him! This fact was especially true for Israel, as is evidenced by the Diaspora; but is also true for the Church which became splintered over theological matters. (John 16:32) 

Whereas Jesus has just announced to his followers that he would be betrayed, killed and is about to depart from this world and would no longer be with them or even talk with them; one would think that would be “plenty of reason to not be of good cheer.”

Now, here in conclusion, in John 16:33, He adds the prospect of the many dangers that all of his servants would become subjected to. 

It begs the obvious question: “How could we possibly Be of Good Cheer?”

Being of Good Cheer

The key point enabling us into being able to be of “Good Cheer” in this present evil world, with all of its demonic hatred vented towards Jesus Christ, towards his Gospel and at his Servants; is the fact that Jesus, “overcame the World!”

The reasons that we all can and should be of “Good Cheer,” despite the tribulations of this world; are spelled out by Jesus himself in his own summary about his mission to this world as itemized in John chapter 17. 

Item # 1 Jesus was about to glorify God the Father by submitting to himself to his hour of sacrifice, in order to offer man salvation and eternal life. (John 17:1-2) Without Christ’s sacrifice, mankind would remain without any hope beyond the grave! This is something to be Cheerful about!

Item # 2 We can now actually know Almighty God through Jesus Christ, who was sent by God to to execute his “Mystery” and “Finish” the purpose of the Sacrifice; as was planned before the world was made! (John 17:3-5)

Item # 3 As Jesus was manifest into this old world to redeem mankind, now we might be manifested out of this world because we now belong to him! (John 17:5-6) This world will be destroyed, but we are going to an eternal home! That’s something else to be cheerful about!

Item #4 We have the “Words” that God gave unto his Son, and we also that know these Words of Jesus came from Almighty God! (John 17:7-8) We should be all cheered up because we know the Truth!

Item # 5 We should be “Cheered” because “Jesus” prayed for us; to secure us as one with his Father, and that all that he Secures; he will never lose any! (John 17:9-12) We can be Cheerful because when Jesus saves us; he never un-saves us! The Devil cannot have any claims on us!

Item # 6 When Jesus finished Securing us in his Prayers; He imparted his “inner Joy” into our Souls! (John 17:13) We can be cheerful because Gods Spirit dwells within us!

Item # 7 Jesus included within his personal prayer to His Father; that while we must by needs remain in this world for His purposes; he beseeched his Father to protect us from Evil. (John 17:15) We can also be cheerful because God is our refuge!

Item # 8 Jesus also beseeched his Father to “Sanctify us through His Truth!” (John 17:17-23) We can be excitedly cheerful because God loves us and plans for us to be with him!

Item # 9 Jesus confirmed in his prayers that the “Mystery” of salvation programmed by his Father before the foundation of the world now affirms that through his sacrifice; we who believe on him and his Word; are now entitled to be where Jesus is now - Heaven!(John17:24)

So Cheer Up! The word Cheer in the Bible is derived from the Greek word, “Tharseo,” and it’s meaning is: (have courage, be content, put on a happy face, showing an appealing facial expression, and having full confidence)

As Jesus told the sick man of palsy; “Be of Good Cheer, Thy sins are forgiven thee! (Matthew 9:2)

Then again, (Matthew 14:27) Jesus walking on the violent waves on a stormy sea, said to his worried and frightened Disciples; “Be of Good Cheer, it is I, be not afraid!

For these reasons, and many, many more, it stands to reason that Christians should be the most Cheerful people in the World! We can be Cheerful because we have the most reasons of any people in the world to be Optimistic about the Future! 

This world is not our Home! We are simply passing through for a short time, and then, afterwards, we will join Jesus in Heaven!

Item # 10. Meanwhile, we can “Be of Good Cheer” simply because; as Jesus said: “He has overcome the world!”

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 9, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Worthy is The Lamb

Worthy is The Lamb

It is nearly impossible for me to cite a favorite chapter in the Bible; but if I had to choose only one; I would choose Revelation chapter five. For me, being a person who loves the prophetic word of God, this chapter serves as the vital key to the unlocking of both the historical and the futurist perspective of the providence of God. 

Through the lens of John’s unique heavenly visit, we are accorded a surreal panoramic overview of a  great “mystery” formulated by Almighty God from before the foundation of the world. 

That great “mystery” involved a “master plan” to recover, restore, recreate and to bring to fruition a means of restitution for mankind in the event that man should fall away from his a loving righteous relationship with God.

The essential part of that “master plan” was the emphasis of God manifesting himself into the human race, in the form of his only begotten Son to implement the “process of the great mystery!”

Scriptures in Matthew 13:25, John 17:24, I Peter 1:18-20, I Cor. 2:7, Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:1-3, 9, and Colossians 1:26 all testify to this great “Mystery of the Ages.” 

Furthermore, Revelation 10:7, which John was enabled to envision and record for our perusal, offers us a sneak preview of the “conclusion of Mystery of God!”

Revelation 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the “mystery of God” should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

But before the “great mystery” of God could ever be fully accomplished; something else needed to be finished! 

And that “something else” is reviewed for us in the verses of Revelation chapter five! In this chapter; we are granted a front-row seat to observe the most wonderful scene of all the ages! 

A Sealed Book

Therein, we are abled to give witness to an amazing unfolding drama centered around God’s throne. We see Almighty God, seated and holding a “Sealed Book.”

Revelation 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

Revelation 5:2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

This highly intriguing Sealed Book had been sealed up with seven seals, and it had been sealed up since the beginning of time. It was even referred to in ancient times by the Old Testament prophet Daniel. 

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

Daniel mentions at least twice that he was sick at heart because he found he could not understand the prophecies that he was privileged to share. 

Then, here again, in Revelation five, there is a sad sickness observed in Heaven because in the search for someone “Worthy to Open the Sealed Book” was not found! 

Revelation 5:3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

Revelation 5:4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

Here; we observe the sight of John weeping and crying, sick at heart, just like old Daniel.

But, suddenly, John was informed by the voice of a heavenly elder to cease from his weeping as the search of all the creation had finally discovered someone who had in fact, Prevailedover the strategies of Satan, and  was thereby deemed divinelyWorthyto approach Gods throne and open the Sealed Book!

Prevailed” as Being Worthy

Point # 1. It was foreordained even before the foundation of the world that Christ would first have to “suffer” at the hands of sinful mankind in order to avail salvation to all men. (Acts 3:18, 26:23, Luke 9:22, 17:25, 24:46, Mark 8:31, 9:12, Matthew 16:21)

Point # 2. Christ had to fulfill and complete his mission to this world to be a witness of the truth of God and establish the Gospel as the means by which Gods truth could be shared to sinful mankind. (Matthew 4:23, 9:35, Mark 1:1, 15, 13:10, 16:15, Romans 2:16, Ephesians 1:13, Colossians 1:5, II Timothy 1:10, I Peter 4:6, Revelation 14:6)

The “Worthy One’s” Identity Verified 

In verse five the “Worthy One” is positively identified as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah; and as an descendant of David. 

Secondly, the twenty-four elders of Heaven positively identified this unique candidate for being cast as the “Worthy One;” as a Lamb; that had been “slain” and possessing seven horns and seven eyes, and representing the seven spirits of God! 

Later, in Revelation thirteen and verse eight, we find that the “Lamb was Slain” before the foundation of the world so that men’s names might be forever recorded in the “Lambs Book of Life!”

Opening the Book

In verse seven of Revelation five; we review the Lamb, Jesus Christ himself, approaching the throne of God and “taking the book” out of God’s right hand! 

Revelation 5:7 And he came and took “the book” out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

This is a Hallelujah scene! Like poor Daniel, I even today would be “sick at heart” were it not for this holy and majestic scene; and the historical fact that Jesus was wholly Worthy!

Many things come to my mind when thinking about this wonderful event in Heaven.

Point # 1. What would have happened if the Lamb of God had not been found “Worthy?” Had Jesus succumbed to Satan’s temptation in the wilderness, he would not have been a Worthy partner in Gods great Mystery of the Ages; and the “Kingdom of God” might never be realized!

Point # 2. Could anyone that was deemed “Unworthy” have even approached God’s throne to “take the sealed book” out of Gods right hand? I have no doubts Satan would have desired to possess the Sealed Book; perhaps to keep it hidden, or to just throw it away! 

Praising the Worthy Lamb

The concluding verses (8-14) of Revelation five are vivid portrayals of the glory of God’s Lamb and his “Finished” mission to effect the mission of his “First Visitation” to our world. 

All of the Angels of Heaven, including the 24 elders are observed praising the Lamb and attending to the ongoing work as agents of Gods responses to the prayers of the Saints.

Opening the Seals on the Sealed Book

Aside from the completed mission of Jesus Christ as the “slain Lamb of God,” and his absolute Worthiness to receive all our praise, honor, riches, glory and worship is the fact that once he had taken the “Seven Sealed Book” is the fact that he immediately began to Open the book!

Again, another absolute Hallelujah moment! I can hardly contain my emotions when I contemplate the “unsealing” of each of the seals on “God’s Mystery book!”

Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof:

In reality, the book of “The Revelation” is in effect an “Unsealing” of the very book that Jesus Christ took out of his Father’s right hand! And today, have it in our very own hands!

When we turn the pages of the book of the Revelation, beginning in chapter six, we can begin the exciting journey into the “unveiling” of Gods great “Mystery” and the future of our world; as well as our eternal destiny!

Revelation 5:12 Then Innumerable Angels commence saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

No wonder then that this chapter, Revelation Five is my favorite chapter in the Bible: Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

Focus on Jerusalem

Focus on the Bible

by: Darrell G. Young

November 7, 2021