Friday, March 19, 2021

The Last Days

The Last Days?

  The term “Last Days” is a relevant term. When analyzing this term in relation to the present time, we must be mindful of how God views the process of time in our world. 

  God views “seasons of time” as well as chronos time, or the passing of hours, days, months and years. At present count, our world has experienced approximately 2,200,000 days. 

  Yet, time in world history has witnessed various “seasons of time.” Seasons of time have been appointed by God for his plans of providence to play themselves out. 

  In reality, our world entered its next to last “Season of Time” when Jesus departed from this world. The “Last Days” is a term that is conducive to the phase down of the present Season (Grace or church age) and the imminent return of Jesus to this world.

  Hebrews 1:1-2 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2. Hath in these “last days”spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things.   

 Jesus has been gone into Heaven now for about 701,000 days, but there is a dynamic in play in our time that has never existed before. The return of Israel to the Promised Land for the second time in world history foreshadows that Jesus analogy of the Fig Tree is now in focus on God’s Clock. 

  We are now about 26,000 days into that Last Days scenario! The Last Days of the Church Age are ticking down towards the end of its Season and the return of Jesus Christ!

  Soon, as the Latter part of the Last Days concludes, the world will enter into its last Season of Time, known as the Day of the Lord, or the Kingdom Age.

The Five Major Signs of the Last Days:

1. The great falling away of the Laodicean Church age.

2. The remnant of Israel regathered into their land.

3. The city of Jerusalem becoming a burdensome stone.

4. The Partitioning of the promised land. 

5. A systematic Convergence & Unity of World Religions.

5A. Emergence of Globalism

Friday, March 5, 2021

What is The Blessed Hope?

What exactly is the Blessed Hope?

  Hope is a word that causes emotional optimism. We all thrive on Hope! So what about a “Blessed” Hope? The word blessed can mean “happy” or “beneficial”; for our hope is “blessed” in that Jesus’ return will be an amazing, joyful experience for the believer in Christ.

  The idea of a “Blessed Hope” as used in the Bible has a special inference for Christians that are alive and remaining in the climactic “Last Days.”

Titus 2:11-13 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

12. Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

13. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;

  This passage unmistakably identifies the “blessed hope” as the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior. The word hope does not communicate uncertainty, as in “I hope that something might occur”; rather, it is the glad assurance that something will absolutely take place.

  The “blessed hope,” then, is the joyful assurance that God will extend His benefits to us and that Jesus Christ will return. We are waiting for this event now. Jesus said He would return (John 14:3), the angels said He would return (Acts 1:11), and the epistles say He will return. Jesus could come back at any time for His church, This event is called the rapture. 

  Should this blessed hope of Christ’s any-time return have an effect on the believer in Jesus Christ? John wrote, “All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as [Jesus] is pure” (1 John 3:3). The believer anticipating Christ’s blessed return will seek to live, in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, a life of purity.

  Jesus’ imminent return should motivate the believer to live godly in an ungodly world. The word looking in Titus 2:13 is the key for that to happen. To be “looking” means that we live each day in continual anticipation and expectancy, with the conviction that Jesus could come at any time. The blessed hope brings us joy and cheers us through the trials of this world; but especially so as we see the "Day of the Lord" approaching!

  The idea of the commencement of "Day of the Lord" which time wise is synonymous with the onset of the "Great Tribulation" can cause fear and anxiety for many people. The idea of the "Blessed Hope" and its relationship to the Rapture are intended to encourage every Christian in the Last Days!

2 Peter 3:10-12 But the "day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

11. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

12. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

  The word "Hasting" in verse 12 of II Peter chapter 3 comes from the Greek word "Speudonatas," which infers that Last Days Christians who are alive at the time of the climax of the signs of the times, should take courage at those things coming to pass in the world; since in essence, it literally highlights the nearness of our Lord's Coming, and our Gathering unto him, Forever!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

From A Donkey to A White Horse

 From A Donkey to A White Horse

  After visiting with Mary and Martha in Bethany, and raising their beloved brother Lazarus from the grave, Jesus, as was his custom avoided the curious crowds of Jews by retreating into the wilderness to a city called Ephraim. 

  But shortly thereafter Jesus instructed his disciples that the time had finally come for him to go up to Jerusalem. Avoiding publicity and maintaining a distance away from Jerusalem was something that Jesus had intentionally practiced throughout his public ministry. 

  But now just six days before the Passover, Jesus made the startling announcement that the time had come for him to actually go to Jerusalem. He even informed the disciples that the visit to the city was for the express purpose of fulfilling all the things concerning the Son of Man written by the prophets. Still they could not comprehend the gravity of the impending journey up to the Holy City. For in reality, the supernatural conflict of the ages was about to be fought on the earthly stage of Jerusalem!

Luke 18:31-34 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken.

  Sadly the disciples could not apprehend the reason that Jesus had decided to embark upon this sudden journey to Jerusalem. Surely, they were probably just much overjoyed at the mere prospect of sojourning in the Holy City during Passover, and never gave much thought to the consequences of that visitation. Indeed, when Jesus referred to the “Son of Man” being subjected to unspeakable brutality in the city, and conveyed the fact that in the aftermath of the weeks sojourn, he would be put to death in Jerusalem, they all without a single exception were unable to discern the spiritual impact of the timing of this visit, nor could they remotely understand the mission for which Jesus chose to go up to Jerusalem. 

 I Peter 1:19-21 conveys that Jesus knew his mission beforehand, and was steadfastly affixed on a course for its completion at this specific time. Jesus had invariable avoided this visit and delayed it until this very occasion. Indeed, just 3 days later, Jesus would be questioned by Pilate in this manner: 

     John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

  Jesus went up to Jerusalem on a mission! For every mission there is a way to get there! A successful mission on this trip to Jerusalem would fashion a way for all of humanity to travel to Heaven. With that in mind, Jesus gave instructions for two of his disciples to prepare the logistics for an event that has become prophetically typecast as the symbolic forerunner of “Jesus Triumphal Entry into the city of Jerusalem”.

  There is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew 21:2-7, Mark 11:2-7 and yet again in Luke 19:29-34 an account of our Lords instruction for two of his disciples to obtain a colt for him to ride down into the city of Jerusalem. Their acquisition of that donkey is cloaked in symbolism, and quite literally bespeaks of another ride Jesus must have focused on as he contemplated his ride into Jerusalem. 

  Luke 19:29-34 And it came to pass, when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, Saying, Go ye into the village over against you; in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither. And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? And they said, The Lord hath need of him.

  In this passage of scripture we find our Lord requiring the services of a donkey. How the Lord knew of the whereabouts of this particular colt is unknown. Perhaps in his travel in and around the vicinity of Bethany Jesus had encountered someone who had offered him the use of this colt. 

  Undoubetdly Jesus had traveled many miles on foot, and perhaps after some miraculous deed of love performed, someone offered him the use of an animal to ride to ease the strain from his many bone-weary travels. Whatever the case, it seems apparent that Jesus continued to travel on foot until this particular week. Now, at this point in ime he wished to ride. 

  It is important to note that This colt had never been ridden before, and perhaps Jesus foresaw the journey ahead, of not only traveling up the hills toward Jerusalem, but also of ascending the hill of Golgotha, and thus decided to lessen his physical burden in making the trip. 

  The fact that the colt had never been ridden before symbolizes the fact that the road that Jesus was going to travel to Jerusalem and eventually up to Calvary was a trip that had never been undertaken by anyone else before! He and he alone could make this ride! 

  And very likely Jesus could look down the corridors of time toward his second visitation to the city of Jerusalem, and thus decided to portray to the world the fact that he was coming humbly, as a Lamb into Jerusalem this time. 

  Perhaps he wished to demonstrate to Israel and the whole world that his mission to Jerusalem on this occasion was to offer his own body as the only means of traveling up to the New Jerusalem. 

  Perhaps Jesus wished to portray that his first visit to Jerusalem would be dramatically different from the next time he would travel down to Jerusalem! He must have held that scene steadfast in his heart and mind as he contemplated an approach to the city.

  His imminent ride upon the back of a donkey into the city of Jerusalem had been foretold by the prophet Zechariah 700 years earlier. 

  Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

  So, we can deduce very clearly from Zechariah's prophecy that the rider of the donkey would humbly present himself as the prophesied King of Israel. The majestic grandstand for ancient Kings when they made an entry into any arena was to ride astride a stout white stallion in order to present themselves in all their glory and splendor. 

  History is replete with the artistically conveyed majesty of a mighty king sitting atop a glorious white horse after a fierce but victorious battle. Napoleon and George Washington are just some examples of the mighty men of battle who are personified as mighty warriors sitting upon a white horse. General Allenby of Great Britain reportedly dismounted from his horse before entering the city of Jerusalem after the British conquest of that city in World War I. General Allenby apparently sensed the significance of the true King of Israel having to submit himself to riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. He honored the memory of that donkey ride by Jesus by walking into the city, rather than riding victoriously into Jerusalem. 

  Jesus came riding upon a donkey because he came presenting himself as the lamb of Salvation. He came lowly, not as a conquering military general, but as the meek, just, and humble sacrificial Lamb of God. It was his mission. It was for a specific purpose. He accomplished that mission in his own death. 

  As I pay close attention to the direct detail of Jesus in the instructions that he gave to his disciples for acquiring this colt, I am struck by the specific command that he informed them to give the stable hosts where the colt was tied. 

  The disciples were told that if anyone asked why they were loosing the colt and why they were taking him to respond to them with this answer:

“The Lord Hath Need of Him”

  Truly it must have been that the owner and workers of the estate where the donkey was kept knew the Lord! They surely knew that Jesus would soon require the use of the donkey. Apparently, Jesus had informed the owner-keepers of the donkey that he would send for the colt at an appointed time. 

  Upon the Disciples response to the owners of the colt, the owners forthwith had no more questions, and immediately allowed the two disciples to take the donkey away. There is a lesson of value in the owner's response, and in the Disciples answer. 

  If our Lord has need of anything we have, including our selves, we should submit it to his mission! The Lord had need of the donkey. If the Lord can use a donkey, can he not use you and me? Isn't it wonderful that the owners of the donkey did not refuse Jesus the use of the donkey?

  Thus it came to be that Jesus Christ had the use of a donkey to ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. That event has been cast in glorious splendor for all these many centuries and throughout the coming ages. 

  The Triumphal Entry depicts beautifully the mission of Christ, and it stands as a wondrous reminder of the day when Jesus will have need of another animal to ride into Jerusalem. This time however he will have need of the most majestic and valiant White Horse the world has ever seen. 

  This time he will not be bone-weary and struggling up towards Golgotha's Hill. This time his heart will not be burdened with the weight of offering himself as a sacrificial Lamb for lost sinners. That victory is forever won! 

  This time he will come as a conquering King! This time he will come to wage war on a Christ-rejecting world that has aligned itself fore-square with the armies of Antichrist, all of whom oppose his right to reign in Jerusalem!

  Revelation 19:11-14 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a “White Horse”; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon “white horses”, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

  As I listen to God's beckoning instructions within my heart and watch closely the signs of his imminent return, I can't help but reflect on the scene at the stable-place where the donkey was kept for the Lord. 

  While watching the unfolding signs surrounding the re-gathered nation of Israel and intently watching the gathering storm clouds over the city of Jerusalem, I cannot help but sense a distinct command being issued at this very moment near the portals of Heaven. In the pit of my soul it seems that I can hear a call going forth from the cavalry of Angels assembled near Heavens stable-gate. Two angels have been sent to secure a White Horse. 

  In another echo, I hear a question…”Why are you taking the White Horse”? And in the most dramatic tone the answer echoes back in my ears, an answer reverberating around the halls of Heaven in anticipation of the coming Day of the Lord.

“The Lord Hath Need of Him”

  And at any moment now, I expect to be caught away to meet the Lord in the air. Then in glorious array he will gather together the armies of the saints of the ages, and after a brief interlude in Heaven, the gates shall swing open wide, and we shall all come riding forth on white horses behind him. 

  Jude 1:14-15 Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. 

Revelation 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon “white horses”, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

  It is at that prodigious moment in time that Jesus Christ will ride forth at the front of his heavenly army leading them down into the direction of the city of Jerusalem. After demolishing the armies of Antichrist that Satan has recruited to confront him on the field of battle, he will prepare to ride once again into the city of Jerusalem. 

It was for this occasion that Jesus was born into the world. It was for the this occasion that Jesus announced unto his Disciples his return mission to the world. And it is for this mission that he has need of a White Horse! 

  The victorious processional parade into Jerusalem will find Jesus Christ riding atop a White Horse, victorious over death, victorious in battle, and riding with the full regalia of a Mighty Kings Majesty into the city of God. The Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ will herald in the reality of a millennium of righteousness. Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron and his law shall go forth to all nations from his throne situated on Mount Zion in Jerusalem!

  Micah 4:1-3 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lordshall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

All Hail to the Mighty King” who comes riding riding unto Jerusalem, He has visited us once before riding on a dusty old donkey, but he shall return the second time in honor and valor riding upon a mighty White Horse!

by: Darrell G. Young
Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry

The Spirit of Truth

 The Spirit of Truth

 The Bible depicts many different kinds of spirits. There are at least 23 references to a variety of spirits that interact with mankind and influence the mind of man. 

  To name a few, there are the spirits of wisdom, spirits of knowledge, spirits of counsel and might, spirits of grace, life, bondage, slumber, adoption, faith, holiness, fear, humility, meekness, error, and prophecy. Not to mention the greatest of all spirits, the spirit of God, and spirit of the Lord. Then there is the spirit of the Antichrist, and the spirit of evil. But, emanating from the spirit of God is also another spirit, known as the "spirit of Truth."

 You may ask, just what is a spirit anyway? Is it a ghost or an apparition? The Greek word for spirit is "pneuma," which refers to many things. According to the contextual usage, it usually refers to an angel or demon, or an extension of one or the other, which in turn can be empowered either by the Lord or by Satan. 

 Spirits can also be external facilitators for rationalization and mental disposition. Spirits can also be connected to the powers in the air, which is the logistical battleground between the forces of good and evil. For this reason, Christians are exhorted to test the spirits, to see from what source they come. (I John 4:1-2 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:)


 When a person is called before a judge in an American court and takes the oath, he is asked the following; question, "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Truth is an absolute! Without the status of absolute truth, there could be no basis for lies., or for that matter, there could be no structure and order in the world. 

 Today, we live in a world that denies the fundamental order of absolute truth. That is the reason there is so much confusion in our modern society, and the reason why contracts and treaties fail so often. Modern society has created a vast gray area, where things are not perceived as right or wrong. 

 Without the reality of absolute truths, there can be no distinction between right and wrong. And without the fact of truth, there would be no God, for God has proclaimed to us what is right. (Isaiah 45:19) And so, through vain philosophy, the god of this present world incessantly works to blind men to the "spirit of truth," for His strategy is to change the truth of God into a lie, and thereby make himself a god.


 Not without coincidence, Jesus proclaimed that He was the Truth! Furthermore, he announced that his truth could make a person free. (John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) (John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)   

 Now these are two very outstanding statements.  It would seem that if someone claimed to be the "absolute reality of the truth" that people would pay closer attention. Unfortunately, too many people do not value the truth, or the freedom that comes in knowing the truth.  It can be expressly pointed out that Jesus is the absolute truth, because He is the absolute Word of God.  

 John records in chapter one that the Word of God, (truth) present in the beginning was manifest in flesh and dwelt among mankind, that he was rejected by mankind, but that grace and truth came through the aforementioned "absolute Word of God," in his Son, Jesus Christ!


 Two thousand years ago, when Jesus (the absolute truth) was brought before Pilate to be charged with perverting the nation, and subverting the kingdom of Rome, Pilate queried Jesus about the truth. (John 18:37-38 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.  Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?)


 Great question, is it not? Even old Pilate was intrigued as to what was the truth. Unfortunately old Pilate was accustomed to covert intrigue and vain philosophy and thus possessed no spirit of wisdom to discern the spirit of truth. Beyond the historical fact that Jesus is the truth, He is also the provider of the spirit of truth, which in turn is the teacher of truth.


(John 16:13-14 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.)


(John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.)


 In these verses from John, Jesus announces to his Disciples that he is about to leave the world. He further explains that it is "expedient" for them that he go away, or else the comforter-guide-teacher cannot come. 

 In the verse from chapter 16 quoted above, Jesus says the "Spirit of Truth" will guide his followers into all truth. Today, preachers and teachers rely too much on formal education’s for their guidance into the truth of God, but while education is wonderful, God commands his servants to test the spirits, check the Word, and rely on the Spirit of truth to lead them in the endeavor of what to believe, write, and teach.


 Jesus further declares that this "spirit of truth" will not be an arrogant spirit, speaking of himself, but rather will rely on "direct communication" from the Lord himself for transmitting information to Christians. 

 The "spirit of truth" always glorifies the Lord, for the truth he shares is from the Lord. Jesus concludes this charge concerning the "spirit of truth," by informing us that the spirit of truth will show us "things to come!" This phrase is almost an exact quotation from the opening lines of Revelation chapter one where John records that Jesus has sent his angel to show his servants things which must shortly come to pass.  


  In these turbulent latter days, when the world is speeding headlong to a showdown with the TRUTH, it is expedient for Christians to be able to discern the truth about the times in which we live. Afterall, the spirit of truth testifies that there is also active in our world in these days a spirit of the Antichrist. 

 The spirit of evil acts exactly the opposite of the spirit of truth. Whereas the spirit of truth always adheres to the voice-word of the Lord and seeks no credit, the spirit of Antichrist always claims things for himself. (John 5:43  I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.) 

 The battle of the spirits in these Last Days is a major battle. As Christians laboring to endure in this world, we must be discerning of the spirits, for we have an adversary is wishes people to follow a lie! (see II Thessalonians 2:9-11)


(I  John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.)


Darrell G. Young

September 21, 2011


Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Revelation Revealed

The Revelation Revealed

There is much interest today in prophecy (21st century) because we have reached a millennial milestone along that old pathway we all travel known as human history. 

   The book of Revelation is being previewed with an increasing ferocity and intensity, spurred along by the ever quickening pace of events surrounding God's chosen nation, Israel; and also by a distinct spiritual tone of anxiousness deep within the souls of many Christians all around the world, who can sense climactic ramifications from current everyday news events. 

  Included within all this intensified interest in Bible prophecy, there is, as there has always been amongst enthusiasts of the field of Eschatology, an element of of misinformation. The study of prophetical events is a subject, that by its very nature invites skepticism to its credibility when abused by eccentric, over zealous prognosticators. Also there is always an element of a scoffing mindset which usually belittles the study of serious prophecy at all. 

  Eschatology; is the field of study which pertains to the science of historical and theological study of last events. It has probably seen more abuse than any of the varied fields of study among Bible purveyors. 

  This unfortunate situation is of course the product of the great deceiver himself. Satan probably knows detailed prophecy better than any human being alive. The devil has had centuries of experience in utilizing prophecy as a playground to distort the simple intent of Bible prophets to expose the truth to humanity in advance of fulfilled history and judgement. 

  Biblical Prophecy is a self-authenticating science. It is precise, it is error free, it is God given. It comes to us from an informer that is beyond our concepts of time and dimension. He is Alpha and Omega! 

  He personally pierced the planes of dimension and infused himself into our humanity 2000 years ago. He is constantly available, and never very far away, even though our perceived distance into his Heavens is so vast that it has yet to be fathomed. 

  He was here in the beginning, and knows the end! He utilized the prophets to transmit his knowledge about mankind’s past, present, and future from points in his transcendent perspective. 

  John 1:1 informs; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

  This Word that was God became manifest into a human body at a fixed, or arranged point in earth's linear timeframe. We know him as Jesus! He inserted himself from outside the created cosmos, for in the book of Colossians 3:16-17, it says that everything was created by him, and that he existed before all things, and He maintains its total continued existence. 

  Revelation means; a manifestation of Divine Truth or the dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized. 

  Whereas the Old Testament bears a record forward toward the first advent of Jesus, and the history line of the national vehicle (Israel) that he chose to enable his manifestation; the New Testament delineates the providence of his second advent. 

  Just imagine; a visit of a supernatural being from beyond space and time. This is a subject which most people commonly think is possible from outer space visits from extraterrestrial civilizations. But when this subject is connected to an appearance by the Son of God, people think it is absurd! 

  Again, the devil has prepared the playground well for his tactical delusionary purposes! 

  Most skeptics will say that this business about the return of Jesus is old, old stuff, and that there isn't any reason to preoccupy oneself with any notions of his return. This attitude was spelled out as foolish by Peter 2000 years ago, and is exponentially even more foolish by today's generations. 

  II Peter 3:3-4 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the "Last Days" scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? 

   Knowing what first, you may ask: 

  Well in the previous verse, it indicates that we are to be mindful of the information that was transmitted to the holy prophets of old, lest we become ignorant of prophecies pertaining to imminent events; even like generations in the past. Those past generations chose to be ignorant of prophetical implications. Why would anyone choose to be ignorant? Again, the devil makes prophecy seem like fanciful fable in order to obstruct the truth about his demise. 

  It should be pointed out that Satan has his very own prophecy field, and his own prophets. Any false prophetical interpretation only serves Satan's designs. Beyond that, he has for centuries utilized the arts of soothsaying, astrology, channeling, clairvoyance, and a host of other realms of the supernatural world as a means to divert people from the practical prophetic words of truth contained only in the Bible. Prophecy from any other source is of the demonic nature. 

  Prophecy is the Divinely inspired transmittance of messages from a source beyond human capacity. 

  Soothsaying is the art or practice of foretelling an event by receiving signals from beyond the 5 human senses. 

  Lucifer, who has existed from the inception of the Creative process, and has 1/3 of all the created angelic beings at his disposal, is capable of channeling signals into our minds that seem to be futuristic. After all he knows where Heaven is. He has been there! 

  In this era however, God has no need of prophets; He has already spoken his final word about prophecy. Satan, on the other hand spews out his garbled leaks of enticing poison incessantly. 

  God utilized Divinely inspired righteous Godly men to convey his message of prophecy, as he did with all his word to mankind; but God does not simply keep sending messages that has already been transmitted. 

  II Peter 1:20-21 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 

  Again; knowing what first: 

  Verse 19 indicates that we have a "sure" word of prophecy. Ah; oh how I love that statement! We have a "sure prophecy transmittance" from God! 

  Please note, this sure prophetic transmittance came to us in "Old Times" by prophets of God. In today’s time the transmittance of the sure word of prophecy has been completed. 

  God has no need of prophets today. I am often amused when I hear someone today purporting to be a last days prophet of God. Either they are sadly mistaken about what a prophet is, or God is confused. 

  This is a key point to remember as one ponders the study of the Book of The Revelation. 

  Listen carefully to the opening statement from the book of Hebrews: 

  God, who at sundry (different) times and in diverse manners (various) spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 

  This is how he transmitted his word and his prophecy to us in "time past". The time past was of course prior to the writing of the The Revelation. How does he transmit his word to us today? 

  Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these "Last Days" spoken unto us by his "SON": Jesus himself confirms that the last days has begun in the opening lines of the book of the Revelation. This is a fundamental point in understanding the revealed prophecies contained within John's revealing writings within the book of "The Revelation". Jesus was the Revelator and the Last prophet. John was merely the author. 

  Notice that I used the words, "The Revelation", and not the plural word "Revelations". A quick turn in your Bible to the last book will exhibit that the correct phrasing is singular. It is a revelation, not a broken series of revelations. 

  The Revelation was penned by John in about the year 95AD; some 63 years after Jesus had died and been absent from the world scene. John was a close associate of Jesus, and close in age also. While all of Jesus' other disciples had met an early and horrible death, John lived to be a very old man. It is as if he were supernaturally preserved unto a ripe old age for the express purpose of recording The

Emperor Domitian of Rome had John exiled to the rocky crag of an island called Patmos for fear of an uproar about John's preaching about Jesus. Rome had attempted to exterminate John by numerous hideous means, but everytime, John miraculously survived. At one point John was dipped into a boiling pit of tar, but he again survived and commenced preaching yet again about Jesus. This stubborness of John led Rome to banish John to the remote barren quarries of the 60 square mile island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, some 50 miles off the southwest coast of Turkey. It was hoped that John, if not actually killed, would at least be out of visibility in the empire, and never again be heard by society. He would therefore be silenced by mere isolation. 

  Little did Rome figure that this would fit perfectly into God's scheme for exposing the world to his last installment of Prophecy contained within "The Revelation".

  In essence then, Jesus, "The Word" which was with God in the beginning, and was likewise the creator of all things, was foreordained before the foundation of this world to become manifest in a fleshly body like that of the first Adam. 

  Hebrews 2:16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. 

  It was this mysterious foreordained revelation about the second Adam which ignited a prideful jealousy in Lucifer! 

  Romans 16:25-27 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the Revelation of the Mystery, which was kept a secret since the world began, 

  But now is made "manifest", and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: 

  It may be correctly asserted that God had to send His Word into the created human species to enact a foreordained plan to express his Love! 

      Listen to I Peter 1:19-20: 

  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who was verily foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was "manifest", in these last times for you: 

  How do you top the action of loving someone before you even make them, or know ever them; and then even to express that love by pre-arranging an epic demonstration of your love? 

  The Revelation of last events could not be revealed until the foreordained expression of Love had been completed! It was completed of course at Calvary! Only then could the Revelation be revealed.

      Let me state this emphatically: The book written by John could not have been revealed by God prior to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ! 

  Until that act of Love had been accomplished, and become an actual fact of earth's linear history, the Revelation begun in the Old Testament could not be finished. 

  If Jesus had succumbed to the temptation to come down off the cross, we not only would not have any means of salvation, but also the sealed book with all the prophetical material containing previously hidden mysteries from the foundation of the world and concerning all post first century prophecy would have remained forever sealed, and also become null and invalid. 

      Jesus was completely victorious! 

  Before I go much farther in this article, I think it is a good idea at this point to define the word that has been used several times so far for the revealing of the mystery of God. 

  Manifest: means to show or demonstrate something plainly and publicly, an unveiling. Manifestation: means to demonstrate the existence, or the reality, or presence of something. The means by which something is revealed. (for example) John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of Grace and Truth. 

  Manifestant: refers to the active participant in such a public demonstration of revelation. 

  Jesus became an open and public revelation of the hidden wisdom of God, a mystery foreordained before the foundation of the world (I Cor. 2:7), and has so made known unto us the mystery of his will, which is his good pleasure and purpose (Ephes. 1:9) and so today has by the method of revelation made known unto us the mystery of all things which in prior ages was not known (Ephes. 3:3-5) 

  It is on that basis that we today can review what John recorded for our benefit in The Revelation. I am so thankful that I have the distinct and precious opportunity to have access to "The Revelation".

  This is a honor and privilidge that the Old Testament prophet Daniel did not have. Daniel grieved over his incapacity to see The Revelation! 

      Lets go to the Revelation! 

  Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 

  This is a powerful and expository verse. It carries within it valuable information and explanations. 

  Let me start by quoting that often used phrase we all hear from many quarters today paraphrasing that very familiar verse contained in Matthew 24:36, and also in Mark 13:32; 

  "Nobody knows the day or the hour when Jesus is coming back, because Jesus said himself that even he don't know when he is returning, only God knows." 

  Now, obviously, when Jesus says anything, careful attention should be paid to it; and indeed the clear statement of Jesus in these verses seems to indicate precisely that Jesus does not know the day of his return. But I shall proceed to prove to you that he indeed does know! 

  First of all though, let me point out that this idea that Jesus doesn't know is used by its proponets to suggest that prophecy in general is a hopeless effort, because if Jesus don't know when he is coming, then how should anyone else be expected to know anything about it. 

  I have sat and heard many teachers and preachers teach that since Jesus himself doesn't know when he is coming, then we shouldn't concern ourselves with the subject of his second coming. That teaching irks me to the very pit of my soul. I know it is common teaching, but I recognize it as subtle twist of New Testament doctrine that was hatched in Hell! The Devil wants the subject of the second coming of Jesus to be silenced. 

  Remember please, that the Devil knows prophecy as well as anyone, but it is his agenda to prevaricate true Bible prophecy whenever possible; and a top priority target for him is "The Revelation"!

  Okay, with that as a background; lets put on our thinking caps and start digging. 

  Jesus response in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 to the questions about his return were enunciated by him while he was "manifest" in a flesh and blood body; with all the constraints of earthbound creatures. His statement was true, because at that point in linear history in which he responded, which came in the approximate year 32AD, just prior to his ascension back into heaven. Jesus did not lie, he really did not know when he was asked by his disciples about his second coming. His Father only knew, as was foreordained knowledge before Jesus ever became the "manifestation" of The Revelation of God. 

  Now, lets travel back in earth's linear time some 700 years back to the days of Zechariah. Old Testament prophet Zecahriah prophesied concerning, "the time of the end", when the Lord would come back to the earth and descend down to the Mount of Olives, when all the vast armies of the world shall be gathered against Jerusalem, an era known as the "Day of the Lord".

  Now note carefully in verse seven of chapter 14: 

  Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord; 

  The indication here is that either the Lord knew this about this epic day in Zechariah's day, 700 years before Jesus became the manifestation of God; or else it would become made known to him after he had completed the revealing manifestation of himself in flesh. 

  Now, lets travel back forward to Jesus lifetime. How can it be that Jesus forgot something that Zechariah clearly shows would be specifically known by the Lord? 

  Good question, isn't it; and rightly asked too. Can this be a contradiction in the Bible? Well, not if the Bible is the inerrant inspired Word of God! 

  Then, there must be an explanation, surely. 

  Then again in Acts chapter one, the disciples come again asking Jesus if the kingdom was at hand. Yet again, Jesus responds in a fashion that would seem clearly to suggest that this subject simply wasn't relevant. 

  Let me interject this point. On each occasion that his disciples inquired of him about future events, Jesus was still "manifest" in bodily form. As long as Jesus remained flesh, he could not assume omnipresence. 

  But in verses 10-11 of Acts chapter one, we are shown the grand view of Jesus going UP; back into Heaven, and away from his earthly limitations. 

  I am so glad he went up. All Christians shall also experience this going up one day. 

  Jesus informed his disciples that the things about those times and seasons were irrelevant for them, because Jesus knew that they would all die before the season of the last things ever approached. It was not for them to know, just as it had been unavailable for ole Daniel. 

  But that was about to CHANGE! And it would change forever for every future Christian. 

  Upon leaving this world in the year 32AD, Jesus took up a new position at the right hand of his Father, where he has ever since been interceding on our behalf. 

  Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered "One" sacrifice for sins "Forever", sat down on the right hand of God: (Hebrews 8:1; 1:3) 

  That is where Jesus is now, and where he also was when John was finally granted The Revelation in 95AD, only 63 years after Jesus earthly life. 

  But, just for a minute, lets go back to Jesus final hours on this earth and listen to a conversation that he had with the disciples about his impending departure. 

  In John 16 verse 4; Jesus says that “these things I have not told you because I was still with you,” but now I am going away. In verse 7 he indicates that it is "expedient" for us that he go away! 

  Expedient: means that it is necessary, or appropriate to achieve a desired purpose. 

  This expedient purpose was to make it possible for the Holy Spirit to function omnipresently within each and every single believer; whereas Jesus, while he was manifest in the flesh could not effect that capability. 

  So then, Jesus departure was good for us in that the Spirit would indwell us thereafter, but there also is another reason that his leaving benefitted us. 

      Read carefully John 16:12: 

  I have "yet" many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now,

  Imagine, Jesus has just announced that he is leaving this world, and yet he says he has much more to tell us. I would have had to have asked, "When are you going to tell us all these things"? I mean, how in the world would he be able to tell us anything after his death? 

  Jesus responds in verse 13, that after he leaves the Holy Spirit shall guide us into all the remaining information that he couldn't divulge at that time to the disciples.

This begs the obvious question, When did Jesus let all these things be made known? The New Testament was information divulged by the Holy Spirit through each of the disciples and apostles, each of which died prematurely. But none of their expositions were revelations from Jesus himself. 

  And none of these Gospels were the Revelation of Daniel's sealed shut book, a book that God specified directly would be opened up at the "time of the end". (See Daniel 12:4,9) 

  And he said, Go thy way Daniel; for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 

  There was still information to be revealed, or unsealed, and that information could only be divulged by "One Worthy"!

   Lets now re-read Revelation 1:1

   Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 

   Here, it is plainly stated that "The Revelation" is the revelation of; "Jesus Christ"!

   Here then is the rest of all those things that Jesus told his disciples that he could not reveal to them sixty three years earlier. The "many more things" that he had to share were now ready to be shared. 

  Reading Revelation 1:1 expresses distinctly that the entire book of "The Revelation" had been heretofore cloaked in veiled mystery. There now was no further need for it to be mystifying. 

  The word "Revelation", in the Greek text utilized is the word "Apocalypse". Apocalypse means simply to "unveil" or to reveal something previously veiled.

  Thus, "The Revelation" is the unveiling of Jesus' transcendent perspective of His imminent return! 

  Now, for those who steadfastly assert that the one and only revealer "Jesus" doesn't know the time of his own return, lets read again Rev. 1:1: 

  Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 

  The Revelation of Jesus Christ was "given", to him by whom? 

   Ah, yes; His Father "gave" it to him. What Jesus did not have availed to him back in his manifest earthly lifetime was now granted to him by his Father! 

   "HALLELUJAH! I am so glad that the Father does not keep secrets from his own Son. Jesus and his Father are of course, one and the same; far be it from them to keep secrets from themselves. That wouldn’t make any sense now would it? 

  What did Jesus do with "The Revelation"?

  As indicated in verse one; he sent and signified it by his angel unto His servant, "John". Hence in historical fact John was providentially protected to live long enough to record what we now know as "The Revelation".

  And what did John do then with all this revelation? 

  He wrote it all down, baring a written record of the Word of God, and the "manifest testimony" of Jesus Christ, so that "we" today could read and be blessed by it. 

  "We, the servants now have it". Hallelujah again! 

  What was the purpose of this revelation? The intent of the Revelation was to reveal unto Jesus Christ’s servants all the things which would "shortly" come to pass. 

  Verse three of the Revelation announced that from that point onward, that the "time of the end" had indeed at long last commenced. The Church has been the final testament to the world of the "manifestation" of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself has provided the Church with a glimpse of his return, his victory, and his reign; and accordingly has opened the sealed book of last events. 

  Daniel, who had yearned to know the secrets concerning his visions of the world empires that he was granted the opportunity to prophesy about, simply because of his time slot in life during the 6th century before Christ; could not comprehend the long running course of history. It was futile for him to be able to comprehend, but it is not futile for Christians today! 

  Daniel 12:4 But, thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; 

  Daniel had to continue on his way, live out his life in his era, but always contemplating in the back of his mind about the things which he had been shown, but never being able to grasp it. 

  But once again notice; these things were destined to be opened at "the time of the end"!

  Now, lets go forward once again into The Revelation. In chapter 5 of the book of the Revelation, we catch a majestic glimpse of a scene in Heaven. Seated there upon a throne and posessing in his right hand a book; is God almighty! 

      But Revelation 5:5 ends the sadness and the mystery, for John is informed that there is no need to weep; because the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed to open up the book! 

  In verse 8, Jesus walks up to God, his Father, who is seated on the throne and he takes the book from out of his Father's right hand! He opens the book! He, oh and He alone could "REVEAL" the contents. 

  That is The Revelation! Jesus is the Revelator! 

  Oh, how I marvel at that old analogy of the Bride yearning for the return of the Bridegroom. Jesus has gone back to his Father, and has prepared a place for his Bride. The Father has already given his seal of approval. Jesus is even now embarking forth from the portals of Heaven to steal away his Bride. He has sent her letters ( 7 churches ) spelling out every thing to expect in the meantime. 

  Folks; Jesus is not waiting for his Father's signal to come back. He already has his Father's approval! He only tarries while the Bride is being completed! 

  The Revelation is an unveiling, a disclosure, of the panorama of the glory of Jesus. He was observed in the Gospels as a sacrificial Lamb, the atoning price for fallen mankind. He was meek, lowly, humble, ever patient and loving; he suffered pain, humiliation, and death. 

  Via The Revelation, we have the gospel of Christ's enthronement in glory, his association with the father upon the throne of universal dominion, his overruling providence among the nations, and of his coming again; in power and great glory! 

  Let us join with the angels and the elders in song to the only one that is Worthy to open the book and look thereupon, and to convey "The Revelation"!

  Jesus is coming back, not as a lamb being led to the slaughter; but as a conquering King; the King of all Kings! 

  The reason that Satan schemes to dilute the grand and majestic book of The Revelation, is because the open book reveals Satan's ultimate destiny. Lucifer is destined to be cast into the lake of fire where he will endure eternal torment. Satan would like nothing better than to deceive humanity into discounting or ignoring the revealed providence of Jesus worthy right to reign. 

  Lastly, look at the command of Jesus to John in Revelation 22:10

  And he saith unto me, "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book"; for the time is at hand: 

  The Revelation is open, it is forever "unsealed". No man can shut it. Though Satan tries to change it, and tries to distort it, it is forever settled! 

   And, it was all foreordained, before the earth began because God so loved; and he so loved that he made his Son "manifest", to expedite his Love. 

   And he has revealed all things that shall ever be!

by: Darrell G. Young

Focus on Jerusalem Prophecy Ministry

Reprinted from 2000