Saturday, September 25, 2021

Enduring To The End

Enduring To The End

Mark 13:13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

 To endure is more than just continuing to survive and exist; it is continuing to sustain oneself in the same manner as before the time of the intensive assaults began.

 To “endure” does not mean simply to grin and bear it. As Christians, must always remember that everything, even the troubling times that will come into our lives is under the control of a sovereign God who has promised that He is working all these things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).

 Jesus, in spite of great his time of great suffering, never turned back, even from the cross. Jesus endured the cross “for the joy that was set out before him.” His anticipated joy enabled Him to Endure the Cross. He knew the redemption of mankind and a seat at the right hand of God lie beyond the trouble he had to endure! 

 In like manner, with the help of Gods word and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, we as Christians can find hope to endure when we consider the rewards God has promised us.

 As Mark 13:12 alludes to; we have come to a time in America today where we live in a perilous societal condition wherein “right” has become labeled as “wrong” and “wrong” has become “right.” 

 In addition, we have seen the Church lose its former prominence in our nation and as a result we have witnessed successive generations without any moral foundation whatsoever assume the reins of leadership in our country!

 Consequently, the resident influence of the Holy Spirit has been greatly diminished from its former preeminence all throughout our National body. You can just feel it!

 Anyone that has been a Christian for any length of time and can recall the “old days” when right was truly good and wrong was obvious and vilified, are today wondering how things have gone so wrong. 

 It seems as though everywhere you turn, the “old ways” pertaining to the Bible, are being repudiated and replaced with popular humanistic philosophies. 

Plainly stated, we have become a nation that has forgotten God! And we all know full well what happens to a nation that “forgets” God!

 Sadly, the demise of the American Republic was preceded by a symptomatic Falling Away within the Church houses of America. 

 Collectively, this has all had a demoralizing effect on the faithful body of Christ. We are definitely living in the “perilous last days” that Jesus began discussing with his disciples in his Olivet response here in Mark thirteen. 

 Jesus covered many things in this chapter about the latter days and especially things relative to Israel. Regathered Israel is the pivotal key to understanding the prophetic configuration regarding the End and how we as Christians will need to “endure” as the cosmic conflict of the ages reaches its climax!

 Perhaps foremost of his warnings to us is the culminating work of Satan to turn generations of children against their parents, and against the “old ways” of the Lord. 

 Secondly, is the rise of false teachers, teaching vain philosophies and leading many people astray!

 Thirdly, I would highlight the “afflictions” that Satan would foster and incite to be perpetrated against Gods people! (first the church and then finally on Israel)

 Does it not seem obvious to you that standing up for the things of Christ and his Holy Word will make you unpopular in today’s world? It is an absolute fact that Christians today are the most persecuted group of people in the whole world. 

 In many parts of the world right now, Christians are specifically being targeted for extermination; and even right here in the United States of America, Christians are being branded as insurrectionists and being politically and culturally disenfranchised.

 I find that many Christians today are terribly worried about the trends they see unfolding. Many fear that the epic days of the Tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist is already ensuing! 

 Many people are very worried about the Covid pestilence that has suddenly overtaken our world and the seemingly endless amount of absolute control that governments are enforcing upon us. 

 After all, we know from the Revelation that the future Antichrist will indeed enforce a universal system of total control over the whole world, including the taking of his mark, his number (666) or his image! 

 This universal control of the Antichrist will include absolute control over the world economy, militaries, healthcare, jobs, government, and religion. 

 How can a Christian endure in today’s world, let alone the coming world of the Antichrist?

1-To Endure today; a Christian needs to be alert to the serious nature of the times we live in. That’s why Jesus said in verse thirty three to “Watch” so you won’t be caught “unaware.”

2-Be in the know, as Jesus detailed specific signs about Israel’s regathering and the nearness of his return!

3-Hold fast to his unchanging Word! It will never pass away! Hold fast till he comes! (Rev. 2:25)

4- As verse eighteen implies, but in all times, and especially in Troubling times, “Pray.”

5-Exhort one another daily! Assemble yourselves together!

God did not impart the prophecies of the Last Days to scare us; and include the adage to “Endure to the End;” but that when all these troubling things begin to converge, that we could expect them and be prepared for them!

Revelation 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

I Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

by: Darrell G. Young

Focus on the Bible

Focus on Jerusalem

Sept 25, 2021

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