Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ancient Aliens and Extraterrestrials

Ancient Aliens and Extraterrestrials 

I often watch programs on the History channel. I love studying History and always have, especially as it pertains to Biblical history. After all, the Bible is the Bible when it comes to the history of mankind and this old world!

So if you have ever watched the History channel much, then you probably know something about the program called “Ancient Aliens.” This program has aired since 2010 and focuses on the prospect of past extraterrestrial influences and visitations in our world. 

The program even theorizes that aliens may have been involved in the planting of life on Earth, and that the modern UFO phenomena signifies an imminent return of these Aliens to Earth, perhaps having an agenda of propelling mankind into a Cosmic Leap towards an era of technological advancement and world peace.

The writers and producers of this program present a lot of location dynamics that they suggest supports an alien history on our planet. 

While the program is certainly interesting and raises a lot of questions, it’s worldview is in reality simply a critical challenge to the Biblical Worldview. 

In fact, it’s many suppositions to explain the mysteries of our universe; in my humble opinion play right into Satan’s master plan to present his Great Delusion in the Latter Days!

The Ancient Aliens theories, coupled with many recent “Disclosures” in the political, the military and scientific communities are likely preparing the worlds population for just exactly what the Bible describes as the “Strong Delusion!”

What is the Strong Delusion?

My absolute contention is that the “Strong Delusion” is that the piecemeal “Disclosure” process by government and news media will eventually disseminate evidence that our world has been visited by extraterrestrials for thousands of years!

If you think I have completely lost my mind; please consider the following facts:

1. Our government has for over 75 years maintained a special department for UFO research and experimental engineering. 

2. The 2013 Obama Administration created a high tech special operations department “Brain Initiative” center to advance Artificial Intelligence neurotechnology to incorporate methods of managing the brains capacity for learning and enhanced receptivity of information.

3. The recent explosion of the  “follow the science” slogan was developed by Transhumanist ideologues who are virulently anti-Christian; and believe that human beings have just reached a phase in our human Evolutionary stage whereby we are now ready for the enlightenment of our Ancient Alien benefactors!

Transhumanists believe that the human brain, as well as the rest of the human body can be advanced to stages of efficiency that only extraterrestrials now possess! 

Transhumanists also believe, as most atheists believe, that the human species was planted on Earth millions of years ago; and that we need the vital assistance of our Alien parents to make the giant leap forward to a “Post Human” era in our Earthly history!

4. The new “Post Human” era would propel mankind into a new reality of god-like status, as so promised by our Alien ancestors!

5. These Transhumanists, atheist “New Age” theorists inaugurated the “SETI Institute” in 1984. Their mission was to search for Extraterrestrial intelligences in our universe for the sole cause of advancing knowledge and understandings of “our, and the worlds Beginning!”

* They do not believe in the Genesis creation account which was given by God!

6. Then on top of all of these, our own government in cooperation with the United Nations formed “ECETI”, a global organization designed to establish contact with Extraterrestrials, for the purpose of seeking advanced technologies and to usher the world into a New Global Order of World Peace!

7. ECETI has announced: “we on the earth now possess all the technologies necessary for communicating with other civilizations in the depths of space. Indeed, we may now be standing on the threshold of taking the momentous step a planetary society takes but once: our first ever contact with our Alien ancestors!”

8. The US Government and the Pentagon are now proceeding with a series of gradual Disclosures on the phenomena of UAV’s. There is a special office for disclosing updates to the public on the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena! The first report of Disclosure simply stated that UFO,s are real and not of this world! 

9. Why would the governments only slowly reveal “Disclosures about Extraterrestrial and or Alien” visitations to Earth? God, as he has been now all throughout this Dispensation, is still yet prohibiting any such activity until the appointed time, and the Rapture event. 

What is the Biblical Strong Delusion?

The Bible is our ultimate source for all truth, even the truth concerning Extraterrestrials and Aliens!

Question # 1. Has the Earth ever been visited by extraterrestrials or Aliens from outer Space or elsewhere?

Biblical Answer: Yes! The Earth has been visited by beings in the past, but they were all “Celestial” beings! There are no Extraterrestrials from other planets as the Transhumanists, the atheists and the Evolutionists all believe!

Question # 2. Have any non-Earth bound beings ever interacted with human beings in the past?

Answer: Yes! These interactions would include God the Creator himself of course! But there have been other “Celestial” beings that have interacted with human beings in the past; namely Mr. Satan himself, also the angels of God, and also the rebel angels aligned with Satan in his rebellion!

Question # 3. What were some of the significant interactions of Celestial type beings with human beings?

Answer: Genesis chapter six records the fact that Celestial beings propagated a Nephillim race of Giants, half human and half celestial; in the pre-flood world and again also briefly after the flood! 

Question # 4. What does any of this have to do with todays modern UFO, Alien or extraterrestrial phenomena?

Answer: Jesus gave as one of the primary signs of his Second Coming as follows:  

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

The “Days of Noah” were such it resulted in the cataclysmic worldwide flood. God judged the world by a flood because the “Seed of Mankind” had been infiltrated and perverted by the biological warfare of the Fallen Angels who were then incarcerated in everlasting chains until the Second occasion when the Antichrist of Satan is exalted by mankind!

The Bible refers to these “Celestial” beings throughout the scriptures! They are usually identified by the phrase, “Host of Heaven.”

* When the Bible mentions the “hosts of Heaven;” it is always referring to the Celestial armies or luminaries of Heaven. (Gen. 2:1, lDeut. 4:19, 17:3; II Chron. 18:18, 33:3-5, Nehemiah 9:6, Isaiah 24:21, 34:4, 40:26, 45:11, Jere. 33:22, Daniel 8:10-11, Luke 2:13, Acts 7:42, Jude 1:6)

* In other places, the Bible refers to these rebel “Celestials” as the “High Ones!” These beings are the so-called Ancient Aliens or Extraterrestrials that our world today is going crazy over; just as it did in Noah’s day! (Isaiah 24:21 and Daniel 4:17)

Isaiah 24:21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

* These “High Ones” dwell throughout our universe and routinely pass in between the multiple dimensions of the heavens. As I have stated; and as the Bible asserts, these alien visitors to Earth are working overtime to accomplish the dethronement of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

* God has historically; since the flood halted Alien capabilities for earthly visitation until the Last Days; when he will permit Satan and his Celestial misfits to perpetrate the “Strong Delusion” upon the Last Days Christ rejecting world!

* Celestial-(epouranios) those dwelling in high places relating to the sky or heaven or divinity beings. (Eph. 6:12)


The Strong Delusion Scenario in the Bible 

The following verse from Paul establish the scenarios of the approaching Day when the Christ rejecting world, who hates the truth of God; will finally be permitted to “Disclose” fully to the world that our Alien ancestors have returned to this world. 

The unbelieving world is presently being “set up” to believe the Greatest Lie since Satan told Eve, “you shall not surely die, but will become as the gods!”

II Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Of course, these verses have been debated and scrutinized for centuries, as to what is being presented here. 

To briefly summarize, these verses speak of a “withholding” power that shall diminish in its capacity to allow the Antichrist to emerge! 

This “withholding” force is the residing power of the Holy Spirit within the body of the Lords church. 

It, or He, the church is then removed from the world, thereby within the mighty wisdom of Almighty Gods providence makes things possible for the escape of the Last Days Christian’s from the developing empire of the Antichrist; as He becomes empowered by his associates, on earth and also from the High Host in the heavens! 

In fact, I honestly believe that Satan will seek to deceive the whole world that a “seed” of his has come from Heaven and deserves to be worshipped as God!

Can you imagine the following scenario: A massive high tech space ship lands on the Earth, preceded by amazing Signs in the Heavens. A full “Disclosure” is announced by the news media, “this is the Son of God.” 

Sound unbelievable? Well, only time will tell, but the “Strong Delusion” will be the absolute masterpiece of Satan’s master plan to take over this world! 

Refer back to verse twelve: God “allows” the Strong Delusion to be “Sent” to this world in order for all those who deny the truth, reject God as the Creator, reject His Son as their Savior; but accept the DELUSION as the only hope of the world! 

Focus on the Bible

February 10, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young

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