Friday, March 18, 2022

Special Note to FOJ Readers Part II

Special Note to FOJ Readers Part II

While we are all currently fixated on the Russian war in Ukraine, and the ongoing speculation about Ezekiel 38’s prophecies related to Russia, too many people are focused “only” on God’s judgements on Magog!

Russia is clearly the great nation to the “uttermost North” from Israel that God declares that he is against and will judge when it comes against Israel in the Latter Days. 

But little attention is paid to Ezekiel’s continued prophecies about this Russian invasion in chapter thirty-nine. 

In the very same prophetic setting, Ezekiel reveals another very interesting tidbit of information about that war that foreshadows a calamity befalling another powerful nation. 

Ezekiel 39:6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I amthe LORD.

Here, Ezekiel adds that when God judges Russia and her allies on the mountains of Israel, he also enables a fire (probably nuclear) to fall on those dwelling carelessly in the aisles! 

This phrase too often gets overlooked. But in my exhaustive research, I have linked this “aisles” region of a careless population to likely be the United States!

Oh, now that gets your attention, doesn’t it? As Christians, it is easy to become enthused about the notion that God will judge Russia, but what about America? 

It should be duly noted that the prophecies of the Valley of Decision in Joel 3:14; as well as many other verses about the “Day of the Lord” mention God’s judgement on “all” the nations of the world! 

You see, God is using the Last Days to bring events of our world to a climax regarding the great “controversy of Zion!” 

Isaiah 34:8 For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.

This prophecy and the events described by Ezekiel are further depicted by the prophet Jeremiah. 

In chapter 25:15-32; God grants Jeremiah a panoramic view of “impending judgements” that he will bring to pass in this world, historically speaking, concerning the city of Jerusalem! 

In this prophecy, God tells Jeremiah to drink of the “wine cup of the Lord’s fury.” 

In turn, God informs Jeremiah that “all the nations of the world” shall drink of this Cup, and become “maddened” of that which it has ingested. 

Uniquely, in verse twenty-two, we find a reference to the kings “dwelling in the aisles; which are located “beyond the Sea!” 

The Sea referenced here means beyond the Mediterranean Sea, away from Israel and her neighbors, and located across the ocean! 

If that isn’t enough to peak your interest, consider the conclusion of chapter twenty-fives description of the final judgement day scene, which we know as Armageddon:

Jeremiah 25:31 A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 25:32 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.

These two prophetic references bespeak directly to the Controversy of Zion, and the involvement of a great power vested in the controversy from the “Coasts” of the earth, and dwelling safely in the aisles, beyond the great sea! 

Now; whom do you think that these prophecies might represent? 

The most logical candidate that suits all of these conditions is none other than our good old United States of America!

Our nation, yes, we as a nation have steadfastly for decades forced Israel into compromising the land that God gave to Jacob! 

We have been at the forefront of compelling Israel to “Divide their Land” into two states, all for the hope of world peace!

Secondly, this unidentified power lying carelessly beyond the sea, is depicted as inserting itself into the controversy of Zion as if it were a great Whirlwind! This depiction is likely describing a mighty national Air Force, flying in from the Coasts of the earth. 

Ironically, Ezekiel 38:9 also depicts the future Russian invasion as like a “Cloudy Storm” that covers the land; another likely reference to a mighty national Air Force!

Jeremiah’s verse 30, preceding these two prophecies, clearly portrays the literal Second Coming of Jesus Christ in all of his might and glory to judge ALL the nations! 

Remember this my fellow Christians, as you watch the news, and observe the actions of Russia, Iran, China and other nations; especially as they involve Israel in the Last Days, the United States is also in the crosshairs of God’s imminent judgement! 

The distress of the nations today is paramount concerning the threats of rogue rulers to use Nuclear Weapons! These weapons are very likely the “FIRE” that could one day befall Magog and those nations dwelling securely beyond the sea; as mentioned by Ezekiel in connection to Russia’s invasion on Israel.

Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and “all the nations” that “forget God.”

The United States cannot expect to escape Gods righteous judgement; for we, “who have known God;” we have abandoned him, Sidelined him, mocked him and blasphemed his law like no other nation today! 

Jeremiah 18:11 Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you: return ye now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.

I truly believe that Almighty God is actively “devising a device” against our beloved nation for judgement, if we as a nation do not turn from our ungodly ways! 

Focus on Jerusalem

March 18, 2022

by: Darrell G. Young

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