Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Great Delusion and The Mark of the Beast

The Coming Strong Delusion and the Mark of the Beast

There is a lot of speculation in these days about the Mark of the Beast. I have read and received many articles recently about the Covid vaccines perhaps being linked to the Mark of the Beast. 

It seems that a lot of people have a variety of preconceived ideas about the “Mark of the Beast.” But, unfortunately there is a plethora of misinformation circulating about this whole prophetic topic.

The Biblical criteria relative to the “Mark of the Beast” is availed to us in The Revelation chapter thirteen. 

First of all; in verses twelve and fourteen of this chapter; it is stated that the “Image of the Beast” is only implemented “after the Antichrist” has first suffered a deadly wound and seemingly resurrected back to life. 

Secondly, the enforcement of this “Image of the Beast” is orchestrated by the “second Beast” of Revelation 13; who is also known as the False Prophet! (Rev. 16:13)

Thirdly, the purpose of the Mark of the Beast is to coerce the population of the world to engage in worshipping the first Beast, also better known as the Antichrist! 

Revelation 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast (Antichrist) before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

Neither of these three conditions presently exist with regard to the Pandemic vaccines. Nevertheless; we are most assuredly living in the very last of the “Last Days” and we all should expect the historical and scriptural logistics for the emergence of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast to be near and to be able to be foisted upon the unsuspecting general public very rapidly.

The “Mark of the Beast” is only One Part of the Satanic System

While our whole culture is preoccupied with the “Mark of the Beast,” the emphasis is lost that the “Mark” is only one component of the system of the Antichrist. 

The suspicious “Mark” only emerges “after” the “Great IMAGE” of the Beast is actually established for the “one” set up for universal worship. 

At this stage, the False Prophet perpetrates many miraculous things, even causing the IMAGE to come to life and commanding the whole world to Worship the Beast; or else be put to death!

It is only after all these events have come to pass that the False Prophet issues the world wide ultimatum for the implementation of the Antichrist’s World Order System!

It is a tri-fold system of total adherence that involves people being forced to accept the suspect “Mark,” “Number” or “Name” of the “Beast” in order to live and participate in the New World Order! 

This universal identification system, enacted during the Tribulation requires all participants to receive one of these 3 iconic “stampings,” either in their forehead or right hand in order for them to demonstrate their absolute total loyalty and devotion to the First Beast, or the Antichrist!

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Conclusions on the Mark of the Beast

Conclusion #1 The current vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast. It is still a bit too soon for either the Image or the Mark to be offered to anyone.

Note: Conclusion number one is predicated upon a pre-tribulational rapture perspective of eschatology. 

Conclusion #2 The “Image” and the parallel mark and number are specifically enforced upon the world to compel people to worship the “Seed of the Serpent,” the Antichrist! 

Conclusion #3 Satan has in world history attempted other orchestrated universal systems to enforce the worship of himself, so this Satanic pattern is in collusion with an even bigger Deception! (Remember, all the miracles of the False Prophet were actions designed to “Deceive” the world into falling for a very Big Delusion!) (Rev. 13:14)

The Strong Delusion

II Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

The great “mystery of iniquity” mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians has been in-play for a long time. This “mystery” involves the ages old conspiracy of Satan to implicate the world into alignment within his War against the God of Heaven. 

The Bible refers to Satan’s strategic moves in our world as a “mystery” because God has sequestered Satan’s plot from being fully employed throughout history. The usage of the word “mystery” stems from the Greek word “musterion,” which denotes the idea that Satans war has temporarily been forced to operate as a covert secret operation; at least in so far as the world can understand.

But the simple basics of Satan’s war strategy involves a plot to displace the Creator God as the sovereign of the universe; and in so doing he has conspired to delegitimize the plan of God to rescue mankind from his state of sin via the two-fold visits or missions of Jesus Christ to this world.

His first tactic after recruiting mankind into his rebellion in Heaven was to contaminate any “seed of the Woman” by fomenting a plot to use his fallen angels to use the daughters of mankind to biologically infiltrate and corrupt the DNA of the human seed pool so that God could never send a “perfect Adam” to remedy man’s sin condition. 

Satan orchestrated this supernatural tactic after God’s proclamation in Genesis 3:15. 

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

His plot played itself out in human history for hundreds of years, until God had to move to destroy man from off the Earth in the Great Flood of Noah around 1656 years after the Creation. 

The reason that God used a great flood to destroy the worlds population was because Satan had succeeded in perverting the seed of all mankind except for Noah’s patriarchal line. The “perfect” state of Noah was not his righteous standing, but his generational seed purity, as it had not been altered by Satan’s evil strategy. 

Now, back to the “Strong Delusion!” Satan has never been able to enact his “Delusion” upon the world because Almighty God has stymied that evil strategy, and will continue to block his tactic until a certain point in time.

Paul writes explicitly in chapter two of his letter to the Thessalonians that the Holy Spirit is constantly stalling Satan’s “mystery”  plans from being fully implemented. 

But as verse six implies, there is a specific time set by God himself; whereupon he will allow Satan to finally employ his Mysterious Delusion! 

It will be at that “set time” that Satan will be able to exalt his 2 Seats of power. This two seats of power include the two Beasts from Johns vision in Revelation 13.

This “set time” which is in accordance with Gods omniscient plans, is also linked to the Last Days regathering of Israel. In Psalms 102:13 it is specified that the ages long war over the sovereign rights to reign in Zion is connected to this “set time,” when Satan finally gets the opportunity to perpetrate his Grandest Delusion!

II Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

II Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Verse ten highlights the important fact that the contributing factor of a strong distaste for the truth of God leads people into accepting the supernatural Delusion! 

So what is this Strong Delusion? Scholars have debated this topic for centuries. What could be the reason that it still remains so clouded in speculation and guesswork? The Bible doesn’t seem to offer us much specific insight into this subject area,…..or does it?

Some Points about a “Strong Delusion” so Massively “Deceptive” that it is Literally Out of this World, and simply Unbelievable! 

Point #1 This “Strong Delusion” is the Master plan of Satan. It will serve to fulfill his ages old plan to attract worship to himself!

Point #2 This Strong Delusion must be timed in accordance with the rise of the Antichrist!

Point #3 The Strong Delusion must afford Satan the opportunity to present his very own “Seed” as the pseudo Cosmic Christ. 

Point #4 The “Strong Delusion” will simply be so mesmerizing that it not only leads people away from God, but results in the damnation of the masses of people who are Deceived by it!

Point #5 The “Strong Delusion” is very likely linked to the wondrous miracles performed by the Beast associated with the Antichrist and working in league with Satan’s mystery by using powers of the air with signs!

Point #6 The “Strong Delusion” positions the Antichrist to be able to propel himself into an opportunity to “seat himself” in a newly built Temple on Mount Zion; presenting himself to an adoring world as God!

Conclusions on the Strong Delusion

Jesus remarked in Luke 17:26 that “as it was in the days of Noah” so shall it be when He returns to this world. The days of Noah were  synonymous with the legendary exploits of the Nephilim, or Giants! The Nephilim were the offspring of the Fallen Angels who left their first estate (Heaven) and intermingled with human females (Jude vs. 6) in the plot to usurp the “seed” of the Woman; Jesus!

In John 5:43, Jesus also warned Israel that He had come in “His Father’s Name,” but if another comes “in his own name,” him they would accept as the Messiah! Remember, that part of the Satanic worship system is a Number of a Name—666!

Again, Jesus in his Olivet Discourse warns of the prospects of many, and especially a certain “One” coming in His Name and Deceiving many!

Again in John 8:44 Jesus typifies the traits of Satan as being a Liar from the beginning and one that promotes and speaks only of His Own! (The False Prophet will function to promote the Antichrist as the real deal!)

The Apostle Paul, a highly educated and very intelligent man, greatly enlightened to the Heavenly truth by Jesus himself, spoke the following:

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Here, Paul, a man who was literally caught up into the third Heaven, and not one given to outlandish hyperbole, suggests that it was quite conceivable that an actual Angel from Heaven could one day appear on the world stage preaching a False Gospel; and even pointing people to a False Christ!

Conclusion #1 God foretold that a “Seed of the Serpent” would strive against the “Seed of the Woman” over the right to reign in the “city of Controversy,” Jerusalem! (Antichrist versus Jesus Christ) 

Conclusion #2 Jesus Christ was the literal “seed of the Woman!” The following question must be addressed; “Might the “seed of the Serpent” be the literal seed of Satan? That proposition sure would offer up a “masterful Delusion,” wouldn’t it?

Conclusion #3 Is there anything of a surreal supernatural type phenomena ongoing in our world today that parallels that of Noah’s day?The answer to that question is a resounding Yes! The sudden emergence of other worldly type technology in these Last Days, exists in the phenomena of recent UFO disclosure! 

Conclusion #4 Our world is being prepared for the distinct likelihood that extraterrestrials are visiting our world and have been since 1947! Ironically, this date parallels the birth of the Second Regathering of people of the state of Israel! Not a coincidence!

Conclusion #5 Is it possible that the ages old Mystery of Satanic intrigue involves an “alien type Deception” and presenting him as a god from the Heavens? This type of activity has definitely occurred in the past! It cannot be dismissed! 

Conclusion #6 The aforementioned theory is the lost logical proposition that suits all the criteria for a Strong Delusion, so Masterfully employed on humanity that it convinces the masses to worship him! Even the Pharisees sought such miraculous “Signs” from Jesus!

Kept From the Delusion

Such a Delusion would undoubtedly serve to convince a “truth rejecting world” to gleefully accept Satan’s Seed! Imagine for a moment, a UFO lands in Jerusalem, a tall, dark figure emerges claiming that he is the Savior of the world. Far out? Maybe it is; Maybe not! Only time will tell. 

But there is one thing for sure; and it is the hope of every Christian, as enunciated by Paul in the closing lines of his letter to the Church at Thessalonica: 

II Thessalonians 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

The Truth of Gods Word and our trust in him shall separate us from the spiritual blindness now engulfing this present world system and that will only become more Delusional when the Strong Delusion of the coming Antichrist is deployed by the forces of Satan! 

Note: Such an overwhelming masterpiece of Deception would be very difficult to not be taken in by; especially when one must have the Mark of the Beast to sustain a living for oneself in such a world. The consequences of not taking the Mark would be execution by means of beheading. But people of the Truth have this promise of God.

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

And make no mistake about it, the “set time” for the events of the Strong Delusion” will truly be an “Hour of Temptation.”

Luke 21:8 And he said, (JesusTake heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.

Focus on the Bible

January 6, 2021

by: Darrell G. Young

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